Film Review: SICKO!

Somehow I doubt the percentage of fat people who actually have an eating disorder is very high. I would guess that the majority are obese because they eat like shit and don't exercise. That is a personal choice... a choice that is likely going to cost them in healthcare expenses. The more people that do this... the higher the average insurance rates will go.
For all those who bitch about the cost of healthcare....

The FIRST thing that should be done.... get your ass and the ass of everyone you know in shape. Quit eating like shit. Start exercising.... and NO... gameboys and xboxs are NOT exercise, even though you may be moving your thumbs really really fast. (Note: if you are already in shape, then odds are you are not part of the problem)

Next... LOOK at the costs of healthcare. What are the primary costs in each individual medical bill? Once you have broken it down, find the areas where you can make improvements. Shifting the cost of healthcare from the individual to the individual through taxation does NOTHING to fix the problem.

You forgot don't get cancer, diabetes, injured, wounded, depressed, and for sure stay away from any and all inherited diseases.
But if you make the bad choices darla, you should be the one to pay for those bad choices. If I do, then I should pay.

No, we all make bad choices. We are rich enough as a country to provide medical care to all, whether you made a bad choice, just had the bad luck to grow up near a chemical plant, or age and sicken in the natural course.

We are all going to get sick, someday. Unless we die in our sleep at 45 from a massive heart attack, we will sicken. Whether we do so at a fairly young age, or in our old age, is due to many factors, only one of which is, personal choice.
You forgot don't get cancer, diabetes, injured, wounded, depressed, and for sure stay away from any and all inherited diseases.

Good points. Genetics, still the number one risk factor for heart disease. (I think smoking is close though) If your father died in his 40's from heart disease, you better be seeing a doctor.
I wouldn't go along with that. People find hundreds of ways to kill themselves. Would you then refuse treatment to someone who got into a car accident but were going above the speed limit? Smokers? Drinkers? Druggers? What about anorexics?

I feel that as a society, we have to solve the problem rather than making moral judgements. I know I make jokes about fat people at McDonalds, and I shouldn't. And I admit to laughing my ass off at them sometimes when I see them actually waddling into a McDonalds or an all you can eat chineese buffet.

But I wouldn't make them pay with their lives for bad choices. We all make bad choices. It's just a matter of what your poison is.
I see it happening if the cost basis isn't fixed first. People will reject too high a level of tax to pay for this, they'll have to cut costs. They'll begin to refuse services to certain "unfavorables"....

Fix the cost basis, then ask me to pick up the tab. I'll reluctantly pick it up. But continue to spend extravagantly and then expect me to, and pretty soon I'll just walk away.
I see it happening if the cost basis isn't fixed first. People will reject too high a level of tax to pay for this, they'll have to cut costs. They'll begin to refuse services to certain "unfavorables"....

Fix the cost basis, then ask me to pick up the tab. I'll reluctantly pick it up. But continue to spend extravagantly and then expect me to, and pretty soon I'll just walk away.

Damo, you are talking about a society that is nearly as ugly as Nazi Germany. Only the perfect people are valued members of it? Thanks, but no thank you.

Of course we can lower costs of health care, that would be a part of universal health care.

and really, what you are saying is not important. So what if you walk away? Apparently, from what I have been reading, most Americans are obese, to varying degrees. If they all walked away and started their own private, obese people only health plan, it is the rest of us who would be screwed.
You forgot don't get cancer, diabetes, injured, wounded, depressed, and for sure stay away from any and all inherited diseases.

My god.. this has to be the dumbest response yet. Guess what moron... by taking care of yourself, you can reduce the chances of almost all of these.

No one was saying that by eating healthy and exercising all diseases would be cured and all accidents would be prevented. But guess what tool.... by doing these things we can reduce the costs of healthcare.... and can free up resources for those who do get a disease or do have an accident.
"and really, what you are saying is not important. So what if you walk away? Apparently, from what I have been reading, most Americans are obese, to varying degrees. If they all walked away and started their own private, obese people only health plan, it is the rest of us who would be screwed."

