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Zappa attacked my daughter with vile sexual filth yet wants his daughter to be untouchable...typical hypocrisy regularly practiced by zap...

And how OLD is your daughter?

Of legal consensual age?


Oh right...what I said is equally as vile as accusing a father of whoring out his 4 year old little girl.
It doesn't exist anymore, it should never have existed. I would prefer if both parties took the shame they deserve and stop assaulting us with this. Neither of them were in the "right" on the issue, both went too far, and it doesn't even matter who "started it"...

At least one of them seems to be able to admit that she went to far; but apperently the other one is bent on making himself the victim.
One would think you would READ what has been written thus far on this thread before making a comment like the above. I ASKED HIM to provide a link to the conversation where it occurred. He chose not to.

I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd set a time limit for responses?

One would think you'd have realized by now that Damo deleted her vile comments within hours of them being posted...he did so, to force me to remove her sickening comments in my sig archived proof, no way to link to them, not allowed in someone's sig line...convenient, huh?

But I understand why you'd want to rush to've hated me and been a royal douchebag since day one.
I also deleted yours. The reality is both of you went too far. The battle now seems to be who started it first. I don't give a rip who started it, it won't happen again.

So insulting someone's adult children is now considered "too far"?

Because you got a bunch here that do that to each other EVERY SINGLE DAY but you don't remove their posts...another patented example of Damo's "selective outrage".

The reality is one spoke of an adult of legal consensual age, which is perfectly acceptable, and the other made comments about a 4 year old little girl...that's why SHE got banned and I didn't.
I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd set a time limit for responses?

One would think you'd have realized by now that Damo deleted her vile comments within hours of them being posted...he did so, to force me to remove her sickening comments in my sig archived proof, no way to link to them, not allowed in someone's sig line...convenient, huh?

But I understand why you'd want to rush to've hated me and been a royal douchebag since day one.

You're a lying sack of shit. Always have been and always will be. If anyone hates you here it is justly and righteously deserved. You drew first blood in a post on the board. ID replied in a rep comment that was private between you and her. YOU chose to paste it in your signature line because you are a whining sniveling piece of shit who figured because your daughter is 4 years old, that somehow that excused the vile shit you posted on the main board.

You're trying to still get mileage off your own daughter to this very day which just completely and totally underscores who's the pathetic asshole here.

Own you shit pRick.
So insulting someone's adult children is now considered "too far"?

Because you got a bunch here that do that to each other EVERY SINGLE DAY but you don't remove their posts...another patented example of Damo's "selective outrage".

The reality is one spoke of an adult of legal consensual age, which is perfectly acceptable, and the other made comments about a 4 year old little girl...that's why SHE got banned and I didn't.

Doesn't remove the fact that you still an ass.
She has admitted that went to far; but you on the other hand just continue to make apologies for your own behavior.
Just curious; but how long have you allowed her to control your behavior?
Doesn't remove the fact that you still an ass.
She has admitted that went to far; but you on the other hand just continue to make apologies for your own behavior.
Just curious; but how long have you allowed her to control your behavior?

WOW...I insulted the ADULT daughter of another poster...boy, I did it that time...that makes me just as "bad" as anyone who's ever insulted the Bush twins or Obama's daughters...

While ID made repeated comments about me whoring out my 4 year old daughter...

...keep practicing that moral relativism.
Own you shit was intentional pRick.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure it was...winkers!


Oh...btw..."cried" up old cunt WASN'T intentional...I was going for DRIED up old cunt, which as everyone here already knows is more anatomically accurate given ID's age and number of ex-husbands.
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I figured as much given his propensity to be a complete douche bag. Which is why I asked him to link me up. I knew he wouldn't do any such thing.

But you are correct... you were wrong to stoop to his level. But at least you had the decency to admit where you made a mistake. I doubt you will get any such admission from that moron.

It's 5 o clock here, and I am getting ready to take off for the that cool with you?

Just don't want to get accused of ducking you or not responding if I don't get back to you in the time you've allotted me...
So insulting someone's adult children is now considered "too far"?

Because you got a bunch here that do that to each other EVERY SINGLE DAY but you don't remove their posts...another patented example of Damo's "selective outrage".

The reality is one spoke of an adult of legal consensual age, which is perfectly acceptable, and the other made comments about a 4 year old little girl...that's why SHE got banned and I didn't.

Attacking anybody's children at all is done.

The reality is, this conversation needs to end. One put the remarks in "rep" where only the other poster could read it, one did it over the board.

Either way this needs to end. I know you guys from AOL never seem to give up on even the slightest thing and this one is big. But if you don't want to give it up, you need to talk it out somewhere other than on the public board.
Attacking anybody's children at all is done.

The reality is, this conversation needs to end. One put the remarks in "rep" where only the other poster could read it, one did it over the board.

Either way this needs to end. I know you guys from AOL never seem to give up on even the slightest thing and this one is big. But if you don't want to give it up, you need to talk it out somewhere other than on the public board.

There's plenty of homegrown JPP'ers that don't give up stuff here either Damo, so knock it off with it's exclusive to people who posted on AOL. That's just out and out horse$hit
One would think you would READ what has been written thus far on this thread before making a comment like the above. I ASKED HIM to provide a link to the conversation where it occurred. He chose not to.

I've been reading this thread for three days now. And what I've read is that you asked one for a link, but not the other.
I've been reading this thread for three days now. And what I've read is that you asked one for a link, but not the other.

Well since you've been reading for three days it should be evident that Zappa brought the accusation up to Superfreak. Superfreak asked him to provide the link because he never saw it and would chastise ID for it if he saw it. Fact is he never would have seen it in the first place as the remarks she made were in rep comments that were not posted on the main board. They were private between the two, but you are perfectly aware of that.

This is a pathetic ploy to look coy and unaware.

ID owned her part and since you've been reading for three days you know that too. No need to post something that someone fully admits to doing, but I know you have a hankering to see the vomit, huh?

This Polly Purebred act is a riot though.
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