How can Christianity become so hate driven.

It's not just the OT God that is ugly, cruel and violent. There are a lot of Christians who revel in the current divisive, "amoral", violent state of the country. If nukes were on their way from Russia or China, and the US had no way to stop them, a significant portion of Christians would see it as a positive thing; a beginning of the end, when God/Jesus returns to earth and hurl the entirety of India and about 2/3 of the world overall into a lake of fire for eternal torture.

If that's not violent, I don't know what is.

Trying to speak for everyone is an omniscience fallacy, dude. You can only speak for yourself.
Sexual perversions are NOT counseled by Jesus Christ.
I definitely see a small number of evangelicals with an eschatological drive who seem to see the entire State of Israel as nothing more than a useful switch to kick off the end of the world and a glorious return of Christ, but I think by and large MOST Christians don't espouse that view.

As for how the number who DO look forward to the end function, I will freely admit I have no idea.

One thing I have noted numerous times on this forum is that the OT GOd is definitely as you noted, a bit more rough around the edges. A fierce partisan for a small hill tribe in a small chunk of desert-like land who encouraged all manner of horrors in His name. And, indeed, the modern Church is disallowed from separating the OT God from the NT God who is a LOT more friendly toward all (at least if you are willing to join the faith).

I personally find that disjunct in theology to be troubling. How does an unchanging eternal God who created all go from being a vicious partisan to a loving benevelonce?

I am actually quite happy that MOST Christians don't seem to expend a lot of time struggling with the OT God and kind of setting those aspects aside so that they can be better people in the modern more ecumenical world.

God has not changed.
Again, you spread hate with a broad brush. Example of your type of logic: Stalin was an atheist. Stalin committed mass murder through different means, but ended up killing up to 39M Russians. Therefore, all atheists are mass murders.

Are you a mass murderer, 'Mode? Do you want to commit mass murder of Jews and Christians like Stalin?

So spreading facts about the Bible is now spreading hate? If I spread facts about Muslims and terrorism is that hate? If I spread statistics about violent crime in the black community is that hate?
I'm not female. And I could easily kick your ass in real life.
1. I think you are female and that female pronouns are appropriate for you. If you believe female pronouns are inappropriate, substitute them for the pronouns of your preference. I won't mind.
2. Re: you kicking my ass in real life. How did you make that assessment? Obviously this is more of your leftist trolling, basing everything on attempted bullying and intimidation because you have nothing else.
3. Re: you kicking my ass in real life, you latched onto the observation that I'm not totally stupid like you are. This is what made you EVADE and flee, as the intellectual coward that you are, and is nothing more than an extension of your lashing out in fear, impelling you to race to your safe space
4: Re: you kicking my ass in real life, I believe you are a female. I totally laugh at the idea of you pretending to be tough. Just sit on this and spin around.

Pro Tip: If you don't want to project that you are a frail woman who feels helpless in this chaotic world, start posting with a little more intellectual fortitude and a lot more honesty. Don't cower away at every little response. Don't flee at the first sign of a question. You differ not from ThatOwlCoward, i.e. you are as dishonest as any gossipy teenage bitch, and apparently as uneducated. You worked very hard for your female pronouns. Enjoy them.
I always felt that the the ONLY real Christian I ever saw inhabit the Oval Office was ...
This is called a "No True Scotsman" fallacy. Also, it's a fallacy whereby you declare yourself to somehow be the authoritative judge on what constitutes a "true" Christian.

Oh, you're not, by the way. Your post is summarily dismissed, but your title of major moron remains intact.
It's what the Bible says
Irrelevant. You still don't get to speak for Christians.

and it's what Jews/Christians, to varying levels, have been waiting for.
Irrelevant. You don't get to speak for Christians, not even for only "the vast majority" of them.

Your post is summarily dismissed.

Pro Tip: Next time write about your perspective (i.e. your point of view) and leave it at that. Don't pretend that you speak for anybody but yourself, especially entire classes of people.
So spreading facts about the Bible is now spreading hate? If I spread facts about Muslims and terrorism is that hate?

If I spread statistics about violent crime in the black community is that hate?
No, 'Mode. Spreading your conclusions and half-truths is spreading hate. Do you spread hate against Muslims like you do Jews and Christians? Why?

