Film Review: SICKO!

Ban all public advertising of prescription drugs.
This would decrease the "cost" of prescription drugs by a few billion per year.

you know... I forget who brought this to my attention a few months ago, but that is a very valid point. Too much money is spent advertising drugs that are prescription only. WHY? Are the doctors too stupid to know what to prescribe? Or are the pharmas trying to convince the public that they "need" these drugs?

Obviously that is rhetorical.
Yeah since Regans fast track to drug approvals we have had more recalled dangerous drugs than in the previous 50 years.
"So what changes that? I refuse to be called lazy, ignorant or a dumbass because I have a realistic vision of America, and refuse to put blinders up regarding the realistic chances that somehow, some way, we'll reverse the direction we're going in as far as personal health..."

You can refuse to listen when someone calls you ignorant... but you really can't refuse to be called ignorant... now can you????

You don't have a "realistic" view, you have a "negative" view. Tossing your hands up in defeat does not mean that others will follow your pathetic path.

As Darla mentioned above... little things... swapping out the types of beverages and foods in vending machines in schools.... add up.

Your ignorant attitude that "nothing will let's simply quit trying to improve" is a large part of the problem. Quit being part of the problem. Change your attitude and TRY.

Nothing. Nada. Zilch. You have provided nothing to show why all of a sudden, the direction will completely REVERSE in America, even though education & public awareness programs about health are at the highest levels in our history.

Sorry - it's REALISTIC, because it deals with REALITY.

I am not "giving up." I do what I can in my life, and raise my kids as healthy as I can. However, to assume because of that, that it makes one iota of difference in the state of health in America as a whole would be, again, mathematically challenged.

It's not about giving up. It's about making a magical improvement in everyone's habits & diet any part of a realistic "plan" to address healthcare costs.
you know... I forget who brought this to my attention a few months ago, but that is a very valid point. Too much money is spent advertising drugs that are prescription only. WHY? Are the doctors too stupid to know what to prescribe? Or are the pharmas trying to convince the public that they "need" these drugs?

Obviously that is rhetorical.

Pharmas are using patients to pressure their DR into prescribing them. After all from the commercials they make your life wonderful.
Just pushing drugs and prescription drug misuse is a major problem.
This little pill will fix everything....

also stop allowing lawyers to advertise specialties like getting you the money you deserve if you are in an accident, or have you taken any of these drugs if so call the man from uncle and he will get you money.
I remember we had no lawsuit problem when lawyers were not allowed to advertise on the tube....
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"Paperwork and adminstrative costs are one of doctor's biggest expenses. "

Are you kidding me? Paperwork is a small fraction of the costs a doctor has. I would also be interested to know what you are including in "administrative costs"

This is common knowledge, SF. Maybe fox news doesn't cover it ;)

In 1999, health administration costs in the USA were $1,059 per capita, as compared with $304 per capita in Canada. As for individual doctors, their administrative costs were far lower in Canada.
Nothing. Nada. Zilch. You have provided nothing to show why all of a sudden, the direction will completely REVERSE in America, even though education & public awareness programs about health are at the highest levels in our history."

You really are retarded aren't you? Again, I said take responsibility for yourself (which you are) and try to help those around you (you said you are for your family.. that is good) I DID NOT SAY THAT WOULD CHANGE THE DIRECTION OF THE COUNTRY AS A WHOLE. I SIMPLY SAID... DO YOUR PART.

"I am not "giving up." I do what I can in my life, and raise my kids as healthy as I can. However, to assume because of that, that it makes one iota of difference in the state of health in America as a whole would be, again, mathematically challenged."

No one said that it would change the world moron. I simply stated that everyone should take responsibility for themselves and those they care about. I did not say that by YOUR doing it the world would change. Quit being the drama queen. It is NOT an all or nothing thing. If you are so pathetic that you have no influence over friends or coworkers... that is fine. Do what you are with yourself and your family and that is simply the best you can do.

"It's not about giving up. It's about making a magical improvement in everyone's habits & diet any part of a realistic "plan" to address healthcare costs.

No moron... the fact that you have an incredible ability to completely fail to comprehend what you read is the only thing that is realistic. NO ONE said there was a magical way to get everyone to change overnight.... you are simply too retarded to read, thus we are done. Enjoy your pathetic little life.

