Firing into Civilians - Israel isn't going after Hamas

So, again, what is your source for the data/info?
So again, how do you not know this? Do I have to explain your willful ignorance again? How can you claim this topic is important enough to demand more information while simultaneously not being important enough for you to perform any independent research?
So again, how do you not know this? Do I have to explain your willful ignorance again? How can you claim this topic is important enough to demand more information while simultaneously not being important enough for you to perform any independent research?

Your source for your claims?.......
Your source for your claims?.......
OK, let's go over it again. Only a racist, leftist moron who intentionally turns a blind eye to Israeli atrocities against Palestinian civilians would virtue-signal how he is going to "not believe" any sources to the contrary.

Why do you refuse to perform any independent research about Israeli war crimes? Is your ignorance on the matter fully intentional? Why are you begging me to teach you how to research something on the internet?
OK, let's go over it again. Only a racist, leftist moron who intentionally turns a blind eye to Israeli atrocities against Palestinian civilians would virtue-signal how he is going to "not believe" any sources to the contrary.

Why do you refuse to perform any independent research about Israeli war crimes? Is your ignorance on the matter fully intentional? Why are you begging me to teach you how to research something on the internet?

Again....what is your source for the claims of Israel not going after terrorists, but going after civilians instead?
No Palestinian civilians targeted anything. WTF?

Yes, let's talk about war crimes. You have overtly racist Israelis, in full military getup, not storming Iran (who attacked them) but instead electing to butcher Palestinians civilians, killing roughly 4,500 of them, because of their HATE for the Palestinian "animals." Hate generates adrenaline, but clouds the mind.

How do you know they are 'innocent civilians'? Many Palestinians support Hamas or are even part of Hamas.
So you are stupid. You acknowledge right here that you recognize that Hamas is not Palestinian civilians, and without missing a beat, your very next sentence will snap right back to treating Palestinian civilians as Hamas. Let's take a look.

I bet you don't get many people mistaking you for a genius. Figure it the fuck out Einstein.

Then the only idiot here is you. Hamas was elected by the Palestinians. Hamas uses innocent Palestinians as shields as they attack Israelis. Any harm that befalls any innocent Palestinian is the direct result of the actions of Hamas. I wish your fucking brain worked.
And there's the rub. None ever are.

Israel doesn't seem to want to. Do you see Israel invading Iran? No. Do you see Israel going after Hamas terrorists? No. Do you see Israel going to war against Palestinian civilians who never attacked Israel. Yes. Well, how are Hamas fighters ever going to be held accountable if Israel doesn't want to pursue the matter? Israel would rather commit genocide against defenseless "animals" who they HATE.

Thought experiment:

There is a building in Gaza that Hamas is using as a headquarters, base of operations, or for other combat purposes, and that building also contains Palestinian civilians. Hamas is actively using this building for combat against Israel. Israel knows 100% for certain that Hamas is doing this, no questions involved.

What in your opinion should Israel do about the Hamas combatants in this building?
No Palestinian civilians targeted anything. WTF?

Yes, let's talk about war crimes. You have overtly racist Israelis, in full military getup, not storming Iran (who attacked them) but instead electing to butcher Palestinians civilians, killing roughly 4,500 of them, because of their HATE for the Palestinian "animals." Hate generates adrenaline, but clouds the mind.

Hamas targeted civilians.

Yes, the Palestinian "animals" are innocent :rolleyes:
Hamas was elected by the Palestinians.
Then the idiot here is you. You seem to think that you become the people you elect. That makes you a total moron. You do not become the people you elect. Tell everyone here on JPP into whom you transformed most recently by electing.

Just to make sure everyone is clear, please clarify your belief that Palestinian civilians transformed into Hamas terrorists via an election process, and now they all "deserve whatever they get." Just state it right here.

Just to make sure everyone is clear, please clarify your understanding of why Israeli soldiers are not invading Iran, the State responsible for the attacks against Israel, and instead are killing Palestinian civilians who never attacked Israel. Focus heavily on the reason Israel is not invading Iran to exact justice from the Ayatollah, the one responsible. Thereafter you can explain how dead Palestinian civilians who did not vote for Hamas deserved to die.

