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Seriously, you're a schizo.

Do you hear voices, too?

yeah...i'm crazy because you're bitching about me stirring the pot while you sit in front of your computer stiring the pot

you're funny

and really, what does pointing out the fact you're stirring the pot have to do with schizophrenia and hearing voices? you're worse than onceler when it comes to mental diagnosis...are you undergoing mental therapy? it is ok if you are.
yeah...i'm crazy because you're bitching about me stirring the pot while you sit in front of your computer stiring the pot

you're funny

and really, what does pointing out the fact you're stirring the pot have to do with schizophrenia and hearing voices? you're worse than onceler when it comes to mental diagnosis...are you undergoing mental therapy? it is ok if you are.

It's a defense she uses when she won't own her own shit. If you're tired of it, pity her younger husband.
It's 5 o clock here, and I am getting ready to take off for the that cool with you?

Just don't want to get accused of ducking you or not responding if I don't get back to you in the time you've allotted me...

Well since you've been reading for three days it should be evident that Zappa brought the accusation up to Superfreak. Superfreak asked him to provide the link because he never saw it and would chastise ID for it if he saw it. Fact is he never would have seen it in the first place as the remarks she made were in rep comments that were not posted on the main board. They were private between the two, but you are perfectly aware of that.

This is a pathetic ploy to look coy and unaware.

ID owned her part and since you've been reading for three days you know that too. No need to post something that someone fully admits to doing, but I know you have a hankering to see the vomit, huh?

This Polly Purebred act is a riot though.

You're wasting everyone's time here, Lost in Translation. Don't you have some spying to do on Darla, or something? We need more, more, more of those transparent insults and claims to knowledge about a poster who hasn't been on this forum for months.

We also know you're a vindictive, spiteful troublemaker whose sole purpose here is to insult people and your posting record shows it, but that's okay. You're just showing your true colors and nobody even has to goad you into it.
You're wasting everyone's time here, Lost in Translation. Don't you have some spying to do on Darla, or something? We need more, more, more of those transparent insults and claims to knowledge about a poster who hasn't been on this forum for months.

We also know you're a vindictive, spiteful troublemaker whose sole purpose here is to insult people and your posting record shows it, but that's okay. You're just showing your true colors and nobody even has to goad you into it.

It's too bad it doesn't bother you though, huh?

I can post as many insults as I like. If Zappa can, so can I. It's just the way it is, Mare. Your ad nauseum exchanges with Yurt are a little tedious too, but I figure you have the same rights as I. What bothers you so is you KNOW what I say I know about you is true!!!

Now please resume with the pretense of not caring, k mare?
ID did own up. There is no doubt of that, and I respect her for it.

So did Zappa. And I give him more credit after putting up with the skanks' constant vicious comments and sly innuendos about weight, green teeth, cleanliness, wife, daughter, job, genitalia, blah blah blah blah blah ad nauseam.
So did Zappa. And I give him more credit after putting up with the skanks' constant vicious comments and sly innuendos about weight, green teeth, cleanliness, wife, daughter, job, genitalia, blah blah blah blah blah ad nauseam.

His teeth did look green and he IS obese. No innuendo there!
It's too bad it doesn't bother you though, huh?

I can post as many insults as I like. If Zappa can, so can I. It's just the way it is, Mare. Your ad nauseum exchanges with Yurt are a little tedious too, but I figure you have the same rights as I. What bothers you so is you KNOW what I say I know about you is true!!!

Now please resume with the pretense of not caring, k mare?

Well, Sow, the truth is you stopped bothering me years ago. I told you many times you've never hit the Achilles heel but it always falls on deaf ears.

If you can post as many insults as you like, surely you wouldn't deny me the occasional pleasure of doing the same. However, I will give you one thing. I'll never reach your level of repulsiveness even if I spend another ten years in the attempt.

So carry on sow, you really need it.
Well, Sow, the truth is you stopped bothering me years ago. I told you many times you've never hit the Achilles heel but it always falls on deaf ears.

If you can post as many insults as you like, surely you wouldn't deny me the occasional pleasure of doing the same. However, I will give you one thing. I'll never reach your level of repulsiveness even if I spend another ten years in the attempt.

So carry on sow, you really need it.

Yes! I can see that, Mare!!! :rofl:
Attacking anybody's children at all is done.

The reality is, this conversation needs to end. One put the remarks in "rep" where only the other poster could read it, one did it over the board.

Either way this needs to end. I know you guys from AOL never seem to give up on even the slightest thing and this one is big. But if you don't want to give it up, you need to talk it out somewhere other than on the public board.

Damo, zap continues to bring it up-not me. I merely defend myself from his now exaggerated statements of what was said; where it was said; and when I was banned. I was banned for restating what zap said about my daughter to charver, who seemed unaware that zap himself had first attacked my daughter- not during mine and zaps exchanges. If you were having a poster constantly misstating things you had said or done I am sure you'd attempt to set the record straight? Zap started a thread about my daughter that was not removed for like 3 days- What I said to him was done back to him in neg rep. Yes, you removed posts of mine-but not posts that had any content about zaps kid-because there were none on the board.

I can easily never mention it again- but I cannot so easily not defend myself.
So did Zappa. And I give him more credit after putting up with the skanks' constant vicious comments and sly innuendos about weight, green teeth, cleanliness, wife, daughter, job, genitalia, blah blah blah blah blah ad nauseam.

zappa never owned up- he has always justified his vulgarity...just like you, zappa is a hypocrite of the foulest order.
WOW...I insulted the ADULT daughter of another poster...boy, I did it that time...that makes me just as "bad" as anyone who's ever insulted the Bush twins or Obama's daughters...

While ID made repeated comments about me whoring out my 4 year old daughter...

...keep practicing that moral relativism.

It appears that you need the moral revelation; because you still refuse to take ownership of your own behavior and instead, you fall back on "But look what she did".
Grow up and grow a pair.
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