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Don't attempt to deal with concepts and issues that are beyond your grasp. You'll embarrass yourself further than you already have.
The correct phaseology would have been "....who considers other negroes...." , denoting more than one....instead of using an apostrophe "s", which would indicate the possessive case.

And it appears you have a problem distinguishing "you're" from "your".'re-and-Your

Next time, be sure you post using correct English...but I won't be paying any attention. I don't indulge stupid people. I'm placing you back on ignore, and you can bitch all you want, even using "bad English". LOL.

Yes, and you, ought to check your own grammatical and spelling errors, before casting such arrogant aspersions about the grammar and spelling of somebody else.

You really need to get over yourself. We have now all observed your talent at making an ass of yourself, as you continue to trip over your arrogant hatred and animosity.
The easiest way to do that is to ignore the personal crap. It doesn't stop from either side, but if it doesn't effect you it tends to drop off quickly. These people aren't "mine" any more than people you don't know are "yours"...

Yes, but you have a hand in running this ship. One might expect decorum..but when dealing with folks from all walks of life, classes, and educational levels, one can presume to encounter all types.
Most of the people on my ignore list are incapable of honest debate, and it has become more about personal attacks to make up for their inadequacies, self-esteem issues, or distorted political viewpoints. Every one has an opinion they are entitled to. The problem lies in those who want to restrict others from expressing it, or denying someone their truth. They claim to be Americans, but know nothing of democracy.
Yes, and you, ought to check your own grammatical and spelling errors, before casting such arrogant aspersions about the grammar and spelling of somebody else.

You really need to get over yourself. We have now all observed your talent at making an ass of yourself, as you continue to trip over your arrogant hatred and animosity.

Ah, yes....even I cannot claim perfection. Of course I meant "phraseology", however the plural of negro is "negroes", not "negros". So, once again, I made one mistake, not two.
And who , pray tell , are you to tell me to get over myself? Are you somebody? Who?
The easiest way to do that is to ignore the personal crap. It doesn't stop from either side, but if it doesn't effect you it tends to drop off quickly. These people aren't "mine" any more than people you don't know are "yours"...


Are you saying that I'm not your "DAWG"!! :)
This message is hidden because USFREEDOM911 is on your ignore list.

Sorry, you're denied my audience.
JPP Modarater Punisher

Learn to spell.

he can't spell it correctly as it is:
1. a direct copy/paste from the title of another poster who claimed to be a "Modarater"
2. I don't let people use Moderator, Admin, or some few other words in their titles as it actually caused the site issues when people believed that people using such titles were really what they were claiming in the title (hence the purposeful misspelling from the other poster).
Yes, but you have a hand in running this ship. One might expect decorum..but when dealing with folks from all walks of life, classes, and educational levels, one can presume to encounter all types.
Most of the people on my ignore list are incapable of honest debate, and it has become more about personal attacks to make up for their inadequacies, self-esteem issues, or distorted political viewpoints. Every one has an opinion they are entitled to. The problem lies in those who want to restrict others from expressing it, or denying someone their truth. They claim to be Americans, but know nothing of democracy.

Democracy is 2 wolves and 1 sheep deciding what to eat.
But; it does seem like the gay, Democrat, from Texas has really thin skin.
Do you also cry much?
he can't spell it correctly as it is:
1. a direct copy/paste from the title of another poster who claimed to be a "Modarater"
2. I don't let people use Moderator, Admin, or some few other words in their titles as it actually caused the site issues when people believed that people using such titles were really what they were claiming in the title (hence the purposeful misspelling from the other poster).

Thanks, Dawg. :)
Not really. I'm classist. I'm elitist. I'm a bit of a snob. But totally accessible. I was invited to a gay bar, in Spring, Tx, 30 miles outside of Houston, last night, to hear a friend of a friend perform with her guitar. It seemed a laid-back , average gay bar, with about 40 patrons, mostly "white", most of whom were friends of the performer. I was introduced to my friend's co-workers, teachers at her school for children with special needs. One, in particular, a rotund, middle aged blond, was introduced to me, and she passive-agressively "ignored" me, to my awkward surprise, me, being arms' length away from her. I thought to re-introduce myself, to make a point, but thought better of it, and just chalked it up to her lack of class. Two of the patron friends, both white women, were kind and interested enough to come over and give me a greeting, I thought "See, not all are "bad". Such as life.
The racist in me, thought I should go over and compliment the performer, whose voice and songs were better than her "untuned" guitar. I told her so, giving her words of encouragement and she appreciated my candor. And thank god, somebody at the bar made one of the two martinis that I had that saved the evening.

This is as pathetic as somone who says "I"m not a racist. Some of my friends are black or gay or insert group of choice."

Had to come back and edit this; because I wanted to know if I am the first one to be groaned by the racist known as Poet?
Location:Arizona.Occupation:Juvenile Corrections Officer.Signature

In 2012, the world ends; at least for the Democrates. The word is Democrats, dummy.
Ah, yes....even I cannot claim perfection. Of course I meant "phraseology", however the plural of negro is "negroes", not "negros". So, once again, I made one mistake, not two.
And who , pray tell , are you to tell me to get over myself? Are you somebody? Who?

No, you made two. Negroes is a proper noun, not a common noun. You do not write americans, you write Americans. Of course you miss the point, which is that your arrogance looks stupid when you correct another poster and their mistakes, all the while making grammatical and spelling errors while doing so.

I am just a another poster using colloquialisms and hyperbole to make a point.
No, you made two. Negroes is a proper noun, not a common noun. You do not write americans, you write Americans. Of course you miss the point, which is that your arrogance looks stupid when you correct another poster and their mistakes, all the while making grammatical and spelling errors while doing so.

I am just a another poster using colloquialisms and hyperbole to make a point.

LOL. If you say so.
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