Eastern philosophy says the self is an illusion

Some do, but many are like throwing a wet blanket over their heads. It just dumbs them down to silence. It's one reason why many, especially bipolars and schizos go off their meds.

Additionally, just a prescription pad with better meds isn't enough. They also need regular therapy, either group or single.

I won't argue. It's not my field.

Meanwhile, my taking Prozac has doubtlessly saved lives.
You've never seen how I can get.:whoa:
Since I have beat this topic to death, and expressed my position in basically every way humanly possible, can you explain how you can have free will without a self?

How would that work?

I seriously considered three majors in college, history, economics, science because I was interested in all three. After much deliberate reflection, deliberation, and research I chose one.
I won't argue. It's not my field.

Meanwhile, my taking Prozac has doubtlessly saved lives.
You've never seen how I can get.:whoa:
Discussing mental illness is even harder to discuss than cancer since it's an even broader subject. There's a big difference between a cancerous mole to breast cancer to brain cancer and the whole host of other forms of cancers.

Same with mental illness. Some doctors can treat, even cure. Others, not so much. It's more like putting band-aids on sucking chest wounds. Consider the personalities on JPP, specifically the ones who appear to have mental issues. The irrational ones. The ones who are deeply paranoid, often conspiracy theorists. They are obviously not under treatment and unlikely to be unless they break the law. Even then, they'll most likely only be drugged, not treated per se.
I seriously considered three majors in college, history, economics, science because I was interested in all three. After much deliberate reflection, deliberation, and research I chose one.

You chose "1" over history, economics, AND science?

Was "1" hard?

I should have found an easier curriculum,
given that I was really majoring in delaying my deployment to Vietnam!:bigthink:
You chose "1" over history, economics, AND science?

Was "1" hard?

I should have found an easier curriculum,
given that I was really majoring in delaying my deployment to Vietnam!:bigthink:

I don't think there are any genuinely easy majors in college, although the football jocks all seemed to be enrolled in "communications", whatever that is.

The basket weaving major is a rightwing myth, that unfortunately a lot of MAGAs are stupid enough to believe exists
^^^^All the people Doc currently is attacking personally. He makes memes so he can keep up with his hate-campaigns. So MUCH hate, so little personal creativity.

It must be galling to be a hate machine that is so impotent.

Dutch is still carrying a hair up his ass ,over being reported a couple years ago!
Since I have beat this topic to death, and expressed my position in basically every way humanly possible, can you explain how you can have free will without a self? How would that work?
That's not what he nor I have been saying for the past month. The fact you appear to be unable to comprehend the difference after 3+ weeks, is the most interesting part about you, Mode. :)

To be clear, The "Plato, Augustine, or Descartes" self is the soul. While I like to believe that there is existence beyond our mortal one, there are no facts supporting such a conclusion. The religious side of "Free Will" is the soul. From a behaviorist side, the ability to have Free Will, even in a limited capacity, is completely within the realm of the Natural Universe without the need for a supernatural component.

The facts indicate that most people recognize their choices and the consequences of each choice...or think they do. LOL

Even flawed perceptions of those consequences, such as among racist or violent groups, still proves the ability to choose. They think they understand the consequences and act accordingly. Animals simply react. They don't plot the future in their actions. They are pure Zen; "when hungry, eat. when tired, sleep."

Choosing based upon consequences is a behavioral example only Homo Sapiens are known to exhibit. The humans on the backside of the Normalcy are often closer to our animal cousins in terms of not thinking forward.

Regardless, it still boils down to accepting that people can chose and, therefore, become responsible for themselves. A person who has no sense of "self" is not on the normal curve. It's easy to see none of them are on the Einstein side of the curve. LOL

“for Plato, the human person is composed of body and soul. In other words, the human person is a dichotomy of body and soul. The body is the material and destructible part of the human person, while the soul is the immaterial and indestructible part. “
Why did you make the font so large after you mocked people who do that?

You are a massive hypocrite. You seem to HATE the mentally ill and the gay people on here. Why is that? What did they do to you that makes you HATE them so?

Cypress assumes facts that he can't comprehend!
If he wants to debate Mason's views,then he should unblock Mason and ask him straight up what he does understand! But he's to big a chickenshit to do that!
If he did,it wouldn't be long,he'd be name dropping Mason's name.
Interesting that the most hated person on the forum, Doc Dutch, is the only person Cypress talks to.

Cypress blocked Mason,because he pushed Cypress for HIS views instead name dropping some else's views!
Dutch his a troll ,who cums here to bait for reactions!
Like a 12 year old hitting puberty!
I don't think there are any genuinely easy majors in college, although the football jocks all seemed to be enrolled in "communications", whatever that is.

The basket weaving major is a rightwing myth, that unfortunately a lot of MAGAs are stupid enough to believe exists

Like the Confederate battle flag, the meaning of certain symbols and phrases can change overtime. The phrase about "Basket weaving" degrees was around in the 1970s. It simply meant a liberal arts degree without today's angry "soshulist libruls" the RWNJs keep pushing. Notice that the vast majority of those RWNJs rarely exhibit a collegian education.

In today's terms, it's any non-STEM degree with the lies and political agenda.
First, Perry, as I've repeatedly told you, I'm not here to help the fucking nutjobs like you.

Why did you try to become a psychologist if you hate the mentally ill so much?

My interest is research to satisfy personal curiosity.

No, you just like to spread as much unpleasantness as you can.

You know, like an entomologist studies bugs.

Who told you that word? Surely you didn't know it yourself.

Second, as such, there's no malpractice since I'm not a doctor and, more importantly, unlike you, I don't claim to be a doctor.

But you studied psychology so you KNOW it's not considered good to diagnose people without proper examination. That's where you show your lie.

May I ask why you hate the mentally ill so much ?
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Same with mental illness. Some doctors can treat, even cure. Others, not so much. It's more like putting band-aids on sucking chest wounds. Consider the personalities on JPP, specifically the ones who appear to have mental issues. The irrational ones. The ones who are deeply paranoid, often conspiracy theorists. They are obviously not under treatment and unlikely to be unless they break the law. Even then, they'll most likely only be drugged, not treated per se.

Wow. You know nothing about mental healthcare do you?
Dutch is still carrying a hair up his ass ,over being reported a couple years ago!

Ooooh, what did he get "reported" for? I bet it was pretty disturbing. I've seen him make some "bets" with people on this forum that skirted common human decency and it was actually kind of troubling. Makes me feel sorry for the people in real life who associate with him.
I seriously considered three majors in college, history, economics, science

That's probably best you didn't choose any of them. You wouldn't be able to really complete a full undergrad degree.

because I was interested in all three. After much deliberate reflection, deliberation, and research I chose one.

Which one? I didn't think they offered a degree for just buying books on Amazon.
Cypress blocked Mason,because he pushed Cypress for HIS views instead name dropping some else's views!
Dutch his a troll ,who cums here to bait for reactions!
Like a 12 year old hitting puberty!
You keep bragging about ignoring me but you can't quit me, Mason. You obsession is very interesting. Please continue. :thup:

That's probably best you didn't choose any of them. You wouldn't be able to really complete a full undergrad degree.

Which one? I didn't think they offered a degree for just buying books on Amazon.

QED on the backside of the Normalcy curve. What is your obsession with claiming you have more education than everyone else, Perry?