Any harm that befalls any innocent Palestinian is the direct result of the actions of Hamas.
Nope. It's the direct result of Israeli racism and of Israeli resolve to wipe Palestinians off the face of the earth. All harm befalling Palestinians is the result of direct and deliberate action by Israelis.

... and you are a shill without morals or conscience. You're no better than a Nazi.
Then the idiot here is you. You seem to think that you become the people you elect. That makes you a total moron. You do not become the people you elect. Tell everyone here on JPP into whom you transformed most recently by electing.

Just to make sure everyone is clear, please clarify your belief that Palestinian civilians transformed into Hamas terrorists via an election process, and now they all "deserve whatever they get." Just state it right here.

Just to make sure everyone is clear, please clarify your understanding of why Israeli soldiers are not invading Iran. the State responsible for the attacks against Israel, and instead are killing Palestinian civilians who never attacked Israel. Focus heavily on the reason Israel is not invading Iran to exact justice from the Ayatollah, the one responsible. Thereafter you can explain how dead Palestinian civilians who did not vote for Hamas deserved to die.

Nope. It's the direct result of Israeli racism and of Israeli resolve to wipe Palestinians off the face of the earth. All harm befalling Palestinians is the result of direct and deliberate action by Israelis.

... and you are a shill without morals or conscience. You're no better than a Nazi.

Palestinians have had control of Gaza for 18 years. They want all Jews dead. Everything that follows from those two realities is on their shoulders.
Thought experiment:
We're going to have to modify it because you misspoke.

There is a building in Gaza that Hamas is using as a headquarters, base of operations, or for other combat purposes,...
It's a building. It is not a weapon system. It is a building. The building cannot attack Israel or Israeli soldiers.

So let's assume that the Israeli military has Hamas terrorists trapped in a building. Go on ...

and that building also contains Palestinian civilians.
OK, then Israel has an obligation to treat that building with extra care, like when a SWAT team has dangerous criminals trapped in an apartment building or something similar. Go on ...

Hamas is actively using this building for combat against Israel.
Nope. The terrorists are trapped in the building and cannot do anything to combat Israel while so trapped. Go on ...

Israel knows 100% for certain that Hamas is [trapped inside this building], no questions involved.
Great. Each situation is unique. But we can present two scenarios:

Scenario A. Israel wishes to play it by the book and adhere to Geneva conventions. In this case Israel uses standard tactics to evacuate those sheltering or otherwise residing in the building and then extract the terrorists, possibly through the use of lethal force. Israel will put the safety of the civilian inhabitants as a priority.

Scenario B. Israel is just a bunch of racist war criminals who say "fuck 'em all; they're all just Arab animals" and orders a quick air strike to ensure no Israeli somehow misses his lunch engagement. The Israeli military notifies Anera to coordinate the removal of the garbage.

Hey, just out of curiosity, which scenario do we see playing out in Gaza?
We're going to have to modify it because you misspoke.

It's a building. It is not a weapon system. It is a building. The building cannot attack Israel or Israeli soldiers.

So let's assume that the Israeli military has Hamas terrorists trapped in a building. Go on ...

OK, then Israel has an obligation to treat that building with extra care, like when a SWAT team has dangerous criminals trapped in an apartment building or something similar. Go on ...

Nope. The terrorists are trapped in the building and cannot do anything to combat Israel while so trapped. Go on ...

Great. Each situation is unique. But we can present two scenarios:

Scenario A. Israel wishes to play it by the book and adhere to Geneva conventions. In this case Israel uses standard tactics to evacuate those sheltering or otherwise residing in the building and then extract the terrorists, possibly through the use of lethal force. Israel will put the safety of the civilian inhabitants as a priority.

Scenario B. Israel is just a bunch of racist war criminals who say "fuck 'em all; they're all just Arab animals" and orders a quick air strike to ensure no Israeli somehow misses his lunch engagement. The Israeli military notifies Anera to coordinate the removal of the garbage.

Hey, just out of curiosity, which scenario do we see playing out in Gaza?

Stop your bullshit. The cowards of Hamas use innocent Palestinians as shields and they know idiots like you will whine and moan when you see the blown up "hospitals". They have useful idiots like you who aid them in their PR battle against Israel.
Hamas targeted civilians.
Correct. All Hamas terrorists deserve what they have coming.

