I'm female, should I run?

I just got here - and no, life isn't black and white, and you don't get to allow the perpetrator to just keep slapping people until they retaliate, then hold them equally responsible.

right, things aren't black and white, there is a lot of nuance to social dynamics and it's rather simplistic to put all the blame on one person. I agree.
Interesting - but I have a quick question. Are they coming out of the gate being nasty, or are they returning fire. I get pissy when I'm accused of being 'just as bad' when all I did was essentially yodel "Oh FUCK if I have NOT had ENOUGH!!!" And the gloves are off.

This has all been building, for a long time.
It's like the seasons changing.
A bunch will go on a "kiss my ass" campaign and then after it blows over, it settles down for a while.
Well since you didn't have a tournament in 2012 at all, it isn't entirely clear that you are having one in 2014 is it and it certainly won't happen until September or so will it? And she will kick your butt again so don't let it worry you. And that being the case, Darla will be champion for some time in 2014 won't she? And what is all this "boot" shit anyway? Are women a 'boot" or are you up to something else here? She is apparently a woman so why are you calling her a "boot"?

You sure are a thenthitive thoul aren't you? Boot is a reference to someone being new going to boot camp in the military. There is nothing pejorative about it. But apparently you have spent too much time with Scarla and see an insult around every corner

If you were t such a metrosexual wuss you would know what a boot is
i don't know, I think it keeps everyone on the hook. No excuses. People are largely responsible for their own experience. One can't just say "x person did it first," especially when we are talking about a decade of dialogue and back and forth. At this point, who knows who started it? The more important question is who will finish it rather than perpetuate it.

So far, that answer doesn't exist.

I think I finish it pretty well
Looks like another Tekkie to me, Rune is at his oleaginous best already.

Yup. As soon as I read the snark, the first thing that came to mind is Tekky.

I wouldn't be surprised if it is her sneaking back, but who really knows. I mean the poor gal hasn't been here a day and is throwing around the snark and acting like she really has a good handle on the board dynamics.

Looks like she is already hanging out with the wrong crowd.
Abraxas ia toxic.
Pure misogynist, rape apologist, and shill for Big Petroleum.
He hates me because I have so often caught him in his paid shill act, disseminating misinformation about sensitive enviromental matters. I suggest ignore, but to each his/her own.
I sure don't understand you Rose.
What happened to the Rose who posted this;

If you end up migrating to another forum, let me know. Your humorous, no-nonsense posts here were a welcome presence.

Yes, I get nasty when slamming a retarded anti-humanity conservatard or rape apologist.

I don't often come out of the gate swinging though.

By the way, here is the context that generated your pejorative sig line about me;

  • quote_icon.png
    Originally Posted by DamnYankee
    Dune's a fag.


    Originally Posted by E.L. Doctorow
    "You are creature of capitalism, the ethics of which are so totally corrupt and hypocritical that your beauty is no more than the beauty of gold, which is to say false and cold and useless." - E.L. Doctorow


    Originally Posted by Rune
    Come out of the closet fag.

    Originally Posted by Slavoj Zizek
    Isn't it the basic experience that people as a rule follow rituals that are just a part of tradition, which they themselves don't get?

Abraxas ia toxic.
Pure misogynist, rape apologist, and shill for Big Petroleum.
He hates me because I have so often caught him in his paid shill act, disseminating misinformation about sensitive enviromental matters. I suggest ignore, but to each his/her own.

Yeah, he's gone. That's probably it for now, and I can venture forth into the forum with a (semi) cleared path.
Thanks! If I were to stay, I'd likely have 90% of the board on ignore. It's pretty difficult for them to play their little reindeer games if I can't see them. Case in point, idiot with the abortion sig. He was on ignore so fast, it made my fingers dizzy.

He's an odd duck.
Bobbin my dear....you do a great disservice to ducks by comparing I Hate America to them! ;)
No worries.

SO. Some jerk has multiple personalities, and accounts to match. If I put one of him on ignore, are they all on ignore?
Good question....I'd say you need to ask that to our head Mod Damo but he's been stung one to many times by bee's and is getting kinda punchy. You may want to ask Ghost of Watermark. His actual handle is "Grind" but for some odd reason he changes his handle every other week.
Oh this will go well, I'll bet money on it.
Oh and Bobbin, this is another one of our Mods. We call him "Billy" or "Capt. Billy" and he's another, like Grind, that changes his handle every other week. Poor Billy is from Detroit but he is by far the most fair of all the Mods. Billy hates everyone....especially me. :)