Evil Catholics invading America

HUH ? Catholic does not mean catholic ?


How can catholic mean non denominational ?
Is baptist and Baptist the same way ?
Don't be a school marm. Everyone knew what I meant, and your niggling criticism just caused confusion.

The picking of nits is an even bigger pastime with Damo than with me.
And usually it is in a mannner to steer the discussion in the direction he wants it to go.
Yep and evan an ATT catholic credit card.

I guess there was a reason that Catholics used the catholic word to name their religion ?

One, undivided, universal church. The original Church called itself the Christian Catholic Church. Once it split into Latin and Greek camps (eventually the Eastern schism in 1066 over the supremacy of the pope), it began calling itself the Roman Catholic Church.
One, undivided, universal church. The original Church called itself the Christian Catholic Church. Once it split into Latin and Greek camps (eventually the Eastern schism in 1066 over the supremacy of the pope), it began calling itself the Roman Catholic Church.

ahh so you statement proves it was not always a unified church with one opinion.
And when speaking of religion "universal" means what? Come on man, now you are picking the nits.

Think "gentile," and "pagan," and it will come to you. Remember, the Christians at first considered themselves Jews. In fact they referred to their faith as "The Way," and their symbol was the fish rather than the crucifix. Cristos (another Greek word) was then popularized.
Yes, my last post on page 9, in response to Damo explains that. Cristos is the closest Greek word to the Aramaic, "Messiah," which both translate roughly into "anointed one."