... which is why all the Democrat voters are abandoning the DNC and Kamala, and rushing to support Trump. RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard are the latest to turn their backs on the DNC. All democraphics are lining up behind Trump.

Come November, there simply won't be enough Americans supporting Kamala for her to even bother trying to hold a rally.

Wont stop the Regime from declaring her the winner.
You are getting weirder and weirder you sick fuck. I’ll bet women cross the street to avoid you.
You little bitches come with your cutesy insults then get offended when I get straight to the point. You want to get down in the mud or don't you? If not shut the fuck up with your nonsense.

You can fuck off too now concunt.
Who is your candidate again? Tell us how great he is. He’ll get fewer votes than RFK Jr even though he’s still IN the race. Maybe you should just use your ballot to wipe your ass.
Not the Kamal/tampon. He's not great at all but better than a Jamal /tampon. You'll wipe your ass when you vote for them
The sentence in which I used the word "FURIOUS" was grammatically and syntactically CORRECT.

Actually, it wasn't.

You were speaking in the conditional subjunctive mood. Instead of "If I WAS a member of the American..." grammatical correctness would have required, "If I WERE a member of the American... ."
You little bitches come with your cutesy insults then get offended when I get straight to the point. You want to get down in the mud or don't you? If not shut the fuck up with your nonsense.

You can fuck off too now concunt.
Your insults would be just devastating on a seventh grade playground. I guess you’re 13 then. You just look pathetic. But suit yourself. My family members have taken more abuse than a little pissant punk like you can dish out. Bring it you weird sick puppy. Best shot. You are no match for my rapier wit.
Who the f**k do the Democrats think they are that they are "taking the piss" out of the public by refusing to allow Kamala Harris to provide any clear accounts of her policies for almost a month after becoming Presidential nominee?

The way I see it, it's a MASSIVE INSULT to the people.

Why do the Democrats think Americans will just passively put up with the fact Harris refuses to sit for any serious interviews with reporters/news channels. Full Stop.

All she dishes up at her rallies is "Joy" and "Feel Good" vibes, and chorus lines of twerking Black Hoes rapping, and lots of really awesome balloons.

Her whole campaign act is just "sound and fury signifying nothing" - 100% bullshit and ballyhoo.

I was watching the DNC and thousands of Harris - Waltz supporters were cheering and hyped up. But Kamala wasn't saying ANYTHING of substance at all about issues. It was as though she was a big shiny object who was mesmerising the audience, and I thought to myself: "These are the kind of pea-brains who will vote Democrat in November. God help us" !

For future election campaigns in America, I think the electoral rules should be changed to ensure that Presidential candidates are requred to sit for a certain minimum number of serious interviews (broadcast nationally) about policy, etc; with neutral, professional reporters/journalists.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Democrats are now officially human garbage.
Who the f**k do the Democrats think they are that they are "taking the piss" out of the public by refusing to allow Kamala Harris to provide any clear accounts of her policies for almost a month after becoming Presidential nominee?

The way I see it, it's a MASSIVE INSULT to the people.

Why do the Democrats think Americans will just passively put up with the fact Harris refuses to sit for any serious interviews with reporters/news channels. Full Stop.

All she dishes up at her rallies is "Joy" and "Feel Good" vibes, and chorus lines of twerking Black Hoes rapping, and lots of really awesome balloons.

Her whole campaign act is just "sound and fury signifying nothing" - 100% bullshit and ballyhoo.

I was watching the DNC and thousands of Harris - Waltz supporters were cheering and hyped up. But Kamala wasn't saying ANYTHING of substance at all about issues. It was as though she was a big shiny object who was mesmerising the audience, and I thought to myself: "These are the kind of pea-brains who will vote Democrat in November. God help us" !

For future election campaigns in America, I think the electoral rules should be changed to ensure that Presidential candidates are requred to sit for a certain minimum number of serious interviews (broadcast nationally) about policy, etc; with neutral, professional reporters/journalists.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Clearly you don't have a complete understanding of the idiot mentality that resides in most Americans today. Policies do not matter any longer. It's all about beating the other side. It allows the two major parties to nominate some of the worst people ever to work in, or around, government and lie to themselves that they will be the best ever, only so long as they can beat the other candidate.

Policies, principles, and history matter no longer.
Yeah, it is kind of repulsive how pretty much everyone in Trump's orbit has at one point in time compared him to the worst in humanity. It just shows that at the end of the day all ANY politico is interested in is power. Pure raw power.


Kamala Harris is the replacement Biden Puppet. (The Kamala Puppet is a "diversity special" model - it's Black, female and brainless). The Biden Puppet suffered a meltdown at its debate against Donald Trump. It was so embarrassing that the Dummycrat "Grand Poobas": Barry O; Crazy Nancy P and Chuck Schumer, had to give ol' dementia Joe his marching orders.

Donald Trump is certain that Joe Biden was the very worst President in the history of the Republic. He says it at campaign rallies all the time, and what's weird is that the Democrat "Fake News" have not challenged it yet. I take this to be evidence of tacit agreement. They can't have one of their talking heads throw a "hissy fit" about Trump calling Biden the worst President in history, because you can't "spin" something that is 100% true (even Dummycrats know it's a FACT).

