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What I'm saying is that Republicanism is not at all Conservatism. Just look at the platforms of the party websites. Some Republicans are for big government and don't mind usurping the Constitution. Others may agree with Conservative fiscal policies but liberal social policies. If you want to call yourself "Conservative", you need to have most of your views, especially the primary ones like Right to Life and the sanctity of traditional marriage, in concert with your party.

Which changes nothing about the fact that many of the people in that group are in agreement with every issue with you, except one. That's a relatively conservative person from a group of people you said could not be conservative.
:rofl: Now you know all of my plastic surgery secrets...damn that zappa :D

You should have seen the rolls of fat they removed! 200 pounds of it! I don't remember it or the boob job, but it's the only explanation there could be for me not looking like that picture Darla sent around!

Well after seeing her in those taped campaign debates at the library, you had hair implants too!
Which changes nothing about the fact that many of the people in that group are in agreement with every issue with you, except one. That's a relatively conservative person from a group of people you said could not be conservative.
What does this have to do with the obvious difference between a Republican and a Conservative?
Only when it comes to cried up old cunts who accuse me of whoring out my 4 year old daughter.

A pity you couldn't muster the same level of outrage when ID was spewing her filth about my daughter all over these boards.

If I see her doing so I will call her on it. Glad to see you think sinking to that level is an appropriate response. If you want to point where she was doing so, I will be happy to admonish her as well.
If I see her doing so I will call her on it. Glad to see you think sinking to that level is an appropriate response. If you want to point where she was doing so, I will be happy to admonish her as well.

Ummmm-he started a thread that was sexually vulgar and descriptive about my daughter. He then PM'd me and made more comments...that was not enough so he neg-repped me with even more. I then made a comment about his daughter- and as I said already when Damo got involved-I was wrong to stoop to his level. He has now exaggerated what I said. He also has justified his sexual vulgarity about my daughter because my daughter is over 18 and his is not.
:rofl: Now you know all of my plastic surgery secrets...damn that zappa :D

You should have seen the rolls of fat they removed! 200 pounds of it! I don't remember it or the boob job, but it's the only explanation there could be for me not looking like that picture Darla sent around!

I see now you are a "cried up old cunt" with a boob job. That pRick really needs to make up his mind.

I think it's unseemly that a "cried up old cunt" be getting a boob job, but call me old fashioned.

I see now you are a "cried up old cunt" with a boob job. That pRick really needs to make up his mind.

I think it's unseemly that a "cried up old cunt" be getting a boob job, but call me old fashioned.


No boob job could ever make my tits bigger then he can relax~
What does this have to do with the obvious difference between a Republican and a Conservative?

That's your strawman, I am keeping to my original point. There are homosexuals who are conservative. Your attempt to say that none can be because of one disagreement with you notwithstanding.
Ummmm-he started a thread that was sexually vulgar and descriptive about my daughter. He then PM'd me and made more comments...that was not enough so he neg-repped me with even more. I then made a comment about his daughter- and as I said already when Damo got involved-I was wrong to stoop to his level. He has now exaggerated what I said. He also has justified his sexual vulgarity about my daughter because my daughter is over 18 and his is not.

I figured as much given his propensity to be a complete douche bag. Which is why I asked him to link me up. I knew he wouldn't do any such thing.

But you are correct... you were wrong to stoop to his level. But at least you had the decency to admit where you made a mistake. I doubt you will get any such admission from that moron.
That's your strawman, I am keeping to my original point. There are homosexuals who are conservative. Your attempt to say that none can be because of one disagreement with you notwithstanding.

Interesting that Dumb Yankee and Alias both favor the "No true Scotsman" fallacy.

Here's how it works:

Homosexual conservative: I'm a gay conservative.

Heterosexual conservative: You can't be a true conservative, because you're gay.

Here's another example:

Conservative Christian Anders Breivik: "I am a Christian."

Conservative Christian: "You can't be a true Christian, because you killed" (or because you got caught so visibly).
I figured as much given his propensity to be a complete douche bag. Which is why I asked him to link me up. I knew he wouldn't do any such thing.

But you are correct... you were wrong to stoop to his level. But at least you had the decency to admit where you made a mistake. I doubt you will get any such admission from that moron.

One would think you'd listen to Zap's comment on the feud before your rush to judgment.
One would think you'd listen to Zap's comment on the feud before your rush to judgment.

One would think you would READ what has been written thus far on this thread before making a comment like the above. I ASKED HIM to provide a link to the conversation where it occurred. He chose not to.
If I see her doing so I will call her on it. Glad to see you think sinking to that level is an appropriate response. If you want to point where she was doing so, I will be happy to admonish her as well.

I absolutely will sink as low as necessary in order to make sure everyone here never forgets the vile things she said about a 4 year old little girl.

I believe Damo deleted her disgusting comments shortly after she made them, as a matter of fact I am certain, I do know she got banned for a week after making them. Why she wasn't banned permanently is a question some still ponder to this day.

Damo deleted her comments so I couldn't quote them in my sig line for all to see...don't want everyone knowing one of his board faves was making the most vicious accusations and getting nothing but wrist slapped in return.

You go check with Damo, he can tell you about the whole thing...
I absolutely will sink as low as necessary in order to make sure everyone here never forgets the vile things she said about a 4 year old little girl.

I believe Damo deleted her disgusting comments shortly after she made them, I do know she got banned for a week after making them. Why she wasn't banned permanently is a question many still ponder to this day.

You go check with Damo, he can tell you about the whole thing...

I also deleted yours. The reality is both of you went too far. The battle now seems to be who started it first. I don't give a rip who started it, it won't happen again.
One would think you would READ what has been written thus far on this thread before making a comment like the above. I ASKED HIM to provide a link to the conversation where it occurred. He chose not to.

It doesn't exist anymore, it should never have existed. I would prefer if both parties took the shame they deserve and stop assaulting us with this. Neither of them were in the "right" on the issue, both went too far, and it doesn't even matter who "started it"...
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