If Your Hair Isn't On Fire

Waco and Ruby Ridge were two horrific examples of a federal police force gone mad. And Remember it WAS a republican administration in charge during Ruby Ridge and federal agents killed Randy Weaver's wife while she held her infant child. It is both parties. Power corrupts, they ALL know what is good for us. They all are with the government and are here to help us.

I think we are all aware of those two incidents, and I know no one who has ever said “it was ok to do that” about either one, but I also think we have gone a bit beyond that now, and talking about two past incidents is really not the issue. I’d start worrying about what is going to happen, not what did happen.
I think we are all aware of those two incidents, and I know no one who has ever said “it was ok to do that” about either one, but I also think we have gone a bit beyond that now, and talking about two past incidents is really not the issue. I’d start worrying about what is going to happen, not what did happen.

You are asking a lot from the righties Darla. I hope their heads don't explode. Or maybe I do :)
I think we are all aware of those two incidents, and I know no one who has ever said “it was ok to do that” about either one, but I also think we have gone a bit beyond that now, and talking about two past incidents is really not the issue. I’d start worrying about what is going to happen, not what did happen.

But I think that what will hapen is predicated by what did happen. It has been a continual growth on the part of the government, and a continued gulf between politicians and their constituents.

The politicians don't want us educated and free. It makes us harder to handle and harder to predict.
You are asking a lot from the righties Darla. I hope their heads don't explode. Or maybe I do :)

On this topic I don't think its righties and lefties.

Its us against them. Both sides have continued to erode our freedoms and ignore what was best for the nation.
I think we are all aware of those two incidents, and I know no one who has ever said “it was ok to do that” about either one, but I also think we have gone a bit beyond that now, and talking about two past incidents is really not the issue. I’d start worrying about what is going to happen, not what did happen.

What's going to happen ? Who knows...


If Barack Obama loses the 2008 election, liberal hell will break loose.

Seven weeks before the 2008 presidential election, liberals are warning America that if Barack Obama loses, it is because Americans are racist. Of course, that this means that Democrats (and independents) are racist, since Republicans will vote Republican regardless of the race of the Democrat, is an irony apparently lost on the Democrats making these charges.

And it could become a rage the likes of which America has not seen in a long time, if ever. It will first and foremost come from within black America. The deep emotional connection that nearly every black American has to an Obama victory is difficult for even empathetic non-blacks to measure. A major evangelical pastor told me that even evangelical black pastors who share every conservative value with white evangelical pastors, including pro-life views on abortion, will vote for Obama. They feel their very dignity is on the line.

That is why the growing chorus -- already nearing unanimity -- of liberal commentators and politicians ascribing an Obama loss to American racism is so dangerous.
The real problem as I see it was that Ruby Ridge and Waco were perpetrated against people that the majority of us "don't like". Randy Weaver and his family were and some still are white supremacists. The Branch Davidian's were religious nuts who thought that Vernon was the return of the Messiah. We were shown only what they wanted us to see of Waco, but when the investigative reports came out, we discovered that not ONE illegal weapon was siezed from the compound. The feds came to Waco looking to make a statement with force. They had no REAL probable cause to be there ( and remember, even the latest attack on "wacked" religious beliefs at the FLDS compound in Texas were without probable cause) and in my opinion the people at Waco were engaged in righteous self defense. The video I watched about Waco was made by a man whose stated purpose was to PROVE the feds were justified and that the Davidians were in the wrong. He found otherwise. Eventually they are going to act against people who are "like us" but by then it will be WAY TOO LATE. In the broadest sense Randy Weaver and his family, and the Branch Davidian's were us. But we have allowed ourselves to be Balkanized. I am even guilty of this. We have to view people, regardless of their religious or political beliefs as "us" or the feds will continue turn the tempature up one degree at a time and like frogs, we will enjoy the water until they have cooked us.
On this topic I don't think its righties and lefties.

Its us against them. Both sides have continued to erode our freedoms and ignore what was best for the nation.

Yes an I see the main cause being that the dems in politics drifted right and disturbed the balance.
But I think that what will hapen is predicated by what did happen. It has been a continual growth on the part of the government, and a continued gulf between politicians and their constituents.

The politicians don't want us educated and free. It makes us harder to handle and harder to predict.

No. The bushies came in as revolutionaries. They then proceeded to do exactly what they told people they would do. This has nothing to do with Bush I or Clinton. These people, this is the Cheney cabal, these people are facists, and have spent decades, since the fall of Nixon, plotting this. You guys are fooling yourselves cause you want to.
I think that is Colorado they are training in, but I’m unsure of that. The really scary thing is, where will they be deployed to, and when?

Maybe it'll be close to you and you can use your kneepads from high school....
were you daddy's little girl too ?
after you read this, you're really dumb.

And only weeks before the election, I wonder what it is they are expecting? Riots after they steal it??? A terrorist attack that they already have planned to affect it?

Do I sound like Desh? But I never did sound like Desh. That should fucking scare you too. Fucking facists.

Army Unit to Deploy in October for Domestic Operations

Beginning in October, the Army plans to station an active unit inside the United States for the first time to serve as an on-call federal response in times of emergency. The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team has spent thirty-five of the last sixty months in Iraq, but now the unit is training for domestic operations. The unit will soon be under the day-to-day control of US Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command. The Army Times reports this new mission marks the first time an active unit has been given a dedicated assignment to Northern Command. The paper says the Army unit may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control. The soldiers are learning to use so-called nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals and crowds.


yeah... i wonder what they might possibly be worried about...

Maybe they are worried that when Florida gets done rejecting every black man named Robert because there are lots of Robert's on their felons list and well you just can't be sure, and that the machine vote counts are not going to look like the exit polling, and when recount records get thrown out, people might be tired of the gaming of the political system.
Maybe they are worried that when Florida gets done rejecting every black man named Robert because there are lots of Robert's on their felons list and well you just can't be sure, and that the machine vote counts are not going to look like the exit polling, and when recount records get thrown out, people might be tired of the gaming of the political system.

Thank you! Yeah, I think that is a big part of it.
My liberal outrage fatigue is flaring up.

I have too much to be enraged about now.

I'm going to focus on Chinese goods, our substandard water supply, and corporate welfare for now.
Other countries around the world have been having riots and such over fuel and food prices. It is likely coming to a city near you in the not very distant future.
Maybe it'll be close to you and you can use your kneepads from high school....
were you daddy's little girl too ?
YOu know Bravo, you are one of the few posters on this board that I would thoroughly enjoy popping your eyeball out of your head and skullfucking you to death. You are vile creature.
I've often wondered how effective an armed citizenry could be today. No matter what - even if assault weapons were allowed & the NRA had everything it wanted - average citizens would still be badly out-gunned and have little to no real chance against today's armed forces.

I suppose we'd have to count on at least some of the military to switch sides if it came to it.

The numbers would be vastly in our favor... plus I doubt many in the armed forces would be willing to do anything beyond crowd control.