I'm female, should I run?

New here? Yes. But I've been doing political message boards since 2010.
I can tell. I sure hope that the nastiness of the tight righties and the troll problem JPP has been having doesn't run you off. The last year or so has not been kind to JPP as this problem has run off a lot of quality members and JPP is in desperate need of new blood who have more to say than how much they hate people who are different from them.
Maybe Howey is sending in some more skirmishers before attempting another attack?

If you have the inclination, go back and read Tekkie's first posts when she came here. Eerily similar. It is funny watching all of the eunuch in Scarla's employ that are begging for the Boot's attention. Very cute to watch.
I can tell. I sure hope that the nastiness of the tight righties and the troll problem JPP has been having doesn't run you off. The last year or so has not been kind to JPP as this problem has run off a lot of quality members and JPP is in desperate need of new blood who have more to say than how much they hate people who are different from them.

Maybe you need to go back an re-read your posts. All you have been filling sweet, innocent little Boobin's ears with are paeans to how much you hate people who are different from you.

This is like high school and some new chick just transferred in during the middle of the year and all of you kids are jockeying for her attention trying to tell her who to stay away from. It is really cute.
I can tell. I sure hope that the nastiness of the tight righties and the troll problem JPP has been having doesn't run you off. The last year or so has not been kind to JPP as this problem has run off a lot of quality members and JPP is in desperate need of new blood who have more to say than how much they hate people who are different from them.
I can tell. I sure hope that the nastiness of the tight righties and the troll problem JPP has been having doesn't run you off. The last year or so has not been kind to JPP as this problem has run off a lot of quality members and JPP is in desperate need of new blood who have more to say than how much they hate people who are different from them.

In other words, admin and staff are more invested in being right and having the last word than having a healthy, thriving forum.

Well, that's their choice. Apparently they just want to atrophy.