Calling BULLSHIT on the above. Please... all obese people out there... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE start your own obese people only healthplan. For those of us in shape our insurance premiums would plummet if we don't have to subsidize your fat asses anymore.
Damo, you are talking about a society that is nearly as ugly as Nazi Germany. Only the perfect people are valued members of it? Thanks, but no thank you.

Of course we can lower costs of health care, that would be a part of universal health care.

and really, what you are saying is not important. So what if you walk away? Apparently, from what I have been reading, most Americans are obese, to varying degrees. If they all walked away and started their own private, obese people only health plan, it is the rest of us who would be screwed.
No, I am talking about a logical path. If you don't fix the cost first we can either end up giving all we have to continue to pay for this healthcare that will continue its present path and outstrip our earnings at some point in time, or we will end up cutting costs, and where would it be that the cuts would come?

You don't like it, then stick with the problem of cost first, then work on universal healthcare.

I do not trust the government to "fix cost" as part of the universal healthcare. Already I have given my reasons for that. Government is irresponsible with money, constantly recklessly.

Even when we borrow over 100 Billion to pay interest we call it is "surplus" and rejoice!

HELL NO! Fix it FIRST because I don't trust the government to do the right thing.

And what has this to do with obesity.

It has never been part of my argument to reduce obesity as part of the plan. It is only to FIX THE COST FIRST. Then let's talk about picking up the tab.
I share the distrust of government, but I don't know what you mean when you say we need to "fix it" first before gov't gets involved.

The free market is failing on this issue. Costs are absolutely, 100% out of control, and this is one instance where we just can't hope that insurance companies or the healthcare industry is going to work in any kind of cooperative way to "fix things."

Really, I don't know what the answer is, because I think universal healthcare could potentially be devastating to us on a fiscal level. We have to have some level of government involvement & oversight, though, if we have any hope of fixing either the costs of healthcare & insurance, or the problem posed by so many uninsured Americans.
I share the distrust of government, but I don't know what you mean when you say we need to "fix it" first before gov't gets involved.

The free market is failing on this issue. Costs are absolutely, 100% out of control, and this is one instance where we just can't hope that insurance companies or the healthcare industry is going to work in any kind of cooperative way to "fix things."

Really, I don't know what the answer is, because I think universal healthcare could potentially be devastating to us on a fiscal level. We have to have some level of government involvement & oversight, though, if we have any hope of fixing either the costs of healthcare & insurance, or the problem posed by so many uninsured Americans.
I need to see the cost basis fixed before I would feel comfortable accepting the need to pick up the tab. The idea that it magically is fixed as soon as the government starts paying for it, or that we should assume that "this fix" will do it and just jump right in are both equally repulsive to me.

All it will do is take the problem and sweep it under the rug. At some point the rug isn't going to lie flat anymore. It will be like the SS program, we'll wind up having to "fix" it again and again without regard to the reality of the failure.

It's like the border issue. Fix the border first, then lets talk about what is here and work on that compromise. But I don't trust the "fix" to come along with the compromise, the government is full of phail, and shows no promise in ever fixing any of its failures.
I can see a "fat tax" being the end result as some people wouldn't want to pay for those who make unhealthy choices.

Can't go down that road.

I might not want to pay for people who choose to live in unhealthy, polluted big cities, where the air and water is more likely to make you sick than where I live.

What about smokers? What about people who choose high-stress jobs? Surely those fuckers can choose to work a lower stress job, for the sake of their health ;)
I agree with most of that, but don't you think governnment has to be involved in whatever the "fix" is on the costs?

I just don't see it happening in the private sector. It's getting worse every year.
Can't go down that road.

I might not want to pay for people who choose to live in unhealthy, polluted big cities, where the air and water is more likely to make you sick than where I live.

What about smokers? What about people who choose high-stress jobs? Surely those fuckers can choose to work a lower stress job, for the sake of their health ;)

Yes. A work tax! Brilliant!
Can't go down that road.

I might not want to pay for people who choose to live in unhealthy, polluted big cities, where the air and water is more likely to make you sick than where I live.

