Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

What the opposition thought regarding the Constitution as ratified may be interesting but basically meaningless. They lost the debate as surely as one who uses personal insults has. ;)

I did not argue anywhere that the Anti Federalist papers were applicable.

You were arguing that the states are allowed to discriminate without any understanding of when and why they are allowed to do so. Constitutional law is the application of the constitution not its usurpation. Legislatures would have made the entire document meaningless without the courts standing in their way. You, like most, conservatives would love nothing more than that.
Traditions change, especially those that discriminate, thank goodness we are evolving.

It was tradition that blacks had separate schools, restaurants and water fountains, but thankfully that was changed.

Hey, if we can reverse workers rights, we can reverse the gains made by African Americans... StormX and Ishmael Pequod may get their ideal white supremacist state yet!
just do some basic trend analysis and imagine where those numbers will be ten years from now.... just imagine how many MORE states will have legalized gay marriage by then. It's no longer a matter of "if", just "when".

As I said in another thread, the right has lost the younger generation on this. It is about as inevitable as the sun coming up in the morning.
Quickly running out of arguments, our sad little Homophobe resorts once again to the same insults and derision that prove how weak minded he truly is.

He has run out of insults also. He cuts and pastes the same insults, over and over. Amazing! Why put in the time on a political discussion board if your not going to think for yourself?
south of the mason dixon line, marriage used to be defined as the union of a man and a woman of the same race. It most certainly has changed. sorry.

Read up on Loving v. Virginia.... interesting stuff.

Don't you just love how some of these supreme court cases have interesting names....Loving vs. Virginia...the one on Sodomy IIRC was Georgia vs. Hardwick....
I did not argue anywhere that the Anti Federalist papers were applicable.

You were arguing that the states are allowed to discriminate without any understanding of when and why they are allowed to do so. Constitutional law is the application of the constitution not its usurpation. Legislatures would have made the entire document meaningless without the courts standing in their way. You, like most, conservatives would love nothing more than that.

Then why did you mention them?

And no, that is not my argument. Read what I wrote.
Sure it has, it can be dissolved much much more easily than it could be 100 years ago, and women have many many more rights than they had in marriage 100 years ago.

Which needs to be preserved-the right wants to undo women's rights as badly as it wants to ban gay marriage. I know of one conservative who wanted to repeal the amendment giving women the right to vote. I am sure he is not the only one.
As I said in another thread, the right has lost the younger generation on this. It is about as inevitable as the sun coming up in the morning.

The younger generation becomes the older generation. It is about as inevitable as the sun coming up in the morning...
Which needs to be preserved-the right wants to undo women's rights as badly as it wants to ban gay marriage. I know of one conservative who wanted to repeal the amendment giving women the right to vote. I am sure he is not the only one.
Woman's suffrage was a Republican initiative...
women's suffrage was a LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE initiative. Back in those long ago days, there were actually republicans who were liberal progressives. Ya tell the young kids that these days and they can't believe it! Same with civil rights.... it isn't at all important which political PARTY championed various landmark improvements in American society.... it is VERY important to understand which political PHILOSOPHY did.