How can Christianity become so hate driven.

If trans, gays and women who had abortions were sitting on one side of a church and MAGA Christians were sitting on the other side of the church. Who do you think Jesus would sit with and choose to talk to. I know the answer to this, but no MAGA will admit it. The bible means less and less to me as time goes on, ,If Jesus didn't say it or do it. IT is not Christian. The Old Testament is ugly, cruel, violent, ridiculous and as time goes by less and less of it speaks to me.

It's not just the OT God that is ugly, cruel and violent. There are a lot of Christians who revel in the current divisive, "amoral", violent state of the country. If nukes were on their way from Russia or China, and the US had no way to stop them, a significant portion of Christians would see it as a positive thing; a beginning of the end, when God/Jesus returns to earth and hurl the entirety of India and about 2/3 of the world overall into a lake of fire for eternal torture.

If that's not violent, I don't know what is.
It's not just the OT God that is ugly, cruel and violent. There are a lot of Christians who revel in the current divisive, "amoral", violent state of the country. If nukes were on their way from Russia or China, and the US had no way to stop them, a significant portion of Christians would see it as a positive thing; a beginning of the end, when God/Jesus returns to earth and hurl the entirety of India and about 2/3 of the world overall into a lake of fire for eternal torture.

If that's not violent, I don't know what is.

Nice rant. A true dark soul who hates anyone who has faith different than his own. Sad.
There are a lot of Christians who revel in the current divisive, "amoral", violent state of the country.
Were you planning on supporting your statement, or is this yet another post of yours that should be ignored?

If nukes were on their way from Russia or China, and the US had no way to stop them, a significant portion of Christians would see it as a positive thing;
You weren't planning on supporting this, were you? You honestly believe that you somehow speak for Christians. You don't think that's a bit silly? Don't you realize that your gross mischaracterization of Christians is totally juvenile and transparent.

Your posts might be salvageable if you opened each one with "I irrationally hate Christians and I would like to see them all lying dead in the gutter."
It pains me to be judgemental.
Not at all! Being judgmental is exactly the motivation that gets you out of bed each day.

But so many things are just obvious!
... such as your debilitating insecurity. You are a true self-loather who can only feel momentarily good about himself when he is denigrating others. That must be a shitty way to live. I pity you.

You do not have to be a psychiatrist or psychologist to recognize a deeply disturbed individual!
Yes, one needs to be a trained psychologist to understand such. However, I realize that you won't allow even your incapacitating leftist undereducation prevent you from declaring yourself a psychiatry professional who is somehow qualified to make psychiatric diagnoses. If you were to practice intellectual honesty, even for an hour, you would probably suffer immediate withdrawal symptoms that are tantamount to torture.

You basically have no choice but to delude yourself into believing that your petty HATE for humanity is somehow totally justified. Hey, you do what you must. I'm sure the Christians on JPP will keep you in their prayers.
Not at all! Being judgmental is exactly the motivation that gets you out of bed each day.

... such as your debilitating insecurity. You are a true self-loather who can only feel momentarily good about himself when he is denigrating others. That must be a shitty way to live. I pity you.

Yes, one needs to be a trained psychologist to understand such. However, I realize that you won't allow even your incapacitating leftist undereducation prevent you from declaring yourself a psychiatry professional who is somehow qualified to make psychiatric diagnoses. If you were to practice intellectual honesty, even for an hour, you would probably suffer immediate withdrawal symptoms that are tantamount to torture.

You basically have no choice but to delude yourself into believing that your petty HATE for humanity is somehow totally justified. Hey, you do what you must. I'm sure the Christians on JPP will keep you in their prayers.

Hilarious! :laugh:
Not at all! Being judgmental is exactly the motivation that gets you out of bed each day.

... such as your debilitating insecurity. You are a true self-loather who can only feel momentarily good about himself when he is denigrating others. That must be a shitty way to live. I pity you.

Yes, one needs to be a trained psychologist to understand such. However, I realize that you won't allow even your incapacitating leftist undereducation prevent you from declaring yourself a psychiatry professional who is somehow qualified to make psychiatric diagnoses. If you were to practice intellectual honesty, even for an hour, you would probably suffer immediate withdrawal symptoms that are tantamount to torture.

You basically have no choice but to delude yourself into believing that your petty HATE for humanity is somehow totally justified. Hey, you do what you must. I'm sure the Christians on JPP will keep you in their prayers.
Mantra 41 Idiocracy

Mantra 1a.
Mantra 4a.
One of the "miscellaneous" documents on that site is Into the Night's mantra list.
Jesus never existed. Lol.

To not have all of those way too dang lily brillant white Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super egos fabricating "man is God" in that immaculate virgin Mary Islam human medical reproduction son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception business practicing schizoid behavior as Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement rational .....
To not have all of those way too dang lily brillant white Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super egos fabricating "man is God" in that immaculate virgin Mary Islam human medical reproduction son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception business practicing schizoid behavior as Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement rational .....

