Film Review: SICKO!

I have little trust that the fix will work so perfectly that we should just make it so we can negotiate and whammo let's pick up the tab. Prove it works before forcing me to pick up other's tab (we do anyway). But I have almost no faith in the government concerning cost control.

But I have almost no faith in the government concerning cost control.

Our private healthcare system is the most expensive by far on the planet, and particularly when compared to single-payer universal systems in ALL other developed countries.
Now Darla, what are the other costs involved with our higher drug prices....

We also pay the costs for all the drugs that are taken through trials that do not work. Again, this is essentially subsidizing other countries, because we do pay the bulk of these costs and the pharmas typically do not pass them along to other countries. As the wealthiest nation, this should be the way it is done. Because the "helping those less fortunate" attitude should not stop at some arbitrary border.

Another cost pharmas pass along through drug costs? Vioxx ring any bells?

That said, I do want to commend you, because breaking down the costs and examining them is the only way we are going to find ways to lower them.

Well Sf, I do not want to be subsidizing France's drugs, when we have people right here who can't afford their prescriptions. I mean, this is not sub-Saharan Africa we are talking about. So, lets spread the cost around in a fair manner. Let Canada and France and the UK pick up their fair share. Their costs will go up far less than ours will go down. It will be a fair burden that we all shoulder equally. And the only way to do this, is to break the Pharma chokehold on Congress. Now, maybe that can't be done while money is speech as you say, but the people, can have a very loud voice as well. They better start screaming, and more importantly, voting.
"Your GOP healthcare plan of harassing your relatives to get off their asses, is completely inadequate. "

Thank you Cypress for being idiot number 3 today. What fucking part of a first step did you not understand? Do you really need a doctor to tell you that Big Macs are not good for you? That getting up and going for a walk rather than sitting on your ass in front of a tv would be beneficial for your health?

Give me a fucking break. I am not talking about getting people around you to be ready for the Mr Universe competition. Do things like .... go for a 30 minute walk each day.... or buy a pound of grapes instead of a pound of candy. Simple little adjustments that can be built upon over time.

And NO... for the mentally challenged out there... I AM NOT SAYING THIS ALONE WILL SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS.... But personal responsibility DOES come into play.
I have little trust that the fix will work so perfectly that we should just make it so we can negotiate and whammo let's pick up the tab. Prove it works before forcing me to pick up other's tab (we do anyway). But I have almost no faith in the government concerning cost control.

Nothing is perfect.

Not even me.

Can we do better? Yes.
Now Darla, what are the other costs involved with our higher drug prices....

We also pay the costs for all the drugs that are taken through trials that do not work. Again, this is essentially subsidizing other countries, because we do pay the bulk of these costs and the pharmas typically do not pass them along to other countries. As the wealthiest nation, this should be the way it is done. Because the "helping those less fortunate" attitude should not stop at some arbitrary border.

Another cost pharmas pass along through drug costs? Vioxx ring any bells?

That said, I do want to commend you, because breaking down the costs and examining them is the only way we are going to find ways to lower them.

Ban all public advertising of prescription drugs.
This would decrease the "cost" of prescription drugs by a few billion per year.
"Your GOP healthcare plan of harassing your relatives to get off their asses, is completely inadequate. "

Thank you Cypress for being idiot number 3 today. What fucking part of a first step did you not understand? Do you really need a doctor to tell you that Big Macs are not good for you? That getting up and going for a walk rather than sitting on your ass in front of a tv would be beneficial for your health?

Give me a fucking break. I am not talking about getting people around you to be ready for the Mr Universe competition. Do things like .... go for a 30 minute walk each day.... or buy a pound of grapes instead of a pound of candy. Simple little adjustments that can be built upon over time.

And NO... for the mentally challenged out there... I AM NOT SAYING THIS ALONE WILL SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS.... But personal responsibility DOES come into play.

Do you believe that everyone in the nation should have affordable access to family doctors and preventative health care? Yes, or no?
But I have almost no faith in the government concerning cost control.

Our private healthcare system is the most expensive by far on the planet, and particularly when compared to single-payer universal systems in ALL other developed countries.
That won't be fixed by simply giving them government money instead of private money.

This has been my point. Don't sweep the problem under the rug. Fix it, then let's pick up the tab. However the idea that it will magically go away because the government is paying for it is baseless when the reality is the goverment really did pay over $1000 for toilet seats, until they were caught...

I do not trust the government to enact cost control because it isn't their money and they don't act like it is.
"Your GOP healthcare plan of harassing your relatives to get off their asses, is completely inadequate. "

Thank you Cypress for being idiot number 3 today. What fucking part of a first step did you not understand? Do you really need a doctor to tell you that Big Macs are not good for you? That getting up and going for a walk rather than sitting on your ass in front of a tv would be beneficial for your health?

