I'm female, should I run?

Do you even know what a "misogynistic thug" is? I am surprised that you don't, because some of the people you are associated with here, most certainly fit that description. Darla and Desh are most certainly not misogynistic thugs, so shut up already. You have no idea what you are talking about.

another modernist enslaved by ancient definitions...rather, one might think its a goose/ganderish matter......
Oh and Bobbin, this is another one of our Mods. We call him "Billy" or "Capt. Billy" and he's another, like Grind, that changes his handle every other week. Poor Billy is from Detroit but he is by far the most fair of all the Mods. Billy hates everyone....especially me. :)

No, I hate zap the most, well usually. Some others have recently been angling for the title.
Interesting - but I have a quick question. Are they coming out of the gate being nasty, or are they returning fire. I get pissy when I'm accused of being 'just as bad' when all I did was essentially yodel "Oh FUCK if I have NOT had ENOUGH!!!" And the gloves are off.
It depends. Some of them are just coming out the gates being nasty cause....well they're nasty. ILA, Legion Troll (Big Money), Teflon Don, Right, Nova and Racist X are just plain nasty. Then you have some garden variety assholes like Super Freak and PiMP.

Then there's Damocles.....he's not nasty and he's not really an asshole.....but somethings seriously wrong with him! ;)

There's "The Dude"....The Dude abides. He's ahight....but technically you're not a full member of JPP until you've been burned by The Dude.

Then there's Moi. The tighty righties think I'm a bleeding heart commie pinko liberal. The Looney left thinks I'm a brown shirted, jack booted, storm trooping Nazi. Which I guess makes me a moderate though truth be known....I'm more of a pseudo intellectual horses ass. :)
another modernist enslaved by ancient definitions...rather, one might think its a goose/ganderish matter......

Yeah dictionaries, they are so passe, you remind of Humpty Dumpty, didn't he say something like "Words mean just what I say they mean." That only works if you don't want to communicate with anyone but yourself, which in your case would be best for the rest of us.
No that is just him getting warmed up. He'll soon be throwing more names that at you! He is a pair with the anti-abortion creep you already have put on ignore. They are both on forced ignore, because I wanted them banned. But unfortunately, when men here chase women around broadcasting their various rape fantasies, all of that is OK, but what isn't allowed is for the victim to collect 36 hours of this filth and bile and put it all together in one post. That act will bring down the wrath of the moderators and owner on you. Especially if you say isn't this too much and shouldn't something be done about it? Then they put the offenders on forced ignore and chastise you for your abstinence in bringing the offensive posts to their attention. Because like the slave holders in the South before the civil war, they were discussing what to do about it when you did that heinous act of collecting all those offensive posts in one place like that!
Give em hell Dantes! They needed a quick public kick up the backside anyways! :)
Well since you didn't have a tournament in 2012 at all, it isn't entirely clear that you are having one in 2014 is it and it certainly won't happen until September or so will it? And she will kick your butt again so don't let it worry you. And that being the case, Darla will be champion for some time in 2014 won't she? And what is all this "boot" shit anyway? Are women a 'boot" or are you up to something else here? She is apparently a woman so why are you calling her a "boot"?
Relax Dante....Billy is ex jar head. "Boot" is Marine lingo for a rookie or a noob.
Yeah dictionaries, they are so passe, you remind of Humpty Dumpty, didn't he say something like "Words mean just what I say they mean." That only works if you don't want to communicate with anyone but yourself, which in your case would be best for the rest of us.

actually, I must have communicated it quite well or you wouldn't be complaining.....