First Annual Fake News Awards

I have a scientific degree. I've also studied the science of economics.

Variables don't make science unpredictable. You're confusing numerical variables with human behavioral variables.


I had to laugh out loud once again about that “scientific” degree horseshit. I had fogotten about your laughable claim of a degree in “science”.

Remind us again, Thumper. What “science” discipline was that?

I had to laugh out loud once again about that “scientific” degree horseshit. I had fogotten about your laughable claim of a degree in “science”.

Remind us again, Thumper. What “science” discipline was that?

Remind me again what your degree was in lol
I said, and you refuse to. It's now your turn. Again.

You never said because you never went to college, is my guess. :D

No, you never claimed a discipline. Know why? Because there is no discipline with a certificate or 2 year AS in “science”. Or, better yet, on-line, Thumper. Do they have “science” degrees in Bible school?

A BS or even BA has a discipline. But you don’t.

“Scientific” degree. What a hoot! You insult those with true degrees.
I have a scientific degree. I've also studied the science of economics.

Variables don't make science unpredictable. You're confusing numerical variables with human behavioral variables.
All variables make results unpredictable until they are quantified. Human behavior is actually predictable on a large enough scale.
No, you never claimed a discipline. Know why? Because there is no discipline with a certificate or 2 year AS in “science”. Or, better yet, on-line, Thumper. Do they have “science” degrees in Bible school?

A BS or even BA has a discipline. But you don’t.

“Scientific” degree. What a hoot! You insult those with true degrees.

Anyone who has posted here in the last ten years knows what my BS is in: the science of engineering.

What is your degree in again? Oh that's right, you don't have one.
LOL. Driving a train, or like Rune, running the engine room in a boat, does not make one an "engineer".

Since you both lack college degrees I can't expect either of you to know that.

Toot! Toot!


But seriously. The garbage man is a sanitary engineer. Next time. I promise to not overpack my recycling bin.
Toot! Toot!


But seriously. The garbage man is a sanitary engineer. Next time. I promise to not overpack my recycling bin.

Lots of people, like Rune, heck like Ed Norton, try to elevate themselves by calling themselves "engineer". But since they lack the education, experience, and professional license, do so illegally in most states.

Since you both lack college degrees I can't expect either of you to know that. lol
Lots of people, like Rune, heck like Ed Norton, try to elevate themselves by calling themselves "engineer". But since they lack the education, experience, and professional license, do so illegally in most states.

Since you both lack college degrees I can't expect either of you to know that. lol

I bet I have multiples of the amount of education you have; 2 to 6 times as much. You are a minimally educated math monkey.
That's why you are so often incorrect
The #1 award was an opinion piece from Krugman.

Another was a tweet.

as mentioned Krugman corrupted his field of work, this isn't just some opinion ,
it's a guy who is an economist who's opinion is supposed to matter when looking at teh economy
Now noise is going to call me a moron again. It's what Trump has reduced him to.
how about willfully ignorant?
that fits you to a T, and your obsession with the Krugman award while dodging the rest of the awards is your typical modus operandi of not seeing what you don't want to see.
Economics isn't predictable.

Have you studied any form of science? There are things called "variables." So, your entire response is essentially invalidated.

An opinion piece cannot be fake news.
because mathematics has variables, it's not science?

you are the perfect example of the guy who's peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining instead.
Thing’s argument is that Krugman’s piece wasn’t News in a formal sense.

He’s right, but the problem is the objection is weak: Trump’s broad point has to do with media bias—and Krugman is a prime example of it. There’s no way he would have written a similar opinion on Obama’s projected economy.

No way.

Are you suggesting one should not be allowed to argue their own viewpoint in the press?

Do you see, anatta, yurt, what a dangerous game Trump plays here?
Darth Lol is apparently of at least average intelligence, at very least he can't honestly be called mentally retarded, yet as his quote above proves
he knows nothing of the Fourth Estate.
He will not realize it as his rights slowly disappear because he is unaware of them.

How many other Americans are this ignorant?