Harris under fire for 'disrespectful' tweet

Trump was criticized. ho many times do i need to say it.

So the lack of compassion, historical reference, and tribute to fallen vets is not dissing?
ROFL..you are as un-serious a person as Harris! must be a Dem thing

It’s not Monday

Your guy trashed McCain for being fucking shot down and taken prisoner

He trashed the mother and father of a dead soldier

Trump honors nothing but his own bank account and you follow him like a lemming

This is what an insurrection looks like:


You are what a Russian bot looks like
i mean those who rioted are getting their just deserts

Trump’s Qless and the militias involved in the Insurrection. Yes, they’re pretty well fucked ever since Trump backed away form pardoning them.

The Qless are still Qless, but I suspect one or more militia members will seek to even the score with whomever they worked with inside the WH and then failed to pardon them as promised.
it was directed at McCain. it was a personal insult & Trump was roundly criticized -i dont see any criticism from you or the press about Harris
Asshole, Trump attacked all POWs, MIAs and KIAs. Repeatedly. Like Bill Clinton, Trump as an anti-military draft-dodging coward and serial adulterer. Is it any surprise both were impeached?
When you resort to insults, you've lost the debate.

Agreed. A person is lucky to get two semi-intelligent posts in a row before he resorts to insults. It’s an indication of intelligence, education and maturity as to whether a person can carry on a civil discussion over more than 2-3 posts.

Obviously, the more the better. Most Trump fans can’t get past one.