Damar Hamlin

It is beyond refreshing to see a black man recieve so much love and so much support from ppl all over the country, while this nation still struggles with a divisive legacy of racism and hatred. It does however saddens me that a negro in order to get this type of love and affection has to be in full gear, ie a sport uniform for white ppl to give a damn, else he's just another negro in distress.....as a matter of fact, had this brother had this same event take place outside of entertaining white ppl, I don't think he'd recieve the type of attention he's recieving now. So to all my black brothers, you want love from the master, bust your ass while in a uniform, else look out!!

wait till they find out its vaccine injury.
Example of dumb fucking racist saying idiot racist things to divert the real subject of actually talking racism through

It will happen again I’m sure

But on with the true conversation

Why do certain people try really hard to DEMEAN THE DEATHS OF INNOCENT CHILDREN like Trayvon?

Why can’t some see him for the innocent child that he was

Just a typical American teen

Didn’t cause any problems to people in his life

Went to school

Kinda thought Brittany was cute

Loves his moms mashed potatoes

Wishes he could buy a sweet ride

And was visiting his dad

Just a regular kid

Of African descent

What are you talking about? What did I say wrong about The Hispanic guy killing Travon?
What are you talking about? What did I say wrong about The Hispanic guy killing Travon?

Tactic repeated

What you expected hasn’t happened

What is it about certain victims of any harm that you have trouble showing any compassion for

Enlighten us

We would like to fully discuss this issue of racism you now admit exists

What about victims of misfortune you display differing levels of compassion

And then express a deep need to find weird videos instead of continuing the conversation so we can actually end racism

What is it about him they just can’t see when they look at that picture of a boy before he got killed by some creep following him at night

Why can’t they tell us

Because there is only one answer

And they lose the entire debate forever
Why can’t they tell us

Because there is only one answer

And they lose the entire debate forever

I dont know why the Hispanic community hasnt answered you yet about your accusations that the Hispanic man Zimmerman killed Travon for racist reasons. If there are any Hispanics in your "hood" maybe you can ask them......
You refuse to see Trayvon as the innocent child that he was

A kid

Just a decent kid visiting his dad

Thought he was being attacked by some creep

And that creep shot him

You forget

You people then made a HERO out of that creep

innocent child

he was a gangsta wanna be....if he was scared he could have ran instead of turning around and attacking Zimmerman....Zimmerman did nothing wrong he was the one jumped and beat on

that creep shot him while he was getting his head slammed into the sidewalk

100s of blacks are killed by these so called innocent kids...yup they all are innocent and didn't do nuffin
Example of dumb fucking racist saying idiot racist things to divert the real subject of actually talking racism through

It will happen again I’m sure

But on with the true conversation

Why do certain people try really hard to DEMEAN THE DEATHS OF INNOCENT CHILDREN like Trayvon?

Why can’t some see him for the innocent child that he was

Just a typical American teen

Didn’t cause any problems to people in his life

Went to school

Kinda thought Brittany was cute

Loves his moms mashed potatoes

Wishes he could buy a sweet ride

And was visiting his dad

Just a regular kid

Of African descent
The take home message is don’t attack people. His family should have tAught him that. Their tallied cost him his life.
Tactic repeated

What you expected hasn’t happened

What is it about certain victims of any harm that you have trouble showing any compassion for

Enlighten us

We would like to fully discuss this issue of racism you now admit exists

What about victims of misfortune you display differing levels of compassion

And then express a deep need to find weird videos instead of continuing the conversation so we can actually end racism

And black dudes never kill Hispanic dudes.
Example of dumb fucking racist saying idiot racist things to divert the real subject of actually talking racism through

It will happen again I’m sure

But on with the true conversation

Why do certain people try really hard to DEMEAN THE DEATHS OF INNOCENT CHILDREN like Trayvon?

Why can’t some see him for the innocent child that he was

Just a typical American teen

Didn’t cause any problems to people in his life

Went to school

Kinda thought Brittany was cute

Loves his moms mashed potatoes

Wishes he could buy a sweet ride

And was visiting his dad

Just a regular kid

Of African descent
Why are you talking about the Trayvon tragedy here? But if you're going to, at the very least be completely honest about the situation...You're painting a picture of him in the same way the media chose to use a photo of him when he was age 12.... No one ever celebrates the death of a young person...but they do discuss the realities so that it doesn't happen again...if they want things to change....
That's not what you're doing here...
wait till they find out its vaccine injury.

You cannot be that stupid, can you? This is not an unknown sports injury. About 10 people a tear did at different levels of football from it. A 7 yr old kid dies recently after being hit in the chest by a baseball. getting hit in the heart at the right time can stop your heart. Chuch Hughes died on the gridiron in 1971. from a heart attack. Was it caused by the polio vaccine? There is no right-wing conspiracy that you do not sign up for.
And you are FAR MORE disgusting for ignoring my explanation of the post in an earlier post because it doesnt fit your silly little narrative that most of the country is long past SICK TO DEATH OF. I could give a shit less what someone as disgusting as yourself thinks of my post.

I can see that my verbal arrow hit home. And it looks like I remembered to use the point that causes its target to bleed out. :laugh:
Why are you talking about the Trayvon tragedy here? But if you're going to, at the very least be completely honest about the situation...You're painting a picture of him in the same way the media chose to use a photo of him when he was age 12.... No one ever celebrates the death of a young person...but they do discuss the realities so that it doesn't happen again...if they want things to change....
That's not what you're doing here...

Oh great, another Saturday night spent whoring for Evince's attention and pretending to be Sister Virtuous. Carry on, Toxic. :laugh:
I can see that my verbal arrow hit home. And it looks like I remembered to use the point that causes its target to bleed out. :laugh:

Fake victories mean nothing. Anyone can just SAY anything. Too bad it generally doesnt mean shit. :laugh: While your at it,...throw another log on the fire,......cave man.
Why are you talking about the Trayvon tragedy here? But if you're going to, at the very least be completely honest about the situation...You're painting a picture of him in the same way the media chose to use a photo of him when he was age 12.... No one ever celebrates the death of a young person...but they do discuss the realities so that it doesn't happen again...if they want things to change....
That's not what you're doing here...
Does anyone here think Evince could make it an entire year without saying the word racist?
It is nice to see that the NFL is getting blowback for changing the rules on the fly after years of "THESE ARE THE RULES, THEY MUST BE FOLLOWED...OR ELSE!".

I wish that they were getting blowback for failure to accomplish the mission, the failure to get the game played.
You refuse to see Trayvon as the innocent child that he was

A kid

Just a decent kid visiting his dad

Thought he was being attacked by some creep

And that creep shot him

You forget

You people then made a HERO out of that creep
And George Floyd was peach of a guy too. :palm: