Evil Catholics invading America

Douchey, one of the laws to create a court system to enforce the laws on all of society. Do you think there should be a law against idolatry? The Noahide laws say there should be.

No, one of the laws is to respect the laws of society, not to force their own laws onto anyone.

And guess what-- there is nothing sinister about any of this. What you are doing is misrepresenting some obscure aspect of Judaism so that you can reinforce your own racist beliefs to reaffirm your self-esteem after never being able to hold down a steady job your whole life.

You are probably one of those idiots that saw "American History X" and thought that it was pro-Nazi.
No, one of the laws is to respect the laws of society, not to force their own laws onto anyone.
No. it is to set up a court to enforce all the noahide laws. Learn to read.

Requirement to have just Laws: You shall set up an effective judiciary to fairly judge observance of the preceding six laws.
And guess what-- there is nothing sinister about any of this. What you are doing is misrepresenting some obscure aspect of Judaism so that you can reinforce your own racist beliefs to reaffirm your self-esteem after never being able to hold down a steady job your whole life.

You are probably one of those idiots that saw "American History X" and thought that it was pro-Nazi.

The chabad lubavitch group of orthodox jews teach the noahide laws, and they are on every campus across the u.s. and growing.
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No. it is to set up a court to enforce all the noahide laws. Learn to read.

The chabad lubavitch group of orthodox jews teach the noahide laws, and they are on every campus across the u.s. and growing.

Holy shit, he's right! I just looked in my facebook, and they have like three pages!

Rabbinic Judaism actually has laws for all of society, similar to shariah law. There's the theocratic part. The racist part is "we're god's chosen people" and non jews must be forced to recognize that as part of their condition of participation in the new Global Noahide Theocracy. Ths is all according to the Noahide Laws as recorded in the Talmud.

Hey genious. Unlike Christians and Muslims, Jews do not proslytize or attempt to convert others to their faith.
They don't want you to become a jew. They want you to become a noahide. Becoming a jew would make you equal, and that's not the point.

No, its because the Jewish faith has never promoted salvation outside of its community. For one thing, there was never a doctrine of heaven or hell. Over time, some have come to view the afterlife a little differently. Judaism has always been an ethnic religion. Christianity began that way, until Paul began preaching to the gentiles and Peter authorized baptism and abolishing some of the old laws.
No, its because the Jewish faith has never promoted salvation outside of its community.
Right. Non jews have no soul to save. What they really want from you is obedience.
For one thing, there was never a doctrine of heaven or hell. Over time, some have come to view the afterlife a little differently. Judaism has always been an ethnic religion.
You mean a race cult?
Christianity began that way, until Paul began preaching to the gentiles and Peter authorized baptism and abolishing some of the old laws.

Jesus was against all the racist elitism.
Right. Non jews have no soul to save. What they really want from you is obedience.

You mean a race cult?

Jesus was against all the racist elitism.

Judaism is only an ethnic religion by circumstance. Christians and Muslims also believe that they were special people ala salvation and grace. Since the faith was only brought to one race of people, it became by default, both theological and ethnic. And Genesis teaches that all human beings have an immortal soul (i.e. "created in God's image").

Jesus was against some of the leaders, who just happened to be in His own ethnic community. His mission was to come and save the human race from its sinfulness. No one need have resisted Him for such a mission to have been accomplished. That many did, and some elites persecuted Him, is of little significance, because it is indirectly related to His mission--that is, the elites' persecution provided the springboard for the means by which He would be executed by the Romans.
Judaism is only an ethnic religion by circumstance.
Christians and Muslims also believe that they were special people ala salvation and grace.
But all people are equally able to come to jesus or bow to allah.
Since the faith was only brought to one race of people, it became by default, both theological and ethnic.
NO. It was EXPLICITLY race based from it's very inception. And like you said, they don't really take converts. Reform branches do now, but that's a pr stunt. OR you can become noahide, which is what many of us do.
And Genesis teaches that all human beings have an immortal soul (i.e. "created in God's image").
they go by the Oral Tradition, or Talmud.
Jesus was against some of the leaders, who just happened to be in His own ethnic community. His mission was to come and save the human race from its sinfulness. No one need have resisted Him for such a mission to have been accomplished. That many did, and some elites persecuted Him, is of little significance, because it is indirectly related to His mission--that is, the elites' persecution provided the springboard for the means by which He would be executed by the Romans.

ANd he was wax explicitly against he Oral Tradition as it was developing in his day, as it reinforced the race based elitist aspects of the religion.

7And there was one named Barabbas, which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him, who had committed murder in the insurrection.

8And the multitude crying aloud began to desire him to do as he had ever done unto them.

9But Pilate answered them, saying, Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews?

10For he knew that the chief priests had delivered him for envy.

11But the chief priests moved the people, that he should rather release Barabbas unto them.

12And Pilate answered and said again unto them, What will ye then that I shall do unto him whom ye call the King of the Jews?

13And they cried out again, Crucify him.

mark 15 7-13

But all people are equally able to come to jesus or bow to allah.

NO. It was EXPLICITLY race based from it's very inception. And like you said, they don't really take converts. Reform branches do now, but that's a pr stunt. OR you can become noahide, which is what many of us do.

they go by the Oral Tradition, or Talmud.

ANd he was wax explicitly against he Oral Tradition as it was developing in his day, as it reinforced the race based elitist aspects of the religion.

7And there was one named Barabbas, which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him, who had committed murder in the insurrection.

8And the multitude crying aloud began to desire him to do as he had ever done unto them.

9But Pilate answered them, saying, Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews?

10For he knew that the chief priests had delivered him for envy.

11But the chief priests moved the people, that he should rather release Barabbas unto them.

12And Pilate answered and said again unto them, What will ye then that I shall do unto him whom ye call the King of the Jews?

13And they cried out again, Crucify him.

mark 15 7-13

The OT does not even portray Judaism as exclusively ethnic. There are many conversions depicted, such as Ruth and the conversion of an entire city of non-Hebrews by Jonah. The whole point of Jonah is that he didn't feel they should be enlightened because they weren't ethnic Jews, and God disagreed, smiting Jonah with misfortune until he finally agreed to go speak in the city.

Not only does my reference to the OT disprove you, but so does your own NT source, which shows the crowd being manipulated by a few partisans.
Yes. they were jew from the preisthood who didn;t like jesus teachings. Im not disproven.

Not ALL of the priests wanted to kill Jesus. Many reguarded him as a distinguished rabbi. However, the opposition had the Chief Priest on their side. Even King Herod saw no reason to condemn Him. They convened secretly what amounted to a kangaroo court to bring charges of blasphemy against Him instead.

Not ALL of the priests wanted to kill Jesus. Many reguarded him as a distinguished rabbi. However, the opposition had the Chief Priest on their side. Even King Herod saw no reason to condemn Him. They convened secretly what amounted to a kangaroo court to bring charges of blasphemy against Him instead.


Jewish rabbis sold out jesus. There were real theological differences. He was not just another regular rabbi.

You haven't owned anything. Judaism is a theocratic race cult, as evidenced by the doctrines and teachings of Judaism.
Be very careful. Our common concept and definition of hypocrisy do not address the Pharisees' problem. They were devout. They "practiced what they preached" in standards of ceremonial purity, dietary laws, and Sabbath day regulations. In many matters they lived by their convictions. Their hypocrisy was not a shallow pretense of religious conviction practiced to deceive other people. Their hypocrisy presented, upheld, and defended distorted perspectives of scripture that perverted godly values. Their hypocrisy misrepresented God. They claimed to represent God and His will better than anyone else. But the truth was that they blinded people to God. A person converted by the typical Pharisee was in worse spiritual condition after his or her conversion.

Jesus also said:

Their righteousness was inadequate (Matthew 5:20).
They were an evil and adulterous generation (Matthew 12:39).
Their teachings produced bad influences (Matthew 16:6,12).
They loved money (Luke 16:14).
They were egotistically self-righteous (Luke 18:10-12).
Representatives of the Pharisees listened to Jesus teach and witnessed his miracles frequently. Few people had more opportunity to see the evidences of God's work in Jesus' life than did they. Yet, what most of them "heard" was considered lies, not God's teachings. What most of them "saw" was Satan's power, not God's power. Most of them "saw" the evidences of evil, not the evidences of godliness.

A few Pharisees recognized Jesus as a man from God, but most did not. Pharisees, by choice, were present in most audiences who heard Jesus and witnessed his miracles.

You can keep blaming the Romans, but it was really a bunch of elitist dickheads who didn't like jesus telling the truth about them and their bullshit, who used the romans to get rid of their pesky Jesus problem.

You can keep blaming the Romans, but it was really a bunch of elitist dickheads who didn't like jesus telling the truth about them and their bullshit, who used the romans to get rid of their pesky Jesus problem.

Exactly, it was just a few elites who lied and said His acts were the work of Satan. That means, Judaism itself is not responsible for that conspiracy or any others, whether it be against the Russians, the Germans or you.

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Exactly, it was just a few elites who lied and said His acts were the work of Satan. That means, Judaism itself is not responsible for that conspiracy or any others, whether it be against the Russians, the Germans or you.

As religions go it's the elite class called the priest hood that defines them.