How can Christianity become so hate driven.

Is it because they are antisemites?
I hope not.

The bottom line is that message board rubes shouldn't be cherry picking quotes out of the Old Testament, and leaping to conclusions about it, unless they have read and studied the Midrash and Talmud. The Rabbis spent centuries in a project of exegesis to interpret what is meant in the scriptures. Those are the authoritative sources on the TaNakh/OT
The Bible Doesn't Say That: 40 Bib*li*cal Mis*trans*la*tions, Mis*con*cep*tions, and Oth*er Misunderstandings

I was telling Dutch that unless one has read and studied the Midrash and Talmud, they should just keep their mouth shut on what the Old Testament/TaNakh means. Centuries of the world's best Rabbi's worked on the exegesis of the Hebrew scriptures. A random blabbermouth on jpp com really doesn't have the same standing.
I was telling Dutch that unless one has read and studied the Midrash and Talmud, they should just keep their mouth shut on what the Old Testament/TaNakh means. Centuries of the world's best Rabbi's worked on the exegesis of the Hebrew scriptures. A random blabbermouth on jpp com really doesn't have the same standing.

You should keep you mouth shut, shit head.
I was telling Dutch that unless one has read and studied the Midrash and Talmud, they should just keep their mouth shut on what the Old Testament/TaNakh means. Centuries of the world's best Rabbi's worked on the exegesis of the Hebrew scriptures. A random blabbermouth on jpp com really doesn't have the same standing.


At 73 I still study Talmud both Midrashim/ Mishnah and Gemara weekly at the synagogue. The Torah is multi layered
You should keep you mouth shut, shit head.

All of my knowledge of Judaism and ancient Hebrew history comes from online courses with reputable scholars of Judaism: Isiah Gafni, Shai Cherry, et al --> aka, people who actually have studied the Talmud and Mishnah.
I put in the hard work to learn something about Judaism, Hebrew history, and the TaNakh.
Your garden variety militant atheist is just cherry picking OT quotes they saw on atheist blogs.
All of my knowledge of Judaism and ancient Hebrew history comes from online courses with reputable scholars of Judaism, Isiah Gafni, Shai Cherry, et al --> aka, people who have studied the Talmud and Mishnah.
I put in the hard work to lrarne something about Judaism, Hebrew history l, the TaNakh.
Your garden variety militant atheist is just cherry picking OT quotes they saw on atheist blogs.

You are a shit brain who spews hatred.
saltydanci=gibberish bot. Not kidding.

Here's bungling GI Joe still biding his "serve the Pope or die" time in that Islam medical human reproduction pseudoscience suicidal super ego homicidal human farming schizophrenic rational where a raped virgin Mary immaculate son of Allah Jesus the Christ gibberish, as SCOTUS Rehnquist diatribe George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam Christiananality pedophilia tautology of "death to the infidels" Mengele "Angel of Death" WW II baptize thine eyes by urinations thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists hatred....
The bottom line is that message board rubes shouldn't be cherry picking quotes out of the Old Testament, and leaping to conclusions about it, unless they have read and studied the Midrash and Talmud. The Rabbis spent centuries in a project of exegesis to interpret what is meant in the scriptures. Those are the authoritative sources on the TaNakh/OT
Cherry-picking is wrong since it distorts the truth with half-truths. Agreed also about leaping to conclusions from their cherry-picking.

Disagreed that one has to be a scholar of the Midrash* and Talmud to have a valid opinion on the matter. The problem is what you already alluded: people making judgments without all the pertinent information. The Scientific Method should not be feared. If someone believes the Universe was created by God, then why shouldn't the study of the Universe be divine work for the religious?

*Had to look that one up.
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I assume, based on your defensiveness , you're a Christian.
I'm an atheist. Your logic errors and fallacies do not somehow translate into "defensiveness" on my part.

Do you disagree that the Bible says that God/Jesus will come back to Earth to judge mankind and that part of that judgement is to condemn certain people to a punishment as described in the Bible?
I have a better idea. Pick your favorite passage out of KJV and let's discuss it. I will be more than happy to discuss with you the "message" of the text. As for what it means theologically, I defer to gfm7175. You can always ask him what my position is on what the Bible means in any passage of KJV, although I always adhere strictly to all hard numbers and units of measure. The window on the ark was one cubit square; there is no wiggle room.
All of my knowledge of Judaism and ancient Hebrew history comes from online courses with reputable scholars of Judaism: Isiah Gafni, Shai Cherry, et al --> aka, people who actually have studied the Talmud and Mishnah.
I put in the hard work to learn something about Judaism, Hebrew history, and the TaNakh.
Your garden variety militant atheist is just cherry picking OT quotes they saw on atheist blogs.

The Poorly Educated want all Americans to believe they are as ignorant and stupid as themselves.

IMHO, there's a little insanity going on there too. Something We, the People, should look into.
I'm an atheist.
Of course you are, Sybil. You only believe in yourself.

I'm an atheist. Your logic errors and fallacies do not somehow translate into "defensiveness" on my part.

I have a better idea. Pick your favorite passage out of KJV and let's discuss it. I will be more than happy to discuss with you the "message" of the text. As for what it means theologically, I defer to gfm7175. You can always ask him what my position is on what the Bible means in any passage of KJV, although I always adhere strictly to all hard numbers and units of measure. The window on the ark was one cubit square; there is no wiggle room.
Do you really believe you are smarter than millions of people?

