First Annual Fake News Awards

how about willfully ignorant?
that fits you to a T, and your obsession with the Krugman award while dodging the rest of the awards is your typical modus operandi of not seeing what you don't want to see.

pot, kettle black.
You have a degree, and you still think economics is predictable? Particularly w/ human emotion & psychology playing such an integral part in investment decisions?

it's's what economists get paid to do..look at the variables and make predictions
One of the most stupid ploys of dumbassery in entertainment, and news history. I think I'd assume watch a burrito cook in the microwave if I wanted to inflict upon my mind like that. Hell I'd get a burrito out of it, as opposed to just wanting to be put out of my misery.
Go tuck your raisinettes and show off your new mangina, you stupid tool.
That kicks the shit out of your vocabulary which consist of:


Really? Why don’t you see if you can find those words, vaginal vault? I’ll wait.

First, however, see if you can list those 560+ races in the US. I can wait on that one as well, nitwit.
because mathematics has variables, it's not science?

you are the perfect example of the guy who's peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining instead.

Your reading for comprehension ia incredibly poor.
He never said it isn't science.
He clearly says it is an inexact science, which it is at this point. Unfortunately for Right, the simpleton., all the variables in economics have not yet veen quantified. It is unlike engineering in that way and more akin to physics in that it is more theoretical as yet.
it's's what economists get paid to do..look at the variables and make predictions

No it isn't you retard.
That's why there are still multiple schools of belief with diametrically opposing viewpoints.
Please don't talk about what you clearly don't know about.
You are splitting hairs you fucking shill piece of shit.
hair splitting noise?? ROFL

you idiot.
You use the terms without understanding that advocacy ( a biased perspective with biased practices) is
anathema to investigative reporters who have to research with an open mind to let the facts take them where they will go
because mathematics has variables, it's not science?

you are the perfect example of the guy who's peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining instead.

So, you think economics is 100% predictable science?

Is that really what you want to stake out here?

Let's take it to its logical conclusion. This will be immense fun. But first, please confirm that this is what you believe.
Really? Why don’t you see if you can find those words, vaginal vault? I’ll wait.

First, however, see if you can list those 560+ races in the US. I can wait on that one as well, nitwit.
They're written all over your face, you troop-slandering invertebrate.

Also, I've already listed the race that's relevant to you, so let's not strain your pea sized brain.

Now, say it with me: Eu-nu-chloid.

Very good, shithead. You got that on your first try! ;)
as mentioned Krugman corrupted his field of work, this isn't just some opinion ,
it's a guy who is an economist who's opinion is supposed to matter when looking at teh economy

He is an economist of a school that disagrees with conservative economics and since tax cuts for the rich during a vibrant economy don't actually cause growth but rather, long-term debt, he is correct.
This is not yet Trump's economy. At best his influence is just waxing now.
Below is the full list of winners of the 2017 Fake News Awards...

The NYT has much to answer for:

- how it chooses NOT to cover anything that will tarnish obama or his "legacy."

- it barely, if at all, covered obama's inhibiting of the Cassandra Project - treasonous action by obama by any measure

- its minor coverage of the iran uprising in late December to protect the iran regime and its lucrative travel guide business there

- the relentless daily legion of anti-Trump cover stories in both its editorial and news sections that have destroyed any vestiges of integrity and objectivity it had

- its running interference on behalf of obama and the iranian regime to save the lunatic nuke deal and obama's "legacy" - it blasted Netanyahoo for speaking to Congress against it, while historically giving a pass to foreign officials who've done the same for centuries

- its daily "illegal alien" sob story - at the behest of its owner Carlos Slim, whose fortune was built and is maintained by the illegal alien invasion of the US and is likely funding many of the pro-amnesty groups

- the overwhelming coverage of every fucking thing Israel does, while wholesale ignoring the atrocious behavior including ethnic cleansing, oppression, lack of freedom and basic civil rights in the arab muslim countries

I've despised the NYT for a long time but could at least skim it to get some updates, but now it has reached a point that I can't even look at that fucking rag.

I pray it goes out of business very, very soon. It is nothing more than an agitprop mouthpiece for Carlos Slims' illegal aliens and the national democratic party.
done, fine, ok whatever, it matters not.

Krugman corrupted his works - opinion or news reportage.
Give him a "corrupt works award" instead of fake news award

Whatever you want. There are a ton of bad opinions out there. But most people (not you) understand that they're reading someone else's opinion - and that it isn't news.

The #1 thing on Trump's big award list is 100% bogus. Thanks for finally coming around.
So, you think economics is 100% predictable science?

Is that really what you want to stake out here?

Let's take it to its logical conclusion. This will be immense fun. But first, please confirm that this is what you believe.

He clearly is that ignorant.
So, you think economics is 100% predictable science?

Is that really what you want to stake out here?

Let's take it to its logical conclusion. This will be immense fun. But first, please confirm that this is what you believe.
absolutely it is not 100% predictive, but it IS predictive.

I'm not going back over this..i'd rather cede it's not fake news in favor of it's fake work.
Because I don't see any real world different result what you categorize it.

The results are the same..a piss poor prediction propelled by Krugman's bias.
absolutely it is not 100% predictive, but it IS predictive.

I'm not going back over this..i'd rather cede it's not fake news in favor of it's fake work.
Because I don't see any real world differnt result what you categorize it.

The results are the same..a piss poor prediction propelled by Krugman's bias

Opinion pieces by their very nature are "bias." Do you understand that?

Not fake news.