If, as in you haven't? No, spreading facts is not hate. Spreading your conclusions could be hate as seen on JPP daily by the likes of TDAK and volsrock.

One fact I find very interesting is noting who answers questions and who avoids answering them. It's a matter of honesty and veracity. You, like 'Murica and a few others, are neither.
This is called a "No True Scotsman" fallacy. Also, it's a fallacy whereby you declare yourself to somehow be the authoritative judge on what constitutes a "true" Christian.

Oh, you're not, by the way. Your post is summarily dismissed, but your title of major moron remains intact.

That's why I started the sentence with "I always felt...". That's called an OPINION. YOu don't have to agree with opinions.
1. I think you are female and that female pronouns are appropriate for you.

Isn't the first time you're wrong and won't be the last. Sorry to burst your masturbation fantasy about me.

Re: you kicking my ass in real life. How did you make that assessment? Obviously this is more of your leftist trolling, basing everything on attempted bullying and intimidation because you have nothing else.

As I've stated before, I've studied boxing and judo. And before judo, I made it to state finals as a high school wrestler. Judo is basically the same as wrestling, and I've been doing both for about two decades now. I'm confident in my odds against most people.

3. Re: you kicking my ass in real life, you latched onto the observation that I'm not totally stupid like you are. This is what made you EVADE and flee, as the intellectual coward that you are, and is nothing more than an extension of your lashing out in fear, impelling you to race to your safe space

I've already defeated you intellectually. Pinning you into submission would just be for the LOLs. We'll never meet, but it would be funny if we could.

4: Re: you kicking my ass in real life, I believe you are a female. I totally laugh at the idea of you pretending to be tough. Just sit on this and spin around.

You seem to think that being a female is a bad thing, which leads me to think you might be a woman beater, which leads me to think you deserve an ass-kicking.

Pro Tip: start posting with a little more intellectual fortitude and a lot more honesty.

The Trumper who denies science and believes in Jesus wants to preach about intellectual "fortitude."

Btw, you meant to use the word "integrity," not fortitude. Maybe invest in a dictionary.

Don't cower away at every little response.

Don't expect me to respond to every random turd you post.

Don't flee at the first sign of a question. You differ not from ThatOwlCoward, i.e. you are as dishonest as any gossipy teenage bitch, and apparently as uneducated. You worked very hard for your female pronouns. Enjoy them.

And now the mysoginistic, woman-beating pussy reveals itself. People who talk like you online would never say this shit in real life. I know it, you know it, and everyone else here knows it. Way to our yourself as a keyboard warrior.
Irrelevant. You still don't get to speak for Christians.

Irrelevant. You don't get to speak for Christians, not even for only "the vast majority" of them.

Your post is summarily dismissed.

Pro Tip: Next time write about your perspective (i.e. your point of view) and leave it at that. Don't pretend that you speak for anybody but yourself, especially entire classes of people.

I assume, based on your defensiveness , you're a Christian.

Do you disagree that the Bible says that God/Jesus will come back to Earth to judge mankind and that part of that judgement is to condemn certain people to a punishment as described in the Bible?
No, 'Mode. Spreading your conclusions and half-truths is spreading hate. Do you spread hate against Muslims like you do Jews and Christians? Why?

If, as in you haven't? No, spreading facts is not hate. Spreading your conclusions could be hate as seen on JPP daily by the likes of TDAK and volsrock.

One fact I find very interesting is noting who answers questions and who avoids answering them. It's a matter of honesty and veracity. You, like 'Murica and a few others, are neither.
What hate did I spread and how?
What hate did I spread and how?

Half truths are whole lies. The fact you dodge questions put to you while fully expecting others to answer your questions indicates you are arrogant coupled with blind willful ignorance. Typical of militant atheists under 35. Rare in those who are older. How old are you, 'Mode?
Half truths are whole lies. The fact you dodge questions put to you while fully expecting others to answer your questions indicates you are arrogant coupled with blind willful ignorance. Typical of militant atheists under 35. Rare in those who are older. How old are you, 'Mode?

Is it a half truth that, according to the Bible, God is going to come back to earth?

