Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

Its not a civil rights issue; it's a licensing issue, and states are allowed to discriminate in issuing licenses. They'd be remiss if they did not.

They are not allowed to engage in invidious discrimination. The courts have already handled this weak argument that any limit is discrimination.
It enumerates the powers of the Federal government, none of which are defending definitions or polite society, and prohibits some actions by the state or Federal government. But what prohibits states/municipalities from having laws against discrimination? There has been a claim that it violates the constitution but there has not been any explanation how.
Correct, the Constitution enumerates/ limits the federal government. States have their own constitutions. Many define marriage in the traditional sense.
They are not allowed to engage in invidious discrimination. The courts have already handled this weak argument that any limit is discrimination.
Interesting term there. I must confess I had to look it up: "unpleasant and likely to cause bad feelings in other people".

If a state began to license gay marriage, wouldn't this cause bad feelings in other people?
So you can't show anyone where discrimination is allowed under the could have just said that.
the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others RETAINED BY THE PEOPLE. (Caps my doing for clarity)

Yes, I did...twice in fact.

Charisma: Gays Will Destroy America Like Nazis in Germany

Responding to the White House’s LGBT Pride celebration, Pastor Larry Tomczak in Charisma magazine maintained that gays and their allies are putting America “on the path to destruction.” Tomczak writes that events which “brazenly celebrate, legitimize and promote the gay lifestyle in America” are part of the country’s “downward spiral” and gay “tsunami.”

- See the whole article at:

Here's another:

In a column for the Christian Post today, Bishop Harry Jackson claims that children raised by single moms often “turn to lives of crime and violence” in order gain attention from father figures. Naturally, Jackson connects this assertion to the debate over marriage equality, warning that legalizing same-sex marriage will create “broken relationships” within families that will “destroy children.”

- See more at:

Two examples of Christians claiming homosexual marriage is going to destroy America.
Actually traditional marriage is necessary for a polite society. The non-traditional examples that you gave are examples that our society has rejected.

Marriage is not a private issue; it is an activity licensed by state governments.

HOW PRECISELY is Marriage "necessary" for a polite society?

Give examples.
HOW PRECISELY is Marriage "necessary" for a polite society?

Give examples.
Again, because the traditional family is the backbone of society: men need women to make them more civilized; children need a stable mother and father to give them the best chance to obtain their potential.
Nope. I'm saying you really need to suck harder and swallow.

Well at least some of you righties are starting to come out of the closet. I hope this high-profile outing will encourage the other closet cases here.

Free yourselves!

Though sexual harassment doesn't become cool just because it's same sex harassment. So...obviously we still have some work to do here.
Interesting term there. I must confess I had to look it up: "unpleasant and likely to cause bad feelings in other people".

If a state began to license gay marriage, wouldn't this cause bad feelings in other people?

You would not have needed to look it up if you were the least bit familiar with constitutional law. But your use is nonsense.