‘If God is dead, then everything is permitted.’

1) there are currently more Christians than there were people in the world in 1950.....I expect it is hell that will be less populated....
2) why would I be there?.....I am a believer.....oh, did you think you had to be sinless to go to heaven?......no wonder you think it will be empty......

1) There are about 8 billion people now. Not that many true believers. Most of mankind preceding your Jesus guy are doomed, as well. Jews. Hindus. Buddhists. Muslims.

2) You’re there because you’re a piece of shit and pieces of shit go to hell regardless of what they “believe”.

Your Jesus guy never claimed to be a god or the son of one. That shit was made up decades later by who knows who. Not unlike the George “I Cannot Tell a Lie” Washington and the cherry tree.
It doesnt make it abortion just or moral

If you actually thought human life begins at conception, you would be willing to risk your life to run into a burning fertility clinic to save a petri dish of blastocysts.

If you were serious about making abortion rare, you would support giving free contraception to teenagers and young adults, and free morning-after pills to all girls over the age of 16, with the proper education in their use.
If you actually thought human life begins at conception, you would be willing to risk your life to run into a burning fertility clinic to save a petri dish of blastocysts.

If you were serious about making abortion rare, you would support giving free contraception to teenagers and young adults, and free morning-after pills to all girls over the age of 16, with the proper education in their use.

Entirely nonsensical. Abortion is the killing of an innocent human being with the full consent of the will. In other words a conscious decision. Fires aren't. Nice try though.

Why must it be free? How about we educate young men to keep it in their pants and young ladies to keep their legs closed. And spare me the abstinence doesn't work bullshit. Abstinence is 100% effective at stopping abortion.
Entirely nonsensical. Abortion is the killing of an innocent human being with the full consent of the will. In other words a conscious decision. Fires aren't. Nice try though.

Why must it be free? How about we educate young men to keep it in their pants and young ladies to keep their legs closed. And spare me the abstinence doesn't work bullshit. Abstinence is 100% effective at stopping abortion.

Abstinence, when practiced, does work. But, that’s where your willful ignorance fails you. Educate the kids all you want, idiot. We try to educate you dumb fucking Trumptards every day, but that doesn’t sink in. Do you think your abstiy education will really win out over hormones?

So, why are you against free contraceptives?
you kill millions of pussies every year.....


Prays to a dead rotting triune man god corpse on two sticks and eats it's flesh and drinks it's blood

Abstinence, when practiced, does work. But, that’s where your willful ignorance fails you. Educate the kids all you want, idiot. We try to educate you dumb fucking Trumptards every day, but that doesn’t sink in. Do you think your abstiy education will really win out over hormones?

So, why are you against free contraceptives?

???....why do they have to be free?.....are you too cheap to pay for your entertainment?.......
If you actually thought human life begins at conception, you would be willing to risk your life to run into a burning fertility clinic to save a petri dish of blastocysts.

to be fair, if I had to choose between saving the petri dish of blastocysts or you, you lose......