Who the f**k do the Democrats think they are that they are "taking the piss" out of the public by refusing to allow Kamala Harris to provide any clear accounts of her policies for almost a month after becoming Presidential nominee?

The way I see it, it's a MASSIVE INSULT to the people.

Why do the Democrats think Americans will just passively put up with the fact Harris refuses to sit for any serious interviews with reporters/news channels. Full Stop.

All she dishes up at her rallies is "Joy" and "Feel Good" vibes, and chorus lines of twerking Black Hoes rapping, and lots of really awesome balloons.

Her whole campaign act is just "sound and fury signifying nothing" - 100% bullshit and ballyhoo.

I was watching the DNC and thousands of Harris - Waltz supporters were cheering and hyped up. But Kamala wasn't saying ANYTHING of substance at all about issues. It was as though she was a big shiny object who was mesmerising the audience, and I thought to myself: "These are the kind of pea-brains who will vote Democrat in November. God help us" !

For future election campaigns in America, I think the electoral rules should be changed to ensure that Presidential candidates are requred to sit for a certain minimum number of serious interviews (broadcast nationally) about policy, etc; with neutral, professional reporters/journalists.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
You need some soothing salve for those stinging buttocks?
The goofball Trumpys seem to have forgotten that when it was Trump V Biden, many people went for none of the above. They did not want old, out-of-touch politicians answering the problems of the future. Biden's freezing forced the Dems to make a change. It will help them. She is a woman. It is way past time for that. She is a person of color. That checks another box. She is right on abortion, the environment, no more huge tax cuts for the super-rich and corporations, back to regulating polluters and so many other things that passed Trump by. Trump will have to steal this election. He is making plans for that right now.
The goofball Trumpys seem to have forgotten that when it was Trump V Biden, many people went for none of the above. They did not want old, out-of-touch politicians answering the problems of the future. Biden's freezing forced the Dems to make a change. It will help them. She is a woman. It is way past time for that. She is a person of color. That checks another box. She is right on abortion, the environment, no more huge tax cuts for the super-rich and corporations, back to regulating polluters and so many other things that passed Trump by. Trump will have to steal this election. He is making plans for that right now.

Also that last paragraph of the OP is so hilarious because of course when dumbasses are clearly behind is when they think the rules should change.
The Green Party and a Kennedy had a press conference detailing how corrupt the Democratic Party has become, using law fare and censorship to prevent us from having real discussions.

A decent person would pause and give that some serious thought....
Why do you give so much importance to someone just because of their last name?
I am a libertarian in a blue state. I have not and will not vote for Trump - and never said I would. you are a retard though - and prove it with each reply to me

I have even started threads on here saying Trump is a retard, and a narcisist

but as bad as he is, atleast the media will pay attention to what he is doing, not lie and pretend "cheap fakes" explains dementia and allow him to run a basement campaign
Oh, horseshit.
Yeah, it is kind of repulsive how pretty much everyone in Trump's orbit has at one point in time compared him to the worst in humanity. It just shows that at the end of the day all ANY politico is interested in is power. Pure raw power.
Staying in office at all costs. What's odd, is that they had two chances to rid the party of him, but punted both times.
Staying in office at all costs. What's odd, is that they had two chances to rid the party of him, but punted both times.
the right conducted actual elections. if only they could just show some polls that he will lose and force him out to save democracy like the shit stains did


Since when did furious become a verb?

How do you furious?

When you furious, do you holler "Look at me everybody.... I'm furiousing!!!!"?

Since when did furious become a verb?

How do you furious?

When you furious, do you holler "Look at me everybody.... I'm furiousing!!!!"?

It's an ADJECTIVE, you cretin.

Only a Dummycrat like you would identify "FURIOUS" as a verb.

You've made a total tit of yourself. Well done, "Shakespeare."
It's an ADJECTIVE, you cretin.

Only a Dummycrat like you would identify "FURIOUS" as a verb.

You've made a total tit of yourself. Well done, "Shakespeare."

If you have ever asked yourself how in the hell did the people of Germany stand for Hitler all you have to do is look at the Democrat party.

A bunch of mindless fools cheering for dead air.