Bring it on.

I'm confident in my odds against most people.

I get it. You are still pretending to be omniscient. You don't know anything about me, other than that I am much smarter than you which frightens you. If you weren't frightened shitless by my education level, you wouldn't continually feel the need to pretend to be omniscient.

Judo is not essentially the same thing as wrestling, although you could make the case that no-gi jiu jitsu is indistinguishable from submission wrestling.

I've already defeated you intellectually.
In your own, deluded mind, yes. I totally get it. It's all you can do to console yourself as you are licking your wounds. I'll leave you to do whatever you feel you need to do.

You seem to think that being a female is a bad thing,
You seem to think you know what I think. Once again you are pretending that you are omniscient so you can declare me to be holding some bogus position that I do not hold. Before history gets revised, you are the one who feigned apoplexy at female pronouns. You are the misogynist in the equation and you are trying to project your misogyny onto me. It will not stick. I do not hate women. I hate dishonest gossip, yes, just as I hate all forms of dishonesty. It is you who is equating women with dishonesty and claiming that my hatred for dishonesty is somehow misogyny.

which leads me to think you might be a woman beater,
... which brings us full circle to your poor logic and your leftist undereducation that leaves you in a panic whenever someone responds to you with critical reasoning.

The Trumper who denies science and believes in Jesus wants to preach about intellectual "fortitude."
Who are you claiming this to be?

Btw, you meant to use the word "integrity," not fortitude. Maybe invest in a dictionary.
Btw, I meant to use the word "fortitude" and guess what ... that's the word I used. Maybe invest in an education.

Don't expect me to respond to every random turd you post.
I'll expect you to continue EVADING, yes?

People who talk like you online would never say this shit in real life.
This is how I speak in real life. My English proficiency should have made this obvious.
Good god, what would militant anti-christian zealots ever do without the Old Testament?

It seems to upset you when anyone points out the difficult parts of Christianity.

They almost never complain about the New Testament.

Because the NT version of God is much more appealing.

Which is a theological problem. Given that you can't just ignore the OT and choose the NT like a buffet.

The OT is almost never used in the liturgy of the Christian traditions I am familiar with.

You've been shown otherwise. Now you are just ignoring the facts.

You seem to have based your opinion of Christianity on the fire and brimstone Protestants in America. American Protestant fundamentalists are a small minority of world Christianity.

You don't actually seem to know much about Christians other than some subsect that you were raised in. You didn't know about the Nicene Creed or how common it is among Christian churches.

Why do you continue to act like you are speaking from a position of knowledge on these topics? You are CLEARLY quite easily offended when anyone so much as speaks even slightly negatively about God. Why is that, agnostic?

Bring it on.

I get it. You are still pretending to be omniscient. You don't know anything about me, other than that I am much smarter than you which frightens you. If you weren't frightened shitless by my education level, you wouldn't continually feel the need to pretend to be omniscient.

Judo is not essentially the same thing as wrestling, although you could make the case that no-gi jiu jitsu is indistinguishable from submission wrestling.

In your own, deluded mind, yes. I totally get it. It's all you can do to console yourself as you are licking your wounds. I'll leave you to do whatever you feel you need to do.

You seem to think you know what I think. Once again you are pretending that you are omniscient so you can declare me to be holding some bogus position that I do not hold. Before history gets revised, you are the one who feigned apoplexy at female pronouns. You are the misogynist in the equation and you are trying to project your misogyny onto me. It will not stick. I do not hate women. I hate dishonest gossip, yes, just as I hate all forms of dishonesty. It is you who is equating women with dishonesty and claiming that my hatred for dishonesty is somehow misogyny.

... which brings us full circle to your poor logic and your leftist undereducation that leaves you in a panic whenever someone responds to you with critical reasoning.

Who are you claiming this to be?

Btw, I meant to use the word "fortitude" and guess what ... that's the word I used. Maybe invest in an education.

I'll expect you to continue EVADING, yes?

This is how I speak in real life. My English proficiency should have made this obvious.

Cool story. Whenever I try to teach you, all I get is your ramblings. You're not educated, and with those bumper stickers you fool nobody, so stop claiming it. And, yes, you need to learn the definition of "fortitude."

One more thing. Stop hitting women.
It seems to upset you when anyone points out the difficult parts of Christianity.

Because the NT version of God is much more appealing.

Which is a theological problem. Given that you can't just ignore the OT and choose the NT like a buffet.

You've been shown otherwise. Now you are just ignoring the facts.

You don't actually seem to know much about Christians other than some subsect that you were raised in. You didn't know about the Nicene Creed or how common it is among Christian churches.

Why do you continue to act like you are speaking from a position of knowledge on these topics? You are CLEARLY quite easily offended when anyone so much as speaks even slightly negatively about God. Why is that, agnostic?

Show my post proving I had never heard of the Nicene Creed or knew what it was.

Failure to provide a link will be taken as an confession you are lying.
Show my post proving I had never heard of the Nicene Creed or knew what it was.

Failure to provide a link will be taken as an confession you are lying.

Let's not forget that Perry accuses everyone of having less education than himself. It's part of his schtick.