I've noticed a new attitude with main stream Republicans

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your post started with two words: New Testament.

then... immediately following those two words are two old testament verses.

If you want to somehow suggest that an old testament passage REFERENCES a new testament passage, I can only laugh.

The only thing that was from the New Testament in that post was the names of two New Testament passages. If you wanted to quote those passages, then you should have done so and you would have had no reason to quote the Ecclesiastes passages.... if you wanted to suggest that those passages somehow "reference" the Ecclesiastes verses you posted, you needed to prove that connection, which you did not do.

Mark and Romans are both New Testament. *shrug*
I say AGAIN:

The only thing that was from the New Testament in that post was the names of two New Testament passages.

Again, not according to the scholars who wrote it. Since you don't know the difference between a citation and a reference, and now apparently what books are in the New Testament, I'd say they are out of your league. *shrug*
I worked for his immediate predecessor. I did a good job.

and you.... you brave patriot... YOU paid your taxes. Thanks for your service.
Tell us again about your French kissing episode with the mid east guy. :pke:

I appreciate your and Jo Biden's appreciation of my service- thanks. :)
Again, not according to the scholars who wrote it. Since you don't know the difference between a citation and a reference, and now apparently what books are in the New Testament, I'd say they are out of your league. *shrug*

like I said, the only thing that was from the NT in your post was the listing of two verses that you did not quote and you, yourself, can show no connection between those two unquoted verses and the two OT verses that you DID quote.

so PLEASE ...show me the "reference" to Ecclesiastes in either of those two NT verses.

I'll wait
you do NOT have any good reason to doubt what happened to me in Lebanon... all you have is your irrational hatred of me. You have zero idea as to what UNTSO did or what dangers their members faced. Here is a clue: LTC Higgins was there right AFTER I left.

you've lied so many times to so many people.....i have all the reason in the world to doubt you....and if you challenge me, don't you think it is fair that you allow me to divulge what you told me in privilege? under the law i can rightfully disregard said privilege in order to defend myself against you.

think long and hard before you continue this petty bullshit
you've lