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I've been reading this thread for three days now. And what I've read is that you asked one for a link, but not the other.

I guess you "missed" the part where one of the posters admitted to their behavior and yet the other one continues to blame their behavior, on someone else "starting it first".
It appears that you need the moral revelation; because you still refuse to take ownership of your own behavior and instead, you fall back on "But look what she did".
Grow up and grow a pair.

Free- I NEVER made repeated comments like he says I did. I made a comment to him that was a mirror to what he said about my daughter...that was after he made a thread about her; neg repped me about her; and PM'd me about it- Zappa is lying about what I said and grossly exaggerating how I said it.

BTW he did start it and he is keeping it going by constantly inserting it into threads. His justifications have to do with the ages of our daughters as if my daughters age allows him his vulgarity- I acknowledged to Damo on the board back when it happened that I should not have stooped to zaps level in this...
Free- I NEVER made repeated comments like he says I did. I made a comment to him that was a mirror to what he said about my daughter...that was after he made a thread about her; neg repped me about her; and PM'd me about it- Zappa is lying about what I said and grossly exaggerating how I said it.

BTW he did start it and he is keeping it going by constantly inserting it into threads. His justifications have to do with the ages of our daughters as if my daughters age allows him his vulgarity- I acknowledged to Damo on the board back when it happened that I should not have stooped to zaps level in this...

I wasn't trying to address who made the most comments; but instead tried to show where you have taken responsibility and he's just running on empty.
That's your strawman, I am keeping to my original point. There are homosexuals who are conservative. Your attempt to say that none can be because of one disagreement with you notwithstanding.
Perhaps there are. What I'm saying is that just because a group of gay republicans exists does not mean that they are a conservative group. There are plenty of Republicans who are fiscally liberal and/or socially liberal. A true Conservative is neither.
Perhaps there are. What I'm saying is that just because a group of gay republicans exists does not mean that they are a conservative group. There are plenty of Republicans who are fiscally liberal and/or socially liberal. A true Conservative is neither.

A true conservative is adamant about limiting gov't intrusion to an absolute minimum. Social conservatives do not fit that bill.
A true conservative is adamant about limiting gov't intrusion to an absolute minimum. Social conservatives do not fit that bill.

I live 5 houses down from two lesbians. They are white, and from the Republican placards in their yard, last election, I figure them to be Republicans. Now I know they have gaydar, just like I do, and I'm sure they have pegged me, as I have them...but do you think that they would speak to me? Aren't we kindred spirits? On that basis alone, there should be some acknowledgment. So it's either sexism or racism that prevents them from cordiality. Some lesbians cannot stand gay men...and vice versa, oddly enough.
I live 5 houses down from two lesbians. They are white, and from the Republican placards in their yard, last election, I figure them to be Republicans. Now I know they have gaydar, just like I do, and I'm sure they have pegged me, as I have them...but do you think that they would speak to me? Aren't we kindred spirits? On that basis alone, there should be some acknowledgment. So it's either sexism or racism that prevents them from cordiality. Some lesbians cannot stand gay men...and vice versa, oddly enough.

There are plenty of reasons why they would choose not to speak to you. Some might be rational and some might be obnoxious.

I'm not sure why you quoted my post and then posted the comment that you did. Perhaps the placards in their yard show their support of an individual candidate rather than of an entire party. Or it may simply show them to be republicans. Of course, one of our members has adamantly maintained that there are no gay conservatives.
I live 5 houses down from two lesbians. They are white, and from the Republican placards in their yard, last election, I figure them to be Republicans. Now I know they have gaydar, just like I do, and I'm sure they have pegged me, as I have them...but do you think that they would speak to me? Aren't we kindred spirits? On that basis alone, there should be some acknowledgment. So it's either sexism or racism that prevents them from cordiality. Some lesbians cannot stand gay men...and vice versa, oddly enough.

The reason why lesbians don't like gay men points to the reason why some women turn lesbian and why some men turn gay. Women tend to have lower sex drive and less proclivity toward kinky sex, they get sick of being treated as sex objects so they give up on men altogether. Likewise, some men want more and kinkier sex, and can't find a woman to satisfy them. This also explains why lesbian relationships are inherently more stable than gay male relationships.
There are plenty of reasons why they would choose not to speak to you. Some might be rational and some might be obnoxious.

I'm not sure why you quoted my post and then posted the comment that you did. Perhaps the placards in their yard show their support of an individual candidate rather than of an entire party. Or it may simply show them to be republicans. Of course, one of our members has adamantly maintained that there are no gay conservatives.

Please. I know from past experience that white gays(and lesbians) are some of the most racist and obnoxious.
And it's ridiculous to assume that there are no gay conservatives. Of course there are. Just because he or she doesn't know (of) any.
So insulting someone's adult children is now considered "too far"?

Because you got a bunch here that do that to each other EVERY SINGLE DAY but you don't remove their posts...another patented example of Damo's "selective outrage".

The reality is one spoke of an adult of legal consensual age, which is perfectly acceptable, and the other made comments about a 4 year old little girl...that's why SHE got banned and I didn't.

Yes, LEAVE people's FAMILIES OUT OF THIS. It is a sign of extreme WEAKNESS for you to attack their families. We have all stated positions and policies that you can feel free to go after. If it makes you feel more like a man, by all means, call me a whore too. But LEAVE PEOPLE'S FAMILIES OUT OF IT.

A rule that goes for everyone.
The reason why lesbians don't like gay men points to the reason why some women turn lesbian and why some men turn gay. Women tend to have lower sex drive and less proclivity toward kinky sex, they get sick of being treated as sex objects so they give up on men altogether. Likewise, some men want more and kinkier sex, and can't find a woman to satisfy them. This also explains why lesbian relationships are inherently more stable than gay male relationships.

Finally, gayness defined for the masses.

SM, you truly are the gift that keeps on giving.
I live 5 houses down from two lesbians. They are white, and from the Republican placards in their yard, last election, I figure them to be Republicans. Now I know they have gaydar, just like I do, and I'm sure they have pegged me, as I have them...but do you think that they would speak to me? Aren't we kindred spirits? On that basis alone, there should be some acknowledgment. So it's either sexism or racism that prevents them from cordiality. Some lesbians cannot stand gay men...and vice versa, oddly enough.

Or maybe its just that they heard you are an overbearing asshole with an extreme ego problem? Just sayin'... quit blaming everything on racism/sexism. It is fucking pathetic.
The reason why lesbians don't like gay men points to the reason why some women turn lesbian and why some men turn gay. Women tend to have lower sex drive and less proclivity toward kinky sex, they get sick of being treated as sex objects so they give up on men altogether. Likewise, some men want more and kinkier sex, and can't find a woman to satisfy them. This also explains why lesbian relationships are inherently more stable than gay male relationships.

So women "turn lesbian" to avoid kinky sex? lmao SM, that takes the cake for goofy theories. :palm:

Do you think being a lesbian makes them immune to being treated as a sex object? Do you think it even remotely removes the sexual harrassment from men?

I guess this fits nicely into your hero's idea that, for men, gay sex is far better than straight sex. And if we don't control gays then men will all turn gay for the pleasures offered. lol
Please. I know from past experience that white gays(and lesbians) are some of the most racist and obnoxious.
And it's ridiculous to assume that there are no gay conservatives. Of course there are. Just because he or she doesn't know (of) any.

I have known racists from virtually every race and sexual orientation. I don't think any one group holds a monopoly.

And I agree that it is ridiculous to assume there are no gay conservatives.
Finally, gayness defined for the masses.

SM, you truly are the gift that keeps on giving.

I almost choked on a pretzel again while reading his 'definition'. Who knew that gay people simply were a result of avoidance of kinky sex or due to seeking it out?
Yes, LEAVE people's FAMILIES OUT OF THIS. It is a sign of extreme WEAKNESS for you to attack their families. We have all stated positions and policies that you can feel free to go after. If it makes you feel more like a man, by all means, call me a whore too. But LEAVE PEOPLE'S FAMILIES OUT OF IT.

A rule that goes for everyone.

Wouldn't that be a nice change of pace here.
I almost choked on a pretzel again while reading his 'definition'. Who knew that gay people simply were a result of avoidance of kinky sex or due to seeking it out?

That was rich, wasn't it?

I should introduce him to a number of women I know who would find it equally amusing. They'd also prove him wrong.
Damo, zap continues to bring it up-not me. I merely defend myself from his now exaggerated statements of what was said; where it was said; and when I was banned. I was banned for restating what zap said about my daughter to charver, who seemed unaware that zap himself had first attacked my daughter- not during mine and zaps exchanges. If you were having a poster constantly misstating things you had said or done I am sure you'd attempt to set the record straight? Zap started a thread about my daughter that was not removed for like 3 days- What I said to him was done back to him in neg rep. Yes, you removed posts of mine-but not posts that had any content about zaps kid-because there were none on the board.

I can easily never mention it again- but I cannot so easily not defend myself.

Set it straight in PM.
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