Harris under fire for 'disrespectful' tweet

She’s the Vice President, dumbass, and will probably become President….for 10 fucking years…because the Republicans have their heads so far up their own asses they are literally handing the entire US government over to the fucking Democrats. They’ll be lucky to tip the Senate back to Republican in 2022, but so far, I can’t see them doing much more when they are constantly at war with themselves.

The entire US government was handed over to the DEMOCRATS last year, and I blame the president for not suspending the "election" when he had the chance.

Harris is a grifting usurper, and her "victory" was questionable at best, and fraud at worst. I expect she will rule as a virtual dictator once old Joe is done away with.

The future of elections is assured thanks to the imminent passage of S.R. 1, which Schumer intends to ram through the Senate this summer.

It will make the US a de facto one-party rule nation. Maybe some RINOS will be allowed to "win" for the sake of appearances, but that's about it.
VPs go to state funerals and so forth as a representative for the USA

That's a symbolic dog and pony show, and you know it.

The real power lies in the hands of the Obama retreads who are running the government, like Ron Klain and Susan Rice.

Their notion of the USA is unlike any we've ever known.
The entire US government was handed over to the DEMOCRATS last year, and I blame the president for not suspending the "election" when he had the chance.

Harris is a grifting usurper, and her "victory" was questionable at best, and fraud at worst. I expect she will rule as a virtual dictator once old Joe is done away with.

The future of elections is assured thanks to the imminent passage of S.R. 1, which Schumer intends to ram through the Senate this summer.

It will make the US a de facto one-party rule nation. Maybe some RINOS will be allowed to "win" for the sake of appearances, but that's about it.

Well apparently a 35 to 55 vote wins the 35 what they don’t want

An investigation the entire nation wants
Trump insulted Gold Star parents, and said he only liked soldiers who weren't captured.
he did and that's on Trump. and he was roundly criticized for it.. fair is fair. agreed
However he also rebuilt the military from sequestration. added a lot of ships etc
The Biden adm is letting China supplant us.
that $6T budget has a DoD budget increase of 1% for the military and a 40% increase for educations
he did and that's on Trump. and he was roundly criticized for it.. fair is fair. agreed
However he also rebuilt the military from sequestration. added a lot of ships etc
The Biden adm is letting China supplant us.
that $6T budget has a DoD budget increase of 1% for the military and a 40% increase for educations

Can you find the thread you started when Trump insulted the Gold Star parents or POW's?
No, but she added this today:

“ Throughout our history our service men and women have risked everything to defend our freedoms and our country. As we prepare to honor them on Memorial Day, we remember their service and their sacrifice.”

$20 says a staffer wrote it. :)
cleanup on aisle 5!
I find it intolerable that she would have to come back and amend her Tweet - for the life of me I cant think of any Executive Officer who would be so craven as to mention the "long weekend" and no mention the day
i mean those who rioted are getting their just deserts

Vandalism, trespassing, and assault is hardly a "riot".

I have to wonder who organized things.

I'm inclined to think there was something to the agents provocateur theories. The "storming" of the Capitol served the DEMOCRATS as a twenty-first century Reichstag fire too well. I've seen video of the Capitol Police letting some of the "rioters" into the building, for one thing.
That you are a fucking tool of our enemy or you are the enemy directly

Your kind will be crushed with the truth you putin butt plug

You are a Putin tool in every way

“Jews will not replace us”

You defended that butt plug
cleanup on aisle 5!
I find it intolerable that she would have to come back and amend her Tweet - for the life of me I cant think of any Executive Officer who would be so craven as to mention the "long weekend" and no mention the day

Can you think of an EO who actually insulted POW's?
Vandalism, trespassing, and assault is hardly a "riot".

I have to wonder who organized things.

I'm inclined to think there was something to the agents provocateur theories. The "storming" of the Capitol served the DEMOCRATS as a twenty-first century Reichstag fire too well. I've seen video of the Capitol Police letting some of the "rioters" into the building, for one thing.

It was an insurrection
She hired the staff with these things in mind

Not a problem if it was

Still, first, she was tone deaf to post it in the first place. Causing a shitstorm out of carelessness is not Presidential….which is one of the many reasons why Trump will go down in history as one of our worst Presidents.

Second, Harris can’t afford to keep making these little mistakes with the military if she wants to be Commander in Chief.