If Your Hair Isn't On Fire

It’s funny how we are only moments away from a complete global financial collapse, and the DOW is at 11 thousand and rising. Really stunning how resilient that DOW has been. I’m pretty certain it had already crashed, long before the Great Depression actually kicked in. Or so I have read anyway.

we arent moments away from complete global financial collapse. We were however close to a massive correction down to like 8000-9000 range along with some short term pain and people losing there retirement savings.
we arent moments away from complete global financial collapse. We were however close to a massive correction down to like 8000-9000 range along with some short term pain and people losing there retirement savings.

That’s why we have SS. If we are doing a 1 trillion dollar bailout and giving up any possibility of health care, (and I believe that this plan will lead to the “WE HAVVVEEEE TO PRIVATIZE SS, AND DRASTICALLY CUT MEDICARE, WE CAN’T AFFOOOOOORRRDDD IT, right around the corner, in other words, I believe this is the plan), then you can stick the bailout chap.
I know we’re getting it, but this is a terrible, horrific, deal for Americans. It’s a disgrace. It’s a scam. We’re being bamboozled.
That’s why we have SS. If we are doing a 1 trillion dollar bailout and giving up any possibility of health care, (and I believe that this plan will lead to the “WE HAVVVEEEE TO PRIVATIZE SS, AND DRASTICALLY CUT MEDICARE, WE CAN’T AFFOOOOOORRRDDD IT, right around the corner, in other words, I believe this is the plan), then you can stick the bailout chap.
I know we’re getting it, but this is a terrible, horrific, deal for Americans. It’s a disgrace. It’s a scam. We’re being bamboozled.

Thats far fetched. I dont think anyone will buy into a rediculous SS privatization that bush tried to sell us. It was like a lame sales pitch by a used car dealer who has $$ instead of pupils in his eyes.

I would consider listening to a quality privatization idea that didnt include me having to give up a portion of my benefits JUST so that i could privitize. I either want it all with no restrictions or forfeiture or i want my SS check.
after you read this, you're really dumb.

And only weeks before the election, I wonder what it is they are expecting? Riots after they steal it??? A terrorist attack that they already have planned to affect it?

Do I sound like Desh? But I never did sound like Desh. That should fucking scare you too. Fucking facists.

Army Unit to Deploy in October for Domestic Operations

Beginning in October, the Army plans to station an active unit inside the United States for the first time to serve as an on-call federal response in times of emergency. The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent thirty-five of the last sixty months in Iraq, but now the unit is training for domestic operations. The unit will soon be under the day-to-day control of US Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command. The Army Times reports this new mission marks the first time an active unit has been given a dedicated assignment to Northern Command. The paper says the Army unit may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control. The soldiers are learning to use so-called nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals and crowds.


riots over the upcoming crash and soaring of gas prices ?
Or over the election ?
i need to buy more ammo. Not worried about food, i can just go take some from someone without a gun ;)
Well, we'll just use an FBI tank, no worries there.

There is seriously something wrong with you people, as in seriously disturbed.

It's idiots like you and RS that are part of why we are in this situation. Your'e so fucking stupid and petty, worse than that moron Dano, who, while the bush admintration uses this "economic crisis" TO BRING IN TROOPS, and install the former ceo of Goldman Sachs into an office of unquestionable sole authority in this country, is yammering about some fucking social program. I mean, he's just brain dead. A real fucking moron, who has drank so much koolaid his brain has been rotted out.

You two though, are petty little stupid people, who should know better but are so wrapped up in 'THEY DO IT TOO' that you've thrown this country down the toilet. You make me sick.
There is seriously something wrong with you people, as in seriously disturbed.

It's idiots like you and RS that are part of why we are in this situation. Your'e so fucking stupid and petty, worse than that moron Dano, who, while the bush admintration uses this "economic crisis" TO BRING IN TROOPS, and install the former ceo of Goldman Sachs into an office of unquestionable sole authority in this country, is yammering about some fucking social program. I mean, he's just brain dead. A real fucking moron, who has drank so much koolaid his brain has been rotted out.

