I've noticed a new attitude with main stream Republicans

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I am not a stalker at all. I just thought that it would be nice if I had access to your worksite like you have access to mine. you can read about me and the things that I do... and you have done so... I guess you are worried about what I might find if I had similar access?

difference is dishonest preacher is that YOU invited me and others to read your so called sermons....

why are you so obsessed with finding my real identity and my workplace? you scream bloody foul when people found yours and when the they post your info yet you turn around and call others cowards for not giving you their personal information. stop thinking about my personal life and my work life, focus on something else you obsessed freak...

and you wonder why your reputation is shit on virtually every board you belong to...almost no one takes you seriously and all are sick of your constant bullshit
no... I am sure that, just like your creepy pal SM, you too have valiantly and bravely served your country simply by paying your income taxes.

thank you for your heroic service.

see....a perfect example of a dishonest slick willy post

you say no, then you proceed to mock me and imply that i meant ONLY paying income taxes...what is amazing to me is that you actually think people don't see your lies and bullshit
difference is dishonest preacher is that YOU invited me and others to read your so called sermons....

why are you so obsessed with finding my real identity and my workplace? you scream bloody foul when people found yours and when the they post your info yet you turn around and call others cowards for not giving you their personal information. stop thinking about my personal life and my work life, focus on something else you obsessed freak...

and you wonder why your reputation is shit on virtually every board you belong to...almost no one takes you seriously and all are sick of your constant bullshit

like I said... it would appear by the numbers that my "reputation" here is similar to yours. And I am not obsessed about your identity and your workplace.... it would seem to me that YOU are fearful of letting me have access to YOUR workplace. Are you worried that someone there might not approve or what you post here and when you post it?

And how many boards that I belong to, do you also belong to... and how many boards do I belong to that you know nothing about. So your statement about "virtually every board I belong to" is pure BS. No surprise there.

And I never once invited you or anyone else to find my workplace online... that's a flat out lie... I posted sermons on the DPblog at the request of the owner... and got many positive comments from them... clearly not from "christians" such as you, however.
see....a perfect example of a dishonest slick willy post

you say no, then you proceed to mock me and imply that i meant ONLY paying income taxes...what is amazing to me is that you actually think people don't see your lies and bullshit

I am sure that you bravely serve your country in many ways every single day. I think you should be honored on veteran's day and memorial day and that you should have honorary membership in the American Legion and DAV and VFW because of your brave service.

Thanks again, with all my heart. Our nation exists today because of the brave service of patriots like you. honest.
I don't begrudge you your heroic service on behalf of our nation. I can't tell you how safe it made me feel knowing guys like you were back there at home, bravely paying those income taxes. Our nation was founded on the blood of brave patriots such as you. ;)

How are you coming on you studies of the New Testament?:pke:
So tell us, maineman, how close did you ever come to an actual conflict? Did you even see land where there was an active conflict? :pke:

How are you coming with your justification of gay marriage and abortion? *shrug*
like I said... it would appear by the numbers that my "reputation" here is similar to yours. And I am not obsessed about your identity and your workplace.... it would seem to me that YOU are fearful of letting me have access to YOUR workplace. Are you worried that someone there might not approve or what you post here and when you post it?

And how many boards that I belong to, do you also belong to... and how many boards do I belong to that you know nothing about. So your statement about "virtually every board I belong to" is pure BS. No surprise there.

And I never once invited you or anyone else to find my workplace online... that's a flat out lie... I posted sermons on the DPblog at the request of the owner... and got many positive comments from them... clearly not from "christians" such as you, however.

my reputation is double yours moron, and if that is all that matters to you, you are truly pathetic

alas you are still obsessed with finding out my true identity, most likely because you want to attack my home as you previously stated. as i said, come on out tough guy, you will regret it.

bye now
I certainly do not denigrate those who did not serve.... only those who not only did not serve, but then chose to denigrate MY service and suggest that I did not earn or do not deserve my retirement benefits.
Again nice straw man by you ignoring the other pertinent factors. *shrug*
So tell us, maineman, how close did you ever come to an actual conflict? Did you even see land where there was an active conflict? :pke:


He came a lot closer than you did. He had the balls to step up and join.

You want to fuck with him for his comments about family or whatever thats fine. But trying to make yourself feel tough by denigrating those who served because they were too far from the conflict (your designation) is bullshit.

Be glad some people were willing to go so you could stay home where it was safe. *shrug*
So tell us, maineman, how close did you ever come to an actual conflict? Did you even see land where there was an active conflict? :pke:

How are you coming with your justification of gay marriage and abortion? *shrug*

yeah... actually, I did. I spent two years in country in Lebanon right in the middle of lots of actual conflict... and my job for the entire time was to go into the middle of it and try to get the combatants to stop shooting at one another... and in doing my job, I got kidnapped and hijacked and held hostage on multiple occasions and after it was all over, I got a nice big medal for it.

and you... you paid your taxes. thanks again for THAT heroic service!

And, like I said before, I have never justified abortion... only stated my belief that government should not forbid it...

and my justification of gay marriage is not anything that impacts you in any way. If my state does not vote for a citizen's veto of the law passed by our legislature, I will then do what my church allows me to do regarding performing such ceremonies.

when will YOU admit that you thought two verses from Ecclesiastes were from the NT?
yeah... actually, I did. I spent two years in country in Lebanon right in the middle of lots of actual conflict... and my job for the entire time was to go into the middle of it and try to get the combatants to stop shooting at one another... and in doing my job, I got kidnapped and hijacked and held hostage on multiple occasions and after it was all over, I got a nice big medal for it.

and you... you paid your taxes. thanks again for THAT heroic service!

