‘If God is dead, then everything is permitted.’

Abstinence doesn't work.

Yelling at 22 year old women to remain virgins doesn't work except for the tiny minority that choose virginity before marriage.

You are yelling at 19 year old girls to not have sex.

Did you remain a virgin until you got married?

Oh course it does. Why would a woman who hasnt had sex ever need an abortion.

I not yelling anything at anyone but you sure seem to be. You said if I wanted fewer abortions I would be in favor of free birth control. You haven't get explained why it needs to be free and birth control, free it otherwise isn't 100% effective. What is 100% effective is abstinence. That's a fact. Don't get pussy with me about it.
Oh course it does. Why would a woman who hasnt had sex ever need an abortion.

I not yelling anything at anyone but you sure seem to be. You said if I wanted fewer abortions I would be in favor of free birth control. You haven't get explained why it needs to be free and birth control, free it otherwise isn't 100% effective. What is 100% effective is abstinence. That's a fact. Don't get pussy with me about it.

I accept your tacit confession that you did not willingly remain a virgin until marriage, even as you demanded that young female adults and college girls keep their legs locked together
Oh course it does. Why would a woman who hasnt had sex ever need an abortion.

I not yelling anything at anyone but you sure seem to be. You said if I wanted fewer abortions I would be in favor of free birth control. You haven't get explained why it needs to be free and birth control, free it otherwise isn't 100% effective. What is 100% effective is abstinence. That's a fact. Don't get pussy with me about it.

^Folks, this is an example of a person suspending reality.
I accept your tacit confession that you did not willingly remain a virgin until marriage, even as you demanded that young female adults and college girls keep their legs locked together

No concession was offered so you're accepting your own nonsense. You've completely devolved into sheer emotional drivel.

Im not telling people to avoid sex. I was smart. Unlike you I wasn't an animal. The thing is choices have consequences and I still haven't seen an explanation from you why birth control should be free. If it's not important enough for the animals fucking to pay for it? You're going to need a lot more than your childish whining to explain it. If you can but it's looking more and more like you can't.
No concession was offered so you're accepting your own nonsense. You've completely devolved into sheer emotional drivel.

Im not telling people to avoid sex. I was smart. Unlike you I wasn't an animal. The thing is choices have consequences and I still haven't seen an explanation from you why birth control should be free. If it's not important enough for the animals fucking to pay for it? You're going to need a lot more than your childish whining to explain it. If you can but it's looking more and more like you can't.

^Here is a person that never did anything reckless or stupid. So, he denies access to things that are able to rectify issues for people who do.

Probably criteria for sainthood!
No concession was offered so you're accepting your own nonsense. You've completely devolved into sheer emotional drivel.

Im not telling people to avoid sex. I was smart. Unlike you I wasn't an animal. The thing is choices have consequences and I still haven't seen an explanation from you why birth control should be free. If it's not important enough for the animals fucking to pay for it? You're going to need a lot more than your childish whining to explain it. If you can but it's looking more and more like you can't.

If it were up to me, I think college kids and young adults of both genders should be counseled to avoid promiscuous sex outside of relationships, and females should be given universal, free, cheap, and easy access to birth control and morning-after pills.

That is valuing life. That is respecting human autonomy

The policy of rightwing dudes of just yelling at young women to keep their legs shut, while they themselves constantly seek sex before getting married is not valuing life.

It is the fetish for exercising social and psychological control over females.
Anything is permitted in that one persons mind

That doesn’t mean your fellow earth dwellers will allow you to DO ANYTHING

The concept of god was created to help explain what is moral and why to people

It takes a lot of teaching and discussing to flesh out a moral code and get it consistent and mutually beneficial

The short cut was to say because daddy says so

God deemed it

Some people are just too stupid to do all that mind work

Some people are plenty bright but suffer brain structures that render them incapable of full brain function that includes a failure to process human emotions

The core of morality

The question to me is whether there is a natural law, or whether everything just comes down to positive law (laws, norms, and codes made up by humans).

I've always been on Team Plato, Team Jefferson, and Team Confucious: there is a natural law that exceeds the laws of man and government. African slaves were entitled to liberty regardless of what the laws and customs of Southern plantation owners said. Jews had a natural right to life and personal dignity, regardless of what the laws of Nazi Germany said. Solzhenitsyn and Anna Akhmatova had a natural right to personal conscience, irrespective of what was written in the laws of Stalin.
The question to me is whether there is a natural law, or whether everything just comes down to positive law (laws, norms, and codes made up by humans).

I've always been on Team Plato, Team Jefferson, and Team Confucious: there is a natural law that exceeds the laws of man and government. African slaves were entitled to liberty regardless of what the laws and customs of Southern plantation owners said. Jews had a natural right to life and personal dignity, regardless of what the laws of Nazi Germany said. Solzhenitsyn and Anna Akhmatova had a natural right to personal conscience, irrespective of what was written in the laws of Stalin.

What if there is natural law. Who enforces it?
What if there is natural law. Who enforces it?

Natural law has not been appointed a universal legal enforcer obviously, but if I had to guess it exists in the part of the soul that Plato called the rational, or the part of the psychology Freud called the superego. Occasionally, natural law seems to get manifested into positive law, like the universal declaration of human rights, the Declaration of Independence, or Roosevelt's formulation of the four freedoms
Natural law has not been appointed a universal legal enforcer obviously, but if I had to guess it exists in the part of the soul that Plato called the rational, or the part of the psychology Freud called the superego. Occasionally, natural law seems to get manifested into positive law, like the universal declaration of human rights or the Declaration off Independence.

So, it is just a belief.
Let’s try this again, you stupid fucking illiterate bitch.

You asked which is the BETTER method for preventing abortions. I stated free contraception is and you now have an issue with that. So, you prefer the other. Or, are too stupid too actually comprehend the post.

why does you making us pay for your contraceptives make that a better method than you paying for them yourself?.......I think you're a lazy fuck who wants free things...
^Folks, this is the crux of the problem with the idiot pro-lifers and contraceptives.

They shit their drawers over abortion, yet they are the very ones against contraception at all (Catholics) or shit themselves again when one recommends easy access to proper medical advice, care AND contraception to prevent pregnancy in the first place.

Worst kind of hyperbolic hypocrites.

to be fair, I object to giving you lazy fucks anything free.......pay your own bills......