Now, Now! Let's not sweat the small shit!
Were you planning on supporting your statement, or is this yet another post of yours that should be ignored?

You weren't planning on supporting this, were you? You honestly believe that you somehow speak for Christians. You don't think that's a bit silly? Don't you realize that your gross mischaracterization of Christians is totally juvenile and transparent.

Your posts might be salvageable if you opened each one with "I irrationally hate Christians and I would like to see them all lying dead in the gutter."

It's what the Bible says and it's what Jews/Christians, to varying levels, have been waiting for. I read and hear people talk about the current conditions in the US/world and that they believe it's all gotten so bad that God/Jesus just has to come back soon.

BTW, even if there isn't one person on the planet who believes it'll happen soon, the Bible teaches that God WILL eventually come back to judge the world and when he does all non-believers will be thrown into the eternal lake of fire.

Doesn't get much more violent than that, does it?
To not have all of those way too dang lily brillant white Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super egos fabricating "man is God" in that immaculate virgin Mary Islam human medical reproduction son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception business practicing schizoid behavior as Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement rational .....


I always assume this poster is using a "text generator" like a phone auto-complete (probably a simple markov chain generator). It's been a struggle because if they increased the n-gram length (the number of terms to do the Markov chain on) it might read more coherently. And they never go back and add punctuation that might make it flow more rationally.
It's not just the OT God that is ugly, cruel and violent. There are a lot of Christians who revel in the current divisive, "amoral", violent state of the country. If nukes were on their way from Russia or China, and the US had no way to stop them, a significant portion of Christians would see it as a positive thing; a beginning of the end, when God/Jesus returns to earth and hurl the entirety of India and about 2/3 of the world overall into a lake of fire for eternal torture.

If that's not violent, I don't know what is.

I definitely see a small number of evangelicals with an eschatological drive who seem to see the entire State of Israel as nothing more than a useful switch to kick off the end of the world and a glorious return of Christ, but I think by and large MOST Christians don't espouse that view.

As for how the number who DO look forward to the end function, I will freely admit I have no idea.

One thing I have noted numerous times on this forum is that the OT GOd is definitely as you noted, a bit more rough around the edges. A fierce partisan for a small hill tribe in a small chunk of desert-like land who encouraged all manner of horrors in His name. And, indeed, the modern Church is disallowed from separating the OT God from the NT God who is a LOT more friendly toward all (at least if you are willing to join the faith).

I personally find that disjunct in theology to be troubling. How does an unchanging eternal God who created all go from being a vicious partisan to a loving benevelonce?

I am actually quite happy that MOST Christians don't seem to expend a lot of time struggling with the OT God and kind of setting those aspects aside so that they can be better people in the modern more ecumenical world.
Jimmy Carter and the most repugnant Republicans going
all claim to be Christians.

I don't claim such, so I'm not trying to speak for others,

but I find it hard to believe that all-self-proclaimed Christians

are to be regarded as the same thing.
Jimmy Carter and the most repugnant Republicans going
all claim to be Christians.

I don't claim such, so I'm not trying to speak for others,

but I find it hard to believe that all-self-proclaimed Christians

are to be regarded as the same thing.

I always felt that the the ONLY real Christian I ever saw inhabit the Oval Office was probably Jimmy Carter. He seems to actually LIVE his faith, not just use it to gain advantage.

I'd rather elect a full-on atheist than a fake Christian.
Attack the messenger when you can't attack the message.
Dude, you're the sender, not the messenger. Why lie? Why dodge responsibility for what you wrote?

Like 'Murica, you spread hate by quoting things out of context. You seek to spread hate against the Jews because of an ancient text. Why do you hate Jews, 'Mode?
It's not just the OT God that is ugly, cruel and violent. There are a lot of Christians who revel in the current divisive, "amoral", violent state of the country. If nukes were on their way from Russia or China, and the US had no way to stop them, a significant portion of Christians would see it as a positive thing; a beginning of the end, when God/Jesus returns to earth and hurl the entirety of India and about 2/3 of the world overall into a lake of fire for eternal torture.

If that's not violent, I don't know what is.
It's what the Bible says and it's what Jews/Christians, to varying levels, have been waiting for. I read and hear people talk about the current conditions in the US/world and that they believe it's all gotten so bad that God/Jesus just has to come back soon.

BTW, even if there isn't one person on the planet who believes it'll happen soon, the Bible teaches that God WILL eventually come back to judge the world and when he does all non-believers will be thrown into the eternal lake of fire.

Doesn't get much more violent than that, does it?

Again, you spread hate with a broad brush. Example of your type of logic: Stalin was an atheist. Stalin committed mass murder through different means, but ended up killing up to 39M Russians. Therefore, all atheists are mass murders.

Are you a mass murderer, 'Mode? Do you want to commit mass murder of Jews and Christians like Stalin?