Is Covfefe / Rana still a mod?

You weren't even here when Guille started that rumor so you're not in a position to call it.

You didn't get the email? I'm sorry. Let me fill you in. You see, every negative rumor or gossip snippet has to do somehow with Toxic TOP, and is about one of her enemies. Doesn't matter if it happened before she showed up, was born, learned to read.... it will always in the end be related to her. lol

Phantasmal is fine; just taking a brief sabbatical. It's nice of Toxic, Angry Bird, and 911 to be concerned.
You didn't get the email? I'm sorry. Let me fill you in. You see, every negative rumor or gossip snippet has to do somehow with Toxic TOP, and is about one of her enemies. Doesn't matter if it happened before she showed up, was born, learned to read.... it will always in the end be related to her. lol

Phantasmal is fine; just taking a brief sabbatical. It's nice of Toxic, Angry Bird, and 911 to be concerned.

If only you knew how stupid the Guille rumor is. Phantasmal would never do what he *supposedly* claimed. And there's no proof because he also claimed it took place in PM. Guille was a nasty racist nutcase and I hope he's gone for good.

Thanks, I knew Phan was on break. It's amusing how the haters have to dream up scenarios about what happened to her.
I'm not talking about "guille" or that rumor. As you can see, the PMs were flying...still are...

That's the rumor freedumb was talking about so I have no idea why you think it's all about you.

Btw I have PM turned off so no PMs are flying my way, sorry.
That's the rumor freedumb was talking about so I have no idea why you think it's all about you.

Btw I have PM turned off so no PMs are flying my way, sorry.
I told you, this isn't about freedom. I'm talking about PM information that I'm pretty sure wasn't meant to be shared. I didn't say anything about you and a PM...
If only you knew how stupid the Guille rumor is. Phantasmal would never do what he *supposedly* claimed. And there's no proof because he also claimed it took place in PM. Guille was a nasty racist nutcase and I hope he's gone for good.

Thanks, I knew Phan was on break. It's amusing how the haters have to dream up scenarios about what happened to her.

You'll have to tell me that story sometime. You can do it via PM if it would bother Phantasmal to post it publicly.

Those members of the Amazon Contingent are just hoping she's gone for good. They've repeatedly bitched about her alleged bias and also that she posts a liberal POV. According to them mods shouldn't express political viewpoints. Unless, of course, it's all the other mods who are RWers expressing theirs. lol
No one is hoping she's gone for good. She did me a huge favor, and she knows I appreciate it. We have a good idea why she's taking time off.
(She is biased, though, but, then, that's her business. I do doubt she appreciates that she's been thrown under the bus more than once here, by some of those she has befriended)
If only you knew how stupid the Guille rumor is. Phantasmal would never do what he *supposedly* claimed. And there's no proof because he also claimed it took place in PM. Guille was a nasty racist nutcase and I hope he's gone for good.

Thanks, I knew Phan was on break. It's amusing how the haters have to dream up scenarios about what happened to her.

How do you breathe, with your lips so firmly attacked to her back side??

Show one denial, that she made.
You didn't get the email? I'm sorry. Let me fill you in. You see, every negative rumor or gossip snippet has to do somehow with Toxic TOP, and is about one of her enemies. Doesn't matter if it happened before she showed up, was born, learned to read.... it will always in the end be related to her. lol

Phantasmal is fine; just taking a brief sabbatical. It's nice of Toxic, Angry Bird, and 911 to be concerned.

Just can't leave me out of your petty squabbles can you foul? You keep blaming Toxic but it sure looks like you are the one who must stir the pot. But thanks for including me I will repay the favor.
And yet you believe she's incapable of this, without proof.

I have the admission of the one she tried to recruit.
Can you show me one denial, from her??

A lot of posters lie, spread scurrilous gossip, and indulge in personal vendettas via PM.

I have 15 years of personal experience in which Covfefe has never acted like anything other than a mature adult, standing far above petty grievances, personal vendettas, and girlish gossip. She is really one of the only mods that can actually be trusted, from what I have seen in my many message board adventures

The gossip mill on can generally be discounted as complete trash at worst.... or an entertaining insight into the minds of internet losers, at best.

If you find yourself gossiping about covfefe, if you find that she is occupying your daily thoughts, I suggest mental health counseling. Obamacare probably even covers it!
A lot of posters lie, spread scurrilous gossip, and indulge in personal vendettas via PM.

I have 15 years of personal experience in which Covfefe has never acted like anything other than a mature adult, standing far above petty grievances, personal vendettas, and girlish gossip. She is really one of the only mods that can actually be trusted, from what I have seen in my many message board adventures

The gossip mill on can generally be discounted as complete trash at worst.... or an entertaining insight into the minds of internet losers, at best.

If you find yourself gossiping about covfefe, if you find that she is occupying your daily thoughts, I suggest mental health counseling. Obamacare probably even covers it!

Like I said:
So essentially she's got you fooled; because she did try to recruit a new member to try and agitate me, so she could hopefully get me to say the wrong thing and then ban me.
No one is hoping she's gone for good. She did me a huge favor, and she knows I appreciate it. We have a good idea why she's taking time off.
(She is biased, though, but, then, that's her business. I do doubt she appreciates that she's been thrown under the bus more than once here, by some of those she has befriended)

I hope you don't think she's the only mod who's biased, since you brought it up. Because you would be sadly mistaken.
Like I said:
So essentially she's got you fooled; because she did try to recruit a new member to try and agitate me, so she could hopefully get me to say the wrong thing and then ban me.

Post your proof, dummy. Hearsay isn't proof, and you made the allegation so it's your responsibility to prove it.
A lot of posters lie, spread scurrilous gossip, and indulge in personal vendettas via PM.

I have 15 years of personal experience in which Covfefe has never acted like anything other than a mature adult, standing far above petty grievances, personal vendettas, and girlish gossip. She is really one of the only mods that can actually be trusted, from what I have seen in my many message board adventures

The gossip mill on can generally be discounted as complete trash at worst.... or an entertaining insight into the minds of internet losers, at best.

If you find yourself gossiping about covfefe, if you find that she is occupying your daily thoughts, I suggest mental health counseling. Obamacare probably even covers it!

There are a couple of former Amazonites here who obsess over females they perceive as being 1) liberal and 2) strong. Your advice is wise and should be heeded, but it won't be.
There are a couple of former Amazonites here who obsess over females they perceive as being 1) liberal and 2) strong. Your advice is wise and should be heeded, but it won't be.
I would suggest that Luke Skypestalker seeks help for his stalking women obsession.

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