And, like I said before, I have never justified abortion... only stated my belief that government should not forbid it...

and my justification of gay marriage is not anything that impacts you in any way. If my state does not vote for a citizen's veto of the law passed by our legislature, I will then do what my church allows me to do regarding performing such ceremonies.

when will YOU admit that you thought two verses from Ecclesiastes were from the NT?

LMAO....you were a UN liason or some crap in lebonon, i highly doubt you were ever kidnapped or hijacked, you were allegedly hiking pyramids with general george casey and you've repeatedly used your UN observer time over there to tout how NICE the muslims are over there and how you still keep in touch, NEVER once mentioning any kidnappings or hijackings....

you're delusional dude
LMAO....you were a UN liason or some crap in lebonon, i highly doubt you were ever kidnapped or hijacked, you were allegedly hiking pyramids with general george casey and you've repeatedly used your UN observer time over there to tout how NICE the muslims are over there and how you still keep in touch, NEVER once mentioning any kidnappings or hijackings....

you're delusional dude

I was a UN crisis mediator... the vast majority of muslims I encountered in Lebanon were quite nice. the folks who belonged to the various militias were not. My encounters with them are a matter of official record. You have no basis for denigrating my service, other than your irrational and obsessive hatred of me.
Jesus. Denigrating service in the armed forces = bad.

Especially the Navy, that's where I served.
Actually I denigrate maineman: "and now you're gleefully milking the teat of the US government while supporting the dismantling of the Constitution through Obama policies. You're also planning your retirement outside of the US, spending those dollars in Mexico, that is of course until you get sick then you'll be milking the VA system or some bullshit Obama system. *shrug*"
I was a UN crisis mediator... the vast majority of muslims I encountered in Lebanon were quite nice. the folks who belonged to the various militias were not. My encounters with them are a matter of official record. You have no basis for denigrating my service, other than your irrational and obsessive hatred of me.

i NEVER denigrated your service you lying hack

i questioned ONLY the veracity of your alleged kidnapping claims. that you would of course twist my words and lie about what i said is not surprising because you know that i have good reason to doubt your claims as what happened, NOT your actual service.

try being honest at least once your life internet stalker....
yeah... actually, I did. I spent two years in country in Lebanon right in the middle of lots of actual conflict... and my job for the entire time was to go into the middle of it and try to get the combatants to stop shooting at one another... and in doing my job, I got kidnapped and hijacked and held hostage on multiple occasions and after it was all over, I got a nice big medal for it.

and you... you paid your taxes. thanks again for THAT heroic service!

And, like I said before, I have never justified abortion... only stated my belief that government should not forbid it...

and my justification of gay marriage is not anything that impacts you in any way. If my state does not vote for a citizen's veto of the law passed by our legislature, I will then do what my church allows me to do regarding performing such ceremonies.

when will YOU admit that you thought two verses from Ecclesiastes were from the NT?

Oh yes tell us the story again with you and the mid-east guy French kissing. It warms the cockles of my heart when you tell it. :)

Again, your misunderstanding of this:

A time to kill and a time to heal;
A time to tear down and a time to build up. (Mark 10:32-45)

A time to love and a time to hate;
A time for war and a time for peace. (Romans 12:9-21)

as citations to Mark and Romans when the verses obviously reference Mark and Romans points out your lack of understanding of shorthand techniques which should be understood by anyone remotely familiar with Bible studies, preacher.

i NEVER denigrated your service you lying hack

i questioned ONLY the veracity of your alleged kidnapping claims. that you would of course twist my words and lie about what i said is not surprising because you know that i have good reason to doubt your claims as what happened, NOT your actual service.

try being honest at least once your life internet stalker....

you do NOT have any good reason to doubt what happened to me in Lebanon... all you have is your irrational hatred of me. You have zero idea as to what UNTSO did or what dangers their members faced. Here is a clue: LTC Higgins was there right AFTER I left.
Oh yes tell us the story again with you and the mid-east guy French kissing. It warms the cockles of my heart when you tell it. :)

Again, your misunderstanding of this:

as citations to Mark and Romans when the verses obviously reference Mark and Romans points out your lack of understanding of shorthand techniques which should be understood by anyone remotely familiar with Bible studies, preacher.


your post started with two words: New Testament.

then... immediately following those two words are two old testament verses.

If you want to somehow suggest that an old testament passage REFERENCES a new testament passage, I can only laugh.

The only thing that was from the New Testament in that post was the names of two New Testament passages. If you wanted to quote those passages, then you should have done so and you would have had no reason to quote the Ecclesiastes passages.... if you wanted to suggest that those passages somehow "reference" the Ecclesiastes verses you posted, you needed to prove that connection, which you did not do.
you do NOT have any good reason to doubt what happened to me in Lebanon... all you have is your irrational hatred of me. You have zero idea as to what UNTSO did or what dangers their members faced. Here is a clue: LTC Higgins was there right AFTER I left.
So you managed to fuck things up there pretty bad before LTC Higgins had to clean up for you? *shrug*
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