Yes, the Palestinian "animals" are innocent :rolleyes:
What gets me is how people, such as you, can be so Hitler-like, i.e. without any conscience whatsoever, and so readily dehumanize an entire class of people to the point that you justify, in your own mind, their eradication. You will use every lame quip imaginable to excuse Israeli atrocities, as long as they are feeding your racism. That makes you a shitty person. Israel is not invading Iran to exact justice upon the Ayatollah. Israel is launching air strikes into civilian populations, killing "animals" who never attacked Israel and who never voted for Hamas. You are perfectly fine with that, perhaps even gleeful. I think that makes you shitty.
Correct. All Hamas terrorists deserve what they have coming.

What gets me is how people, such as you, can be so Hitler-like, i.e. without any conscience whatsoever, and so readily dehumanize an entire class of people to the point that you justify, in your own mind, their eradication. You will use every lame quip imaginable to excuse Israeli atrocities, as long as they are feeding your racism. That makes you a shitty person. Israel is not invading Iran to exact justice upon the Ayatollah. Israel is launching air strikes into civilian populations, killing "animals" who never attacked Israel and who never voted for Hamas. You are perfectly fine with that, perhaps even gleeful. I think that makes you shitty.

You mean like Hamas wanting to get rid of all Jews from the face of the earth? That's what your buddy Adolf wanted too.
Stop your bullshit.
Fuck you. Answer my question, Nazi. Which scenario do we see playing out? Is Israel invading Iran? Iran is responsible for the attack. Has Israel moved at all against the Ayatollah?

Each situation is unique. But we can present two scenarios:

Scenario A. Israel wishes to play it by the book and adhere to Geneva conventions. In this case Israel uses standard tactics to evacuate those sheltering or otherwise residing in the building and then extract the terrorists, possibly through the use of lethal force. Israel will put the safety of the civilian inhabitants as a priority.

Scenario B. Israel is just a bunch of racist war criminals who say "fuck 'em all; they're all just Arab animals" and orders a quick air strike to ensure no Israeli somehow misses his lunch engagement. The Israeli military notifies Anera to coordinate the removal of the garbage.

Hey, just out of curiosity, which scenario do we see playing out in Gaza?
Fuck you. Answer my question, Nazi. Which scenario do we see playing out? Is Israel invading Iran? Iran is responsible for the attack. Has Israel moved at all against the Ayatollah?

All I know dipshit is that Hamas has had control of of Gaza for 18 years and it's as a result its a shithole on the order of any major city in America under the control of Democrats. Hamas continues to attack Israeli and remains dedicated to the destruction of all Jews. The cowards of Hamas put their own people at risk so they are responsible for their current position.
Correct. All Hamas terrorists deserve what they have coming.

What gets me is how people, such as you, can be so Hitler-like, i.e. without any conscience whatsoever, and so readily dehumanize an entire class of people to the point that you justify, in your own mind, their eradication. You will use every lame quip imaginable to excuse Israeli atrocities, as long as they are feeding your racism. That makes you a shitty person. Israel is not invading Iran to exact justice upon the Ayatollah. Israel is launching air strikes into civilian populations, killing "animals" who never attacked Israel and who never voted for Hamas. You are perfectly fine with that, perhaps even gleeful. I think that makes you shitty.

What's with this Hitler shit? No one's more Hitler-like, such as you, than progressives. An entire class of people? WTF? An entire
class of terrorists is more like it, Mr. Shitty person. You must think it was OK for Hamas to fire rockets into a music festival, huh?
You are perfectly fine with that, perhaps even gleeful? Well, so is the "Squad." You keep abnormal, bigoted company. Hateful even...
What's with this Hitler shit? No one's more Hitler-like, such as you, than progressives. An entire class of people? WTF? An entire
class of terrorists is more like it, Mr. Shitty person. You must think it was OK for Hamas to fire rockets into a music festival, huh?
You are perfectly fine with that, perhaps even gleeful? Well, so is the "Squad." You keep abnormal and bigoted company.

That poster is delusional
Palestinians have had control of Gaza for 18 years. They want all Jews dead.
Full stop. You are a racist who needs to assign hateful and dehumanizing attributes to an entire class of people in order to justify his bigotry. You are no better than a Nazi.

Israel does not have any moral authority to commit war crimes or any other atrocities against Palestinian civilians, regardless of for whom they voted.