Hillary Clinton Compares Herself to Wonder Woman

Thank you. You fucking racist. Try to back out of this one.

"Voodoo is a religion that originates in Africa. In the Americas and the Caribbean, it is thought to be a combination of various African, Catholic and Native American traditions. It is practiced around the world but there is no accurate count of how many people are Voodooists."

And why you are at it white boy, take this "Accept the results of the election, nigger." out of you signature line. Who the fuck do you think you are? Another "cool" liberal like Bill Maher??

All religion is a childish belief in supernatural powers and beings.
It is all bullshit based on fears and human frailties regardless of the country of origin or how many fall for it...
Guille needs to be exposed as the racist scum bag he is. I promised him I would do that, and I am following through.

Poor voodoo sailor-boy.
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All religion is a childish belief in supernatural powers and beings.
It is all bullshit based on fears and human frailties regardless of the country of origin or how many fall for it...
Guille needs to be exposed as the racist scum bag he is. I promised him I would do that, and I am following through.

You don't have to believe in anything to get poisoned or cured.
All religion is a childish belief in supernatural powers and beings.
It is all bullshit based on fears and human frailties regardless of the country of origin or how many fall for it...
Guille needs to be exposed as the racist scum bag he is. I promised him I would do that, and I am following through.

Politics is a form of religion. You lose. As far as your excuse for keeping that word in your sig line, that is all it is. An excuse. Smarten the fuck up.
It is?
I would Looooove to hear you explain that one, Voodoo sailor-boy...

Your own quote racist. "It is all bullshit based on fears and human frailties regardless of the country of origin or how many fall for it". Other than you cutting your own throat again, take some time and look up politics as religion. The parallels are striking particularly with the current atmosphere of partisanship in this country and abroad. Educate yourself.