ODDONANATOR tells us that what motivates all politico is the pure, raw, lust for power. He would certainly be able to find plenty of ammunition to defend this claim. However, it is not ALWAYS the case. Trump is a good example of an American politician who, as he himself says, didn't have to become a US President. Trump had a lot of money from a successful career in business, he had a nice wife and family, he could have spent his days playing golf or relaxing on one of the beautiful islands he owns. Trump went into politics because he genuinely wanted to make America a better place.

Right from the get go Trump was viciously attacked by the Democrat MSM 24/7, the disgusting Obamagate conspiracies, a rogue Deep State (Barack Obama, Podesta, Clapper, Comey, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Hillary Clinton ("Steele Dossier), "Russiagate",Robert Mueller, Antony Blinkin, Jake Sullivan) a rigged 2020 election, multiple political lawfare assaults, the show- trial farce that was the risible Jan 6th Committee, two completely bogus impeachments.

Why would Trump attack the rotten DC establishment head on if he were a sleazy, machine politician like crooked Joe Biden. (Trump is a POPULIST politician, BTW) Why would he put himself in the firing-line literally every day - get hit, and then get right back up again to keep fighting for what he thought was right. Would what he has endured since 2015 really be worth it if his only motivation was raw, political power ? I don't THINK SO. In fact he does not really see himself as "a politician". He didn't need to throw himself headlong into the hurley-burley of running for President, he had more than enough more pleasant and peaceful ways to spend his time.

Like him or not, Donald Trump entered politics because he sincerely wanted to make life better for Americans and to make America a greater nation. Unlike the majority of "panty-wetting" politicians on Capitol Hill, Trump is a straight - shooter. He is NOT a pathological liar like most of the Democrats in Congress/the Deep State. Trump is not full of shit - he walks the walk and GETS THING DONE.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it, ODDONANATOR - you tragic, little weasel.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Read project 2025 if you want to see the Repub/super wealthy plans for America. Trump is lying about his part in it. He would have embraced it fully if the people did not see how dangerous it is. Now he is pretending it is not a blueprint for the military plutocracy of the future.

Kamala Harris is the replacement Biden Puppet. (The Kamala Puppet is a "diversity special" model - it's Black, female and brainless). The Biden Puppet suffered a meltdown at its debate against Donald Trump. It was so embarrassing that the Dummycrat "Grand Poobas": Barry O; Crazy Nancy P and Chuck Schumer, had to give ol' dementia Joe his marching orders.

Donald Trump is certain that Joe Biden was the very worst President in the history of the Republic. He says it at campaign rallies all the time, and what's weird is that the Democrat "Fake News" have not challenged it yet. I take this to be evidence of tacit agreement. They can't have one of their talking heads throw a "hissy fit" about Trump calling Biden the worst President in history, because you can't "spin" something that is 100% true (even Dummycrats know it's a FACT).

ODDONANATOR tells us that what motivates all politico is the pure, raw, lust for power. He would certainly be able to find plenty of ammunition to defend this claim. However, it is not ALWAYS the case. Trump is a good example of an American politician who, as he himself says, didn't have to become a US President. Trump had a lot of money from a successful career in business, he had a nice wife and family, he could have spent his days playing golf or relaxing on one of the beautiful islands he owns. Trump went into politics because he genuinely wanted to make America a better place.

Right from the get go Trump was viciously attacked by the Democrat MSM 24/7, the disgusting Obamagate conspiracies, a rogue Deep State (Barack Obama, Podesta, Clapper, Comey, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Hillary Clinton ("Steele Dossier), "Russiagate",Robert Mueller, Antony Blinkin, Jake Sullivan) a rigged 2020 election, multiple political lawfare assaults, the show- trial farce that was the risible Jan 6th Committee, two completely bogus impeachments.

Why would Trump attack the rotten DC establishment head on if he were a sleazy, machine politician like crooked Joe Biden. (Trump is a POPULIST politician, BTW) Why would he put himself in the firing-line literally every day - get hit, and then get right back up again to keep fighting for what he thought was right. Would what he has endured since 2015 really be worth it if his only motivation was raw, political power ? I don't THINK SO. In fact he does not really see himself as "a politician". He didn't need to throw himself headlong into the hurley-burley of running for President, he had more than enough more pleasant and peaceful ways to spend his time.

Like him or not, Donald Trump entered politics because he sincerely wanted to make life better for Americans and to make America a greater nation. Unlike the majority of "panty-wetting" politicians on Capitol Hill, Trump is a straight - shooter. He is NOT a pathological liar like most of the Democrats in Congress/the Deep State. Trump is not full of shit - he walks the walk and GETS THING DONE.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it, ODDONANATOR - you tragic, little weasel.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Do you need some cheese with your whine?
Read project 2025 if you want to see the Repub/super wealthy plans for America. Trump is lying about his part in it. He would have embraced it fully if the people did not see how dangerous it is. Now he is pretending it is not a blueprint for the military plutocracy of the future.
Trump has no more to do with Project 2025 than he does with the Communist Manifesto. The DNC, however, has incorporated the Communist Manifesto along with WOKE into it's Project Biden-Boot.