First Annual Fake News Awards

Sorry. Obama was right. 'If you have to win an election by dividing the aren't going to be able to govern them."

trump doesn't get to pull a 'never mind', now that he accidentally won the election. It's so quaint that the biggest liar in the history of politics, now points fingers at everyone who calls him on his bullshit.
Democrats practice identity politics..which is nothing but divisiveness..
it's his JOB to express economic opinions!
when he deliberately publishes false opinions -which he himself did say he did because of Trump-hate-
that crosses the line into publishing fake news.

Give him credit for honesty and at least admitting he did

Thing’s argument is that Krugman’s piece wasn’t News in a formal sense.

He’s right, but the problem is the objection is weak: Trump’s broad point has to do with media bias—and Krugman is a prime example of it. There’s no way he would have written a similar opinion on Obama’s projected economy.

No way.
Thing’s argument is that Krugman’s piece wasn’t News in a formal sense.

He’s right, but the problem is the objection is weak: Trump’s broad point has to do with media bias—and Krugman is a prime example of it. There’s no way he would have written a similar opinion on Obama’s projected economy.

No way.
OK Krugman corrupted his own work because of Trump hate...that's much better
Trump nailed them on Fake the squirming denials..even more it continue.
How much media time has been wasted on the fake Russia-collusion story? It's a nothing burger. The only evidence Mueller has is against people who might have broken the law before they joined Trump's staff.

suggest professional help. the idea that you know what Mueller has is delusional, you have serious issues that need addressing.
Thing’s argument is that Krugman’s piece wasn’t News in a formal sense.

He’s right, but the problem is the objection is weak: Trump’s broad point has to do with media bias—and Krugman is a prime example of it. There’s no way he would have written a similar opinion on Obama’s projected economy.

No way.

Krugman is a bumbling idiot.
Thing’s argument is that Krugman’s piece wasn’t News in a formal sense.

He’s right, but the problem is the objection is weak: Trump’s broad point has to do with media bias—and Krugman is a prime example of it. There’s no way he would have written a similar opinion on Obama’s projected economy.

No way.

Because he's Keynsian.

Are you really going to argue that there weren't conservative opinion pieces about the stimulus & Obama?
OK Krugman corrupted his own work because of Trump hate...that's much better
Trump nailed them on Fake the squirming denials..even more it continue.

I am just embarrassed for you.

For the umpteenth time: Krugman's piece was NOT NEWS.
No one can be that wrong and claim it was just an opinion. He was wrong on purpose.

I have news for you, Right: in an opinion piece, someone is allowed to be as wrong as they want to be.

This is pretty unreal. Opinion pieces and opinion shows by their very nature CANNOT BE FAKE NEWS.

Know why?

Because they are NOT NEWS.

I'm going to start weekly seminars here on what is news, and what isn't. I encourage attendance.
I have news for you, Right: in an opinion piece, someone is allowed to be as wrong as they want to be.

This is pretty unreal. Opinion pieces and opinion shows by their very nature CANNOT BE FAKE NEWS.

Know why?

Because they are NOT NEWS.

I'm going to start weekly seminars here on what is news, and what isn't. I encourage attendance.

He's a liar with a liberal agenda trying to steer public opinion, so it's not really his opinion, but his lies.
Let me put it this way. If I know that your name is John and I claim that it is Paul, is that my opinion? No, it's a lie. Same deal with Krugman. The only other possibility is that he's stupid and incompetent in his chosen field. Is that your position?