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I suppose you've gathered that everyone attacking you is what I call a "rabid righty".

If your first sentence had been: "Hello. My name is poet. I'm a conservative Rep. Black. gay. Outspoken." they all would have been kneeling at your feet and strewing flowers in your path.

Hang in there. :thup:

You gon' make me throw my shoe! Precisely. But only blacks who are fools, would align themselves with a movement that doesn't include them, at its' core. Only clueless gays would align themselves with a party that doesn't respect them or their right to even exist. No. I'm convinced that it's up to liberals to bring this country back to its' senses and restore our honor and dignity...Lord knows the other side doesn't have any. Thank you, I will.
As predicted, folks confusing Republicanism with Conservatism. *shrug*

No, I'm thinking you are confusing disagreement with liberalism. Many of those people would be conservative and in agreement in almost everything with you, it is only one issue they disagree with you on. Are you saying that disagreement on any one issue you think is "conservative" makes anybody a liberal? That only 100% agreement with DY makes somebody a "conservative"?

In short, do you think you are the sole standard by which all conservatives are measured and that any disagreement at all, even on only one issue, means that they can't be "pure" conservatives or something?
No, I'm thinking you are confusing disagreement with liberalism. Many of those people would be conservative and in agreement in almost everything with you, it is only one issue they disagree with you on. Are you saying that disagreement on any one issue you think is "conservative" makes anybody a liberal? That only 100% agreement with DY makes somebody a "conservative"?

In short, do you think you are the sole standard by which all conservatives are measured and that any disagreement at all, even on only one issue, means that they can't be "pure" conservatives or something?

What I'm saying is that Republicanism is not at all Conservatism. Just look at the platforms of the party websites. Some Republicans are for big government and don't mind usurping the Constitution. Others may agree with Conservative fiscal policies but liberal social policies. If you want to call yourself "Conservative", you need to have most of your views, especially the primary ones like Right to Life and the sanctity of traditional marriage, in concert with your party.
What I'm saying is that Republicanism is not at all Conservatism. Just look at the platforms of the party websites. Some Republicans are for big government and don't mind usurping the Constitution. Others may agree with Conservative fiscal policies but liberal social policies. If you want to call yourself "Conservative", you need to have most of your views, especially the primary ones like Right to Life and the sanctity of traditional marriage, in concert with your party.

Apparently some people you call conservative are for government intervention where is doesn't belong as well.
you truly are a misogynistic asshole

Only when it comes to cried up old cunts who accuse me of whoring out my 4 year old daughter.

A pity you couldn't muster the same level of outrage when ID was spewing her filth about my daughter all over these boards.
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Hey You!!!!

Did you get a boob job and not tell me? PRick is saying so!!!!

:rofl: Now you know all of my plastic surgery secrets...damn that zappa :D

You should have seen the rolls of fat they removed! 200 pounds of it! I don't remember it or the boob job, but it's the only explanation there could be for me not looking like that picture Darla sent around!
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