What about smokers? What about people who choose high-stress jobs? Surely those fuckers can choose to work a lower stress job, for the sake of their health ;)
Yes. These are the things I see happening in the future if we don't first control the costs. That pile of dirt will just grow, it won't get smaller by ignoring it, or pretending the lump in the carpet isn't really there.
I agree with most of that, but don't you think governnment has to be involved in whatever the "fix" is on the costs?

I just don't see it happening in the private sector. It's getting worse every year.
When did I say that it would be in the private sector? I asked the fix of the cost to come first. Begin your "fixes" for the cost before we take the tab. When I see that they work, I will agree to pick up the tab, along with most on here, to pay for those who cannot pay.

Otherwise I will continue to fight it for the reasons previously assigned.
My god.. this has to be the dumbest response yet. Guess what moron... by taking care of yourself, you can reduce the chances of almost all of these.

No one was saying that by eating healthy and exercising all diseases would be cured and all accidents would be prevented. But guess what tool.... by doing these things we can reduce the costs of healthcare.... and can free up resources for those who do get a disease or do have an accident.

Alright, let me make it very very simple for you.

You cling to a singular cause for all health problems in America. Most people are in decent enough shape that they cannot be considered fat or obese (myself included) You want to absolve the insurance companies from any and all responsibilty when they are blatantly profit seeking at the expense of their customers. You're the idiot for saying that fat people are the cause of high insurance premiums and denial of claims. While overweight people may cause premiums to rise marginally, the do not constitute or explain why most Americans are without insurance. The fact is that being sick in America is expensive because faceless corporations look to increase their share of the market and their profits. Ihe system is broken, and you want to blame everyone but the HMO's. What a shame stupidity isn't covered under a health care policy and even if it was, you'd probably have your claimed denied.
And please tell me how being "in shape" will reduce my chance of developing cancer among the thousands of other diseases Americans are afflicted with. I'm all ears...
Alright, let me make it very very simple for you. "

Great, this should be good.... here we go...

"You cling to a singular cause for all health problems in America."

No moron... I never said it was due to a singular cause. Usually when someone says we need to fix something and they start by saying "first" that implies that there will be a second and perhaps more in the list of things to do. The very same post I said "Next" and then echoed Damos point that we need to look into the costs and see what we can do to fix them. Do try to read AND comprehend. It will save me a lot of time explaining shit like this to you.

"Most people are in decent enough shape that they cannot be considered fat or obese (myself included)"

Right... that is why we continue to hear how obese Americans are in general... because most people are in decent shape. Seriously, are you just yanking my chain on this point?

"You want to absolve the insurance companies from any and all responsibilty when they are blatantly profit seeking at the expense of their customers. "

Please moron... show me where I said anything even remotely close to the above. Side note: of course they seek to make a profit... they are a FOR profit firm.

"You're the idiot for saying that fat people are the cause of high insurance premiums and denial of claims. While overweight people may cause premiums to rise marginally, the do not constitute or explain why most Americans are without insurance."

You are an idiot if you think it only has a marginal effect. If a person is overweight does their chances of a heart attack increase or decrease? Chance they become diabetic increase or decrease? Chance of suffering from high blood pressure increase or decrease? Here is a hint... they all increase. If the chances increase, then the odds of a hospital/doctors visit are going to increase. The more obese our society becomes the greater the healthcare costs will be. The greater the healthcare costs are, the more insurance will rise to cover the greater costs. Because as you mentioned, the insurance companies are not out to lose money. Also, please note, this does not mean overweight people are the SOLE cause of higher premiums. But it most certainly is a major factor.

"The fact is that being sick in America is expensive because faceless corporations look to increase their share of the market and their profits."

Right... so like so many others you are going to simply point your finger at corporations and just blame them... cause it is the pc thing to do, as well as the easiest. The insurance and pharma companies certainly share in the blame, but they are far from being the major part of the problem.

Ihe system is broken, and you want to blame everyone but the HMO's. What a shame stupidity isn't covered under a health care policy and even if it was, you'd probably have your claimed denied"

Seriously, where do you come up with crap like the above? Nowhere have I said that HMOs are part of the problem.