‘If God is dead, then everything is permitted.’

can you quote me the Bible passage that confirms your opinion that people go to hell for being pieces of shit?......

You mean that book written by people who heard voices in their heads? LOL

You know who also believed all those things required for salvation? All those Catholic priests we see who sexually abuse kids. I’m sure they’re bound for Heaven because they “believe”.
so do rubbers....also for that matter killing the unborn and killing two year olds......the question was which are better ways of dealing with unwanted children.............

That’s what we just said, stupid fuck. Free contraceptives.

There’s NO question about which is a better method. So, why are you pro-life asswipes against free contrace?
You mean that book written by people who heard voices in their heads? LOL

You know who also believed all those things required for salvation? All those Catholic priests we see who sexually abuse kids. I’m sure they’re bound for Heaven because they “believe”.

you'll have to ask a Catholic about priests abusing kids......if sins were measured by weight how would you balance a person who sexually abuses kids against someone who supports killing 60 million of them......
That went over your head, didn’t it?

So many of you RW morons, especially you, make statements you can’t back up.

no, it's obvious you don't want to go on record, that's not over my head or anyone else's......you hate being accused of supporting abortion but you refuse to say you don't......and you have the nerve to call ME a piece of shit......
That’s what we just said, stupid fuck. Free contraceptives.

There’s NO question about which is a better method. So, why are you pro-life asswipes against free contrace?

why do lib'rul fucks think the government should give them everything for free.........maybe if your voting block paid taxes you would look at it differently......use contraceptives, abstain, keep your kids if you want them or make them available for adoption if you don't.......you don't need to kill them.......
The post was about those in their teenage years, illiterate fuck.

that makes no difference you illiterate fuck.....a rubber is cheaper than a latte....you can get both from vending machines in any truck stop..don't tell me kids can't afford contraceptives......besides, most abortions are obtained by women over 20 according to PP's own statistics.....
why do lib'rul fucks think the government should give them everything for free.........maybe if your voting block paid taxes you would look at it differently......use contraceptives, abstain, keep your kids if you want them or make them available for adoption if you don't.......you don't need to kill them.......

Sometimes the rantings of an idiot can be amusing,
but only if one happens to be in the mood at the time.

Does "you don't need to kill them" apply only to fetuses or to idiots as well?
These are things that we need to decide.
you'll have to ask a Catholic about priests abusing kids......if sins were measured by weight how would you balance a person who sexually abuses kids against someone who supports killing 60 million of them......

I don’t have to balance either. You’re the one claiming the criteria that opens the Pearly Gates for you.
no, it's obvious you don't want to go on record, that's not over my head or anyone else's......you hate being accused of supporting abortion but you refuse to say you don't......and you have the nerve to call ME a piece of shit......

Do I hate bring accused of supporting abortion? Naw, I don’t hate being accused of anything from an ignoramus on this forum that can’t back up anything they post.
why do lib'rul fucks think the government should give them everything for free.........maybe if your voting block paid taxes you would look at it differently......use contraceptives, abstain, keep your kids if you want them or make them available for adoption if you don't.......you don't need to kill them.......

Let’s try this again, you stupid fucking illiterate bitch.

You asked which is the BETTER method for preventing abortions. I stated free contraception is and you now have an issue with that. So, you prefer the other. Or, are too stupid too actually comprehend the post.
why do lib'rul fucks think the government should give them everything for free

My M-I-L once noted that rich people stay rich by not paying for anything.

.........maybe if your voting block paid taxes you would look at it differently

Guessing I pay more in taxes than you do.

......use contraceptives,

Until some nutjob religious pharmacist refuses to sell contraceptives because of "religious reasons" or a religious employer refuses to cover birth control as part of healthcare insurance.

abstain, keep your kids if you want them or make them available for adoption if you don't.......you don't need to kill them.......

Agreed. But then it's not your choice to make how a woman utilizes her body. It is not yours.
that makes no difference you illiterate fuck.....a rubber is cheaper than a latte....you can get both from vending machines in any truck stop..don't tell me kids can't afford contraceptives......besides, most abortions are obtained by women over 20 according to PP's own statistics.....

^Folks, this is the crux of the problem with the idiot pro-lifers and contraceptives.

They shit their drawers over abortion, yet they are the very ones against contraception at all (Catholics) or shit themselves again when one recommends easy access to proper medical advice, care AND contraception to prevent pregnancy in the first place.

Worst kind of hyperbolic hypocrites.
Entirely nonsensical. Abortion is the killing of an innocent human being with the full consent of the will. In other words a conscious decision. Fires aren't. Nice try though.

Why must it be free? How about we educate young men to keep it in their pants and young ladies to keep their legs closed.

The fact that you don't think a petri dish of blastocysts in a burning fertility clinic are worth risking anyone's life to save is unequivocal proof you do not actually believe life begins at conception.

Telling teens and young adults to not have sex until marriage doesn't work. That's what a control freak would say. I bet you didn't wait. And even worse it is stupid and counterproductive to reducing abortions.

It says a lot that you oppose free, cheap, and easy access to female contraception and morning-after pills for all highschool teenagers and young adults.
The fact that you don't think a petri dish of blastocysts in a burning fertility clinic are worth risking anyone's life to save is unequivocal proof you do not actually believe life begins at conception.

Telling teens and young adults to not have sex until marriage doesn't work. That's what a control freak would say. I bet you didn't wait. And even worse it is stupid and counterproductive to reducing abortions.

It says a lot that you oppose free, cheap, and easy access to female contraception and morning-after pills for all highschool teenagers and young adults.


But it does work. Abstinence is 100% effective at preventing abortions.

I want to know why it has to be free. Pleas to emotions weakens your arguments. That last post of yours is 90% emotional

But it does work. Abstinence is 100% effective at preventing abortions.

I want to know why it has to be free. Pleas to emotions weakens your arguments. That last post of yours is 90% emotional

Abstinence doesn't work.

Yelling at 22 year old women to remain virgins doesn't work except for the tiny minority that choose virginity before marriage.

You are yelling at 19 year old girls to not have sex.

Did you remain a virgin until you got married?
Out of all the MAGA dudes who yell at college girls and young adult females to remain virgins until marriage, how many of these dudes willingly remained virgins themselves until marriage?.

My guess is zero percent.