You two though, are petty little stupid people, who should know better but are so wrapped up in 'THEY DO IT TOO' that you've thrown this country down the toilet. You make me sick.
Please, we've been warning about this for more than a decade. We constantly talk about the government overstepping constitutional bounds, etc. All we get for our trouble is when it finally gets to a point where YOU finally understand what we've been feeling for all this time is shock at how surprised we aren't.

Another person who isn't going to come in here in a panic, AHZ. He may make fun of you, but he also has been talking about this for a while. You get a sudden epiphany and expect everybody to feel the same thing you do, well we felt it long ago.
Please, we've been warning about this for more than a decade. We constantly talk about the government overstepping constitutional bounds, etc. All we get for our trouble is when it finally gets to a point where YOU finally understand what we've been feeling for all this time is shock at how surprised we aren't.

Another person who isn't going to come in here in a panic, AHZ. He may make fun of you, but he also has been talking about this for a while. You get a sudden epiphany and expect everybody to feel the same thing you do, well we felt it long ago.

yeah interesting to note that your party is the main trigger puller.
That darned piece of paper Bush.
Now he wants to make an unrestricted bailout Czar.

and yes I know he is not running for preisdent, he just IS the president.
after you read this, you're really dumb.

And only weeks before the election, I wonder what it is they are expecting? Riots after they steal it??? A terrorist attack that they already have planned to affect it?

Do I sound like Desh? But I never did sound like Desh. That should fucking scare you too. Fucking facists.

Army Unit to Deploy in October for Domestic Operations

Beginning in October, the Army plans to station an active unit inside the United States for the first time to serve as an on-call federal response in times of emergency. The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent thirty-five of the last sixty months in Iraq, but now the unit is training for domestic operations. The unit will soon be under the day-to-day control of US Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command. The Army Times reports this new mission marks the first time an active unit has been given a dedicated assignment to Northern Command. The paper says the Army unit may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control. The soldiers are learning to use so-called nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals and crowds.

Look at me, my hair went on fire, I must be really smart.
yeah interesting to note that your party is the main trigger puller.
That darned piece of paper Bush.
Now he wants to make an unrestricted bailout Czar.

and yes I know he is not running for preisdent, he just IS the president.
Just currently, uscit. People tend to forget the past.

True I hoped for better, but I voted against the people who took Elian Gonzalez by force, who killed people unnecessarily in WACO when they could have arrested the idiot leader while he was jogging around the compound.

It wasn't Bush who used tanks against religious zealots in WACO.

This crap has been going on for a long time, building up with each new Administration. Everybody tells me that "Libertarians are nutters" and mocks people who spoke out, now suddenly when the epiphany hits they are stunned that some of us aren't surprised.
LOL, But they did ti too ? How childish.
It has nothing to do with "They do it too" you disingenuous hack. It has everything to do with why I'm not shocked because it has been coming for decades and the people who spoke about it were simply told they were "nutters".

To be honest that is mostly because those warning were running around wondering why other people hadn't set their hair on fire yet, using rhetoric that caused people to dismiss them. It's what I've told AHZ is the reaction to his panicked tone.
Oh like my talking about what was coming economically and my being called nutters by whom ? If you keep predicting it long enough it will eventually happen kind of thing ? blah blah.

sure Mr pot.
This is how the facists were able to take over. It’s not really facism because something happened ten years ago when a democrat was in office. They’re dupes and jackasses.
No, it is because ten years ago it was okay with the people who suddenly get epiphanies when it is a different party in there. It's the fricking divide that I spoke of with Desh long ago.

It's totally pretense to say this rubbish.
Oh like my talking about what was coming economically and my being called nutters by whom ? If you keep predicting it long enough it will eventually happen kind of thing ? blah blah.

sure Mr pot.
Again, I told you that you were right, but that your constant "It's coming um... NOw, well... NOw.... well.... NOw..." made you look foolish. Anybody can predict a downturn they will come, I even agreed that the housing bubble was going to blow.

What I mocked was the tone, just as with AHZ. All you remember is what you want to remember.