Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

There is no proof that "traditional marriage" is necessary for a polite society and marriage has gone through many changes in the past several hundred years. The founders rebelled against traditions of arranged marriages, based on caste, for romantic love.

The state has no interest in promoting a polite society. It is even prohibited from it in many ways. For instance, the first amendment gives me the right to tell you or anyone else "to suck my balls." It's not very polite but protected by the first amendment.

This notion would make the state's interest so expansive as to be totalitarian, which is exactly what social conservatives are.

The discrimination is based on what they do in private. I did not say it prevents what they can do in private.

Actually traditional marriage is necessary for a polite society. The non-traditional examples that you gave are examples that our society has rejected.

Marriage is not a private issue; it is an activity licensed by state governments.
I never said it would. My position is that marriage is a state licensing issue, and it is up to the individual states to decide if it is prudent to license certain activities. Most have decided, in the case of gay marriage, that it is not.

Some state legislatures as well as voters themselves have been usurped by activist judges. I suppose that makes you happy.

Your position, right up until the above post, was that marriage was a TRADITION.

Now you're trying to move the goalposts.
So you can't show anyone where discrimination is allowed under the could have just said that.
Its not a civil rights issue; it's a licensing issue, and states are allowed to discriminate in issuing licenses. They'd be remiss if they did not.
Actually traditional marriage is necessary for a polite society. The non-traditional examples that you gave are examples that our society has rejected.

Marriage is not a private issue; it is an activity licensed by state governments.

You are retarded, half of french couple with kids aren't married.
They have 1/4 the murder rate we do! Fucking simpleton
You dumbass. The Constitution restricts government. It's not a list of rights. :rofl2:

It enumerates the powers of the Federal government, none of which are defending definitions or polite society, and prohibits some actions by the state or Federal government. But what prohibits states/municipalities from having laws against discrimination? There has been a claim that it violates the constitution but there has not been any explanation how.