Harris under fire for 'disrespectful' tweet

But “Jews will not replace us”. Was chanted by very fine people huh top loaf of shit on the pile

All with the support of the Republican Party as a whole and Marjorie Taylor Greene leading a pack of antisemitic, white supremacist Republicans to restore “White Pride”.
Definitely in the running for the most useless/clueless VP in a generation.

Even the Reality TV star president knew Memorial Day isn’t spoken of in that manner when you hold a high office. It illustrates just how ‘unserious’ a person Harris is and she’s second in command over the country.

The southern border is a humanitarian disaster and a national security threat and she has yet to hold a news conference on it. Yeah, I think unserious covers it.
news conference? she hasn't even BEEN to the southern border as VP.
Yeah, I think unserious covers it.
she a clueless twit,but unserious it is
The Vice President tells Americans to have a good weekend….

Except that it’s Memorial Day weekend. It’s one thing for anyone on JPP to tell friends “Enjoy the Long Weekend” on Memorial weekend, but for any elected official, it indicates tone deafness about what national security really means; it means thousands of graves in Arlington Cemetery and at Federal military cemeteries across the nation…..and it’s not the first time Harris have been caught clueless about the bigger picture here.

I strongly doubt Harris meant to be dispectful. It’s more likely she just doesn’t know and doesn’t care to know. She needs a better staff, preferably one with a couple of vets, maybe a retired Colonel or higher.

Harris is in a very good position to become the first woman President of the United States. My guess is it will be before 2024, but certainly an excellent shot of winning 2024. As a Commander-in-Chief in training, she needs to get her head out of her ass and start learning what that title means. Trump didn’t, but he’s about the lowest bar on the rung.

The Clintons didn’t know when they first got into office and it immediately began causing problems. Not only were they ignorant of the military,but because Bill was a draft-dodger, they were actually anti-military for the first 12-18 months before Democrats started attacking Bill, publicly and behind closed doors, on how it will hurt him in 1996 for him to hate the military and then put their lives on the line in Bosnia, Haiti and elsewhere.

Harris needs to get her shit straight because she can’t afford many more faux pas like this.
news conference? she hasn't even BEEN to the southern border as VP.
she a clueless twit,but unserious it is
Most of those who never served are clueless twits who are “unserious” about our nation’s men and women in uniform.
Memorial Day isn’t till tomorrow. She will give the soldiers the respect they deserve on Memorial Day.

Will all of you expressing outrage be raging at your neighbors because they won’t respect the day? They’ll be getting drunk and grilling various foods.

Spare me your false outrage. I honor my Uncle’s death on Memorial Day. I honor the friends I lost in ‘Nam, by celebrating my freedom with family and friends. I place flags in my yard as a sign of my respect.

VP Harris will honor the men and women tomorrow. She will do more than most Americans.
you can have fun and do both.
Or you can work thru the weekend like I do -make money and still put out a flag
Or you can just talk about it - either way decorum calls for mentioning the sacrifices made by the fallen so you can enjoy these liberties.
She represents the USA - it's amazing she mentions the long weekend without bothering with the fallen
You dont have to wrap yourself in the flag but the woman is totally wrapped up in herself