Give me a fucking break. I am not talking about getting people around you to be ready for the Mr Universe competition. Do things like .... go for a 30 minute walk each day.... or buy a pound of grapes instead of a pound of candy. Simple little adjustments that can be built upon over time.

And NO... for the mentally challenged out there... I AM NOT SAYING THIS ALONE WILL SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS.... But personal responsibility DOES come into play.

Yes but, why is America so obese? We are starting to wake up, for instance, you are seeing more and more drives to get junk food out of our schools. Sodas alone are causing our kids to gain weight every year. You replace them with water, and other healthier choices. So that is a good step. Of course, you have to fight coca cola company and all of that shit, but it's being done, school by school, on the local level.

I think the 50 somethings who are walking around and you look at them and wonder, well when is the heart attack going to hit? For the most part, they're beyond help. They're not going to change. But, we can go a long way by not teaching our kids bad eating habits to begin with. And we can turn off the television sets, and the gameboys, and tell them to go outside and play. But, that's a parental thing, and you can only educate parents you can't make them do anything.
but as long as we call money "free speech" this will not change.

You got that right!

imho that is one of the biggest single problems in our gummit.
It is the root of many other problems.

I agree completely. The problem begain when our society changed "giving a bribe" to "lobbying" and somehow that made it more palatable to the public.
Dharla, how do most dems feel about the cost of Doctors.
My stance is more doctors less cost.

Paperwork and adminstrative costs are one of doctor's biggest expenses.

And what causes all this paperwork and adminstrative costs? Our patch-work system of private, for-profit, healthcare insurers.
Dharla, how do most dems feel about the cost of Doctors.
My stance is more doctors less cost.

I don't know how most dems feel Top.

But yes, they're paid on average far more than doctors in other westernized nations. I think we have less chance of fixing that than we do of getting drug costs under control. Maybe I am wrong about that, but I see America as a truly greedy country, and they do not like to be told that anyone is making too much.
"Yes but, why is America so obese? We are starting to wake up, for instance, you are seeing more and more drives to get junk food out of our schools. Sodas alone are causing our kids to gain weight every year. You replace them with water, and other healthier choices. So that is a good step. Of course, you have to fight coca cola company and all of that shit, but it's being done, school by school, on the local level."

This is exactly the type of action that has to take place. You are right, it is a fight with the Coke and Pepsis etc... and a fight that is being one at the local level. All things like this add up over time. There is no quick fix that will solve everything tomorrow.

"I think the 50 somethings who are walking around and you look at them and wonder, well when is the heart attack going to hit? For the most part, they're beyond help. They're not going to change. But, we can go a long way by not teaching our kids bad eating habits to begin with. And we can turn off the television sets, and the gameboys, and tell them to go outside and play."

I agree 100%.

"But, that's a parental thing, and you can only educate parents you can't make them do anything."

Again, I understand that you cannot force anyone to do these things.
Paperwork and adminstrative costs are one of doctor's biggest expenses.

And what causes all this paperwork and adminstrative costs? Our patch-work system of private, for-profit, healthcare insurers.
How many people would you suddenly unemploy with a plan that removes all "for profit" health insurance? Or would you just transfer them right on over to the government dole?
Every year, our health consciousness as a nation grows - we all know what's good for us, what's bad for us, what's fattening & what's not, and how we can stay in shape if we want to.

And yet, every year, as a nation, we become more obese & more out-of-shape.

If 1 part of a 2-step plan is to whip everyone into better shape, I need to see how that is instigated. There is no precedent to give a logical, realistic person any faith whatsoever that Americans as a whole will step up to the plate on this; in fact, recent history shows quite the opposite.

So what changes that? I refuse to be called lazy, ignorant or a dumbass because I have a realistic vision of America, and refuse to put blinders up regarding the realistic chances that somehow, some way, we'll reverse the direction we're going in as far as personal health...
"Paperwork and adminstrative costs are one of doctor's biggest expenses. "

Are you kidding me? Paperwork is a small fraction of the costs a doctor has. I would also be interested to know what you are including in "administrative costs"
"So what changes that? I refuse to be called lazy, ignorant or a dumbass because I have a realistic vision of America, and refuse to put blinders up regarding the realistic chances that somehow, some way, we'll reverse the direction we're going in as far as personal health..."

You can refuse to listen when someone calls you ignorant... but you really can't refuse to be called ignorant... now can you????

You don't have a "realistic" view, you have a "negative" view. Tossing your hands up in defeat does not mean that others will follow your pathetic path.

As Darla mentioned above... little things... swapping out the types of beverages and foods in vending machines in schools.... add up.

Your ignorant attitude that "nothing will let's simply quit trying to improve" is a large part of the problem. Quit being part of the problem. Change your attitude and TRY.
the gov could force the ama to losen entrance standards that are rediculously to tight.
If you restrict drug profits you seriously reduce new life saving drugs.