No moron... the fact that you have an incredible ability to completely fail to comprehend what you read is the only thing that is realistic. NO ONE said there was a magical way to get everyone to change overnight.... you are simply too retarded to read, thus we are done. Enjoy your pathetic little life.

Wow, you two dislike each other?

you both seem like such reasonable cool people to me.
This is common knowledge, SF. Maybe fox news doesn't cover it ;)

Common knowledge? Then please, as I mentioned, explain what you are including when you refer to "administrative costs".

The paperwork is inconsequential in terms of total costs to a doctor. The "administrative costs" can be substantial depending on what you are including there.
Look, I just don't see how keeping myself in shape, and those around me (if I could, effectively) makes one iota of difference, either in national healthcare costs, or my own.

Even on the micro-level, maybe I don't need as much care, but my premiums through my company have still more than doubled over the past couple of years, as have out-of-pocket costs, while deductibles have increased. And I'm one of the lucky ones; I know more than a few people who work for companies who have dropped coverage altogether because they costs are becoming so prohibitive.

I'm all for encouraging good health among Americans, but a realistic assessment of the effectiveness of such a strategy on either personal or national healthcare costs doesn't really belong in a meaningful discussion of the topic.
yes Darla, along the same lines if people would just behave we would not need armies and police...Pipe dreamers stuff.
Look, I just don't see how keeping myself in shape, and those around me (if I could, effectively) makes one iota of difference, either in national healthcare costs, or my own.

Even on the micro-level, maybe I don't need as much care, but my premiums through my company have still more than doubled over the past couple of years, as have out-of-pocket costs, while deductibles have increased. And I'm one of the lucky ones; I know more than a few people who work for companies who have dropped coverage altogether because they costs are becoming so prohibitive.

I'm all for encouraging good health among Americans, but a realistic assessment of the effectiveness of such a strategy on either personal or national healthcare costs doesn't really belong in a meaningful discussion of the topic.
I can see a "fat tax" being the end result as some people wouldn't want to pay for those who make unhealthy choices.
"Look, I just don't see how keeping myself in shape, and those around me (if I could, effectively) makes one iota of difference, either in national healthcare costs, or my own. "

On the national level... it doesn't. Which is why more people need to do exactly what you are doing. It is the attitude in the country that needs changing. It will take time. But as Darla pointed out, steps are being slowly taken to do just that. It will not happen overnight. The reason your personal healthcare costs have not gone down is because you are subsidizing the fat lazy bastard you work with. Hence a little motivation for you to try to influence him/her to eat better or go for a walk with you etc...

"Even on the micro-level, maybe I don't need as much care, but my premiums through my company have still more than doubled over the past couple of years, as have out-of-pocket costs, while deductibles have increased. And I'm one of the lucky ones; I know more than a few people who work for companies who have dropped coverage altogether because they costs are becoming so prohibitive."

I understand all of this. But you are the example of why we need to continue to push in the direction that you take for yourself. Regardless of how hard it is or how long it takes to get the mindset of the average American to the point you are at. I also understand that it will be far tougher to implement with people who live in Wisconsin or Michigan than it would be for those who live in Colorado or California. But it still can be done. Just not overnight.

"I'm all for encouraging good health among Americans, but a realistic assessment of the effectiveness of such a strategy on either personal or national healthcare costs doesn't really belong in a meaningful discussion of the topic."

That is where you are wrong. Completely wrong. The single biggest factor in healthcare costs is our health. It is basic supply and demand. Almost every other costs in healthcare is tied to our individual health.
I can see a "fat tax" being the end result as some people wouldn't want to pay for those who make unhealthy choices.

I wouldn't go along with that. People find hundreds of ways to kill themselves. Would you then refuse treatment to someone who got into a car accident but were going above the speed limit? Smokers? Drinkers? Druggers? What about anorexics?

I feel that as a society, we have to solve the problem rather than making moral judgements. I know I make jokes about fat people at McDonalds, and I shouldn't. And I admit to laughing my ass off at them sometimes when I see them actually waddling into a McDonalds or an all you can eat chineese buffet.

But I wouldn't make them pay with their lives for bad choices. We all make bad choices. It's just a matter of what your poison is.