Is it a half truth that, according to the Bible, God is going to judge the people on earth when he returns?

Is it a half truth that, according to the Bible, God is going to throw non-believers, or those he views as unworthy, into an eternal lake of fire?
It's not just the OT God that is ugly, cruel and violent.
Good god, what would militant anti-christian zealots ever do without the Old Testament? They almost never complain about the New Testament. If it bothers you that much why not find some Jewish neighbors or coworkers to complain about it to? It was the Hebrews who wrote the OT.

As far as I know, God himself rarely ever directly talks in the OT, outside the books of Torah. Elsewhere, it seems to be mostly Jewish prophets and kings claiming to speak on behalf of God.

Much of the OT was written or compiled during the Babylonian captivity. You can understand why the Israelites could imagine a wrathful God who is open to retribution. People who are being oppressed rarely think of sugar, spice, and everything nice. I doubt Israelites wanted to sing Kumbaya with their enemies and oppressors.

The OT is almost never used in the liturgy of the Christian traditions I am familiar with. The New Testament is considered the final revelation and a superior revelation.. Just as importantly, the majority of world Christianity does not consider the bible, and in particular the OT the sole authority on religious belief. Church teaching, ecelesiastical authority, and Church tradition have equal authority and equal standing to the bible in Christian belief.

You seem to have based your opinion of Christianity on the fire and brimstone Protestants in America. American Protestant fundamentalists are a small minority of world Christianity.
Good god, what would militant anti-christian zealots ever do without the Old Testament? They almost never complain about the New Testament. If it bothers you that much why not find some Jewish neighbors or coworkers to complain about it to? It was the Hebrews who wrote the OT.

As far as I know, God himself rarely ever directly talks in the OT, outside the books of Torah. Elsewhere, it seems to be mostly Jewish prophets and kings claiming to speak on behalf of God.

Much of the OT was written or compiled during the Babylonian captivity. You can understand why the Israelites could imagine a wrathful God who is open to retribution. People who are being oppressed rarely think of sugar, spice, and everything nice. I doubt Israelites wanted to sing Kumbaya with their enemies and oppressors.

The OT is almost never used in the liturgy of the Christian traditions I am familiar with. The New Testament is considered the final revelation and a superior revelation.. Just as importantly, the majority of world Christianity does not consider the bible, and in particular the OT the sole authority on religious belief. Church teaching, ecelesiastical authority, and Church tradition have equal authority and equal standing to the bible in Christian belief.

You seem to have based your opinion of Christianity on the fire and brimstone Protestants in America. American Protestant fundamentalists are a small minority of world Christianity.
Notice how they attack the Jews without actually admitting they are attacking the Jews? LOL
Good god, what would militant anti-christian zealots ever do without the Old Testament? They almost never complain about the New Testament. If it bothers you that much why not find some Jewish neighbors or coworkers to complain about it to? It was the Hebrews who wrote the OT.

As far as I know, God himself rarely ever directly talks in the OT, outside the books of Torah. Elsewhere, it seems to be mostly Jewish prophets and kings claiming to speak on behalf of God.

Much of the OT was written or compiled during the Babylonian captivity. You can understand why the Israelites could imagine a wrathful God who is open to retribution. People who are being oppressed rarely think of sugar, spice, and everything nice. I doubt Israelites wanted to sing Kumbaya with their enemies and oppressors.

The OT is almost never used in the liturgy of the Christian traditions I am familiar with. The New Testament is considered the final revelation and a superior revelation.. Just as importantly, the majority of world Christianity does not consider the bible, and in particular the OT the sole authority on religious belief. Church teaching, ecelesiastical authority, and Church tradition have equal authority and equal standing to the bible in Christian belief.

You seem to have based your opinion of Christianity on the fire and brimstone Protestants in America. American Protestant fundamentalists are a small minority of world Christianity.

What christian claim as the "old" testament in their bible is badly translated text from the Hebrew and Aramaic trying to make it sound like it is talking about jesus


Mistranslations of Text
Notice how they attack the Jews without actually admitting they are attacking the Jews? LOL

They sure seem to hate the Old Testament, but studiously steer clear of complaining much about the New Testament. I always found that odd.