Genesis of Genesis: Where Did the Biblical Story of Creation Come From?

And why did all of them go to Australia, with none setting up anywhere in between? Such a journey would have taken years, years in which they almost certainly would have had little koalas and kangaroos. And how did they even reach Australia, the island continent.
no need for animals to travel the way, did you know the Australian aborigines have a legend in which they were the only survivors of a Great Flood?......
/ constantly repeating your atheist lies is juvenile.......

Aesop's Fables (Article) - Ancient History Encyclopedia

Mar 8, 2014 - Written by a former Greek slave, in the late to mid-6th century BCE, Aesop's Fables are the world's best known collection of morality tales. The fables, numbering 725, were originally told from person-to-person as much for entertainment purposes but largely as a means for relaying or teaching a moral or lesson.
PmP believes Noah's ark was real.


This is where christian faith and childish naivete meld into one.
Christianity requires a level of self imposed insanity, or retardation, or both.
PmP is the poster boy for those afflictions.
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PmP believes Noah's ark was real.


This is where christian faith and childish naivete meld into one.
Christianity requires a level of self imposed insanity, or retardation, or both.
PmP is the poster boy for those afflictions.

The Noah story is borrowed from the Babylonians. In 2900 BC a petty king (Noah) was hauling grain, beer and livestock down the Euphrates river on barges. Spring rains and snowmelt from the mountains caused a flood of the river basin and the barges broke loose.. It was a 4 day flood .. They came to rest in Bahrain.

There is also a mountain range in Saudi Arabia called Arrarat..

The Bible never says the "earth was flooded".. The Bible says "eretz" was flooded which means land all thru scripture... As in their was famine in the land.. not to be comfused with worldwide famine.
The Noah story is borrowed from the Babylonians. In 2900 BC a petty king (Noah) was hauling grain, beer and livestock down the Euphrates river on barges. Spring rains and snowmelt from the mountains caused a flood of the river basin and the barges broke loose.. It was a 4 day flood .. They came to rest in Bahrain.

and yet you can't link the story......your lies are accumulating......
The Noah story is borrowed from the Babylonians. In 2900 BC a petty king (Noah) was hauling grain, beer and livestock down the Euphrates river on barges. Spring rains and snowmelt from the mountains caused a flood of the river basin and the barges broke loose.. It was a 4 day flood .. They came to rest in Bahrain.

There is also a mountain range in Saudi Arabia called Arrarat..

The Bible never says the "earth was flooded".. The Bible says "eretz" was flooded which means land all thru scripture... As in their was famine in the land.. not to be comfused with worldwide famine.

PmP buys all the bull in the BuyBull just as it was told to him as a little boy, as literal fact. He was also told that if he continued to believe at that childish level he would live forever. The ignorant sap never let it go.
He has suspended his intellect based on a childish naive expectation of an everlasting life.
He has literally induced mental retardation for a selfish, childish unrealistic dream.