Fact-opinion differentiation

IIRC, the investigation found that Hillary instructed people to strip the classification markings off documents being emailed. Comey identified classified info on Weiner's computer and noted the careless handling of classified material by Hillary and her staff.

Sorry, Phan, but Hillary is not innocent here.

You most certainly want to strip the classified markings off of documents you know are no longer classified. If she wasn't innocent why didn't they get a grand jury to listen to the evidence and prosecute? If the prosecutor didn't pursue a prosecution yet tries to claim she isn't innocennt that's the first sign that he is full of shit. Hillary sat for days answering their fucking stupid questions and there was never a time anyone was seriously considering a prosecution.
You most certainly want to strip the classified markings off of documents you know are no longer classified. If she wasn't innocent why didn't they get a grand jury to listen to the evidence and prosecute? If the prosecutor didn't pursue a prosecution yet tries to claim she isn't innocennt that's the first sign that he is full of shit. Hillary sat for days answering their fucking stupid questions and there was never a time anyone was seriously considering a prosecution.

but it is a fact that your opinions are gay.

but it is a fact that your opinions are gay.


Nothing gay about it. If the prosecutor does not even ask a grand jury if there is enough evidence of a crime he obviously does not think there is any chance of a conviction and will not prosecute.

It's not like in the case of trump where 4 different grand juries were asked and every one of them practically immediately said plenty of evidence of a crime, prosecute.
You most certainly want to strip the classified markings off of documents you know are no longer classified. If she wasn't innocent why didn't they get a grand jury to listen to the evidence and prosecute? If the prosecutor didn't pursue a prosecution yet tries to claim she isn't innocennt that's the first sign that he is full of shit. Hillary sat for days answering their fucking stupid questions and there was never a time anyone was seriously considering a prosecution.
The FBI determined that the material was still classified and that Hillary made false statements about sending classified information through her private server.

15 most revealing moments from Comey’s testimony on Clinton emails
Remarking that the FBI had uncovered more than 100 classified emails that went through the same server, Chaffetz then asked whether Clinton possessed documents and materials with classified information through the private server.

“That is correct,” Comey said....

...To Clinton’s assertion that she never sent or received information marked classified on her private email, Comey pointed to the investigation’s findings to the contrary.

“That’s not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents,” Comey said. (The State Department on Wednesday said that two of those documents were inadvertently marked.)

On Clinton’s statement that she did not email classified material to anyone, Comey responded, “There was classified email.”

“Secretary Clinton said she used just one device. Was that true?” Gowdy asked, to which Comey answered, “She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state.”

Asked about Clinton’s claim that all work-related emails were returned to State, Comey said that was not true....

...“Is it your statement, then, before this committee that Secretary Clinton should have known not to send classified material and yet she did?” Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) asked as the hearing extended to its third hour.

“Certainly she should have known not to send classified information,” Comey said. “As I said, that’s the definition of negligent. I think she was extremely careless. I think she was negligent. That I could establish....

...Chaffetz asked whether Clinton gave “non-cleared people access to classified information.”

“Yes,” Comey said, repeating, “Yes.”...

Nothing gay about it. If the prosecutor does not even ask a grand jury if there is enough evidence of a crime he obviously does not think there is any chance of a conviction and will not prosecute.

It's not like in the case of trump where 4 different grand juries were asked and every one of them practically immediately said plenty of evidence of a crime, prosecute.

corrupt globalist Soros prosecutors sure.....

I'll pray that you get help before you hurt yourself or others, Fredo.

Or some may be severely immuno compromised.

I had one friend, in the midst of dealing with leukemia and Chemo and whose immune system was at zero, who would get mocking passing comments by people who saw her wearing her mask in grocery stores or coffee shops.

It is just yet another thing that makes the magats deplorable because it is not enough for them not to wear a mask, and instead they feel they need to mock those who need or chose to wear one.

An anecdote is not a proof, and wearing a mask won't protect such a person.
Paradox M.
If one is fucking stupid enough to believe that asshole.
I don't care what you believe.
We will see when convicted.
Of what?
Just like he never raped that woman but now owes about 80 million to her and he's innocent of fraud and now owes a half a billion.
No rape. No fraud. Not even a trial for either crime.
Just like you can claim the sky is green yet everyone knows it is blue.
It is both green and blue (depending on conditions). It can also be gray or black.
Stupid enough or mentally whacked enough. In Sybil's case, I believe it's the latter case since he seems to have a modicum of intelligence and education.
You have not shown any, Sock. You can't claim intelligence in one of your socks and attribute it to you.
Over 2/3's of the Insurrectionists, including Ashli, had mental issues.
That's right, Sock. Attack the dead. They can't defend themselves, after all.
As JPP proves daily, so do most JPP MAGAts.
MAGA isn't a person, Sock.
Yes, that is why when doctors are performing surgery everyone is wearing them.
Surgeons performing surgery do not use N95 masks nor masks from Harbor Freight or convenience store. The purpose of their mask is not to prevent viruses or bacteria from entering their patient (that happens anyway). The purpose of their masks is to protect themselves from blood and guts splatter (surgery is a messy business) and they use a mask designed to block such wet things. N95 masks DO NOT block moisture and are not used in surgery. They are DUST MASKS. They do not block any virus. No surgical mask blocks any virus either (though these specialized masks are effective against some bacteria).
I guess they did not consult with the resident jackass from JPP.
I don't need to consult you, Sock. I use the N95 specifications (which you ignore) and the ASTM specifications (which you ignore).
You most certainly want to strip the classified markings off of documents you know are no longer classified.
You cannot declassify documents that way, Sock.
If she wasn't innocent why didn't they get a grand jury to listen to the evidence and prosecute?
Politics. She was investigated by Congress though.
If the prosecutor didn't pursue a prosecution yet tries to claim she isn't innocennt that's the first sign that he is full of shit. Hillary sat for days answering their fucking stupid questions and there was never a time anyone was seriously considering a prosecution.
No prosecutor. You are hallucinating again, Sock.
Hello Cypress,

There was a study of news consumers about a decade ago, and FOX viewers were the most likely to not have knowledge of facts.

I recall that study. It said that Fox viewers were actually less informed than people who watched no news programming at all.
Hello Cypress,

I recall that study. It said that Fox viewers were actually less informed than people who watched no news programming at all.

There's a few studies like that. Here's one: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/apr/11/fox-news-viewers-watch-cnn-study
What happens when a group of Fox News viewers watch CNN for a month?
A study that paid viewers of the rightwing cable network to switch shed light on the media’s influence on people’s views

Watching Fox News can be like entering an alternative universe. It’s a world where Vladimir Putin isn’t actually that bad, but vaccines may be, and where some unhinged rightwing figures are celebrated as heroes, but Anthony Fauci, America’s top public health official, is an unrivaled villain.

Given the steady stream of misinformation an avid Fox News consumer is subjected to, the viewers – predominantly elderly, white and Donald Trump-supporting – are sometimes written off as lost causes by Democrats and progressives, but according to a new study, there is still hope.

In an unusual, and labor intensive, project, two political scientists paid a group of regular Fox News viewers to instead watch CNN for a month. At the end of the period, the researchers found surprising results; some of the Fox News watchers had changed their minds on a range of key issues, including the US response to coronavirus and Democrats’ attitude to police.

The findings suggest that political perspectives can be changed – but also reveals the influence partisan media has on viewers’ ideology.

Polls have previously shown that viewers of Fox News, the most-watched cable news channel in the US, are far more likely to believe the false claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen than the average American, and are more likely to believe falsehoods about Covid-19.
Hello Doc Dutch,

There's a few studies like that. Here's one: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/apr/11/fox-news-viewers-watch-cnn-study
What happens when a group of Fox News viewers watch CNN for a month?
A study that paid viewers of the rightwing cable network to switch shed light on the media’s influence on people’s views

Extraordinary, isn't it? Perhaps the best way to save America would be to create a massive fund to pay people on a large scale to watch other programming instead of Fox.

I bet if Fox viewers watched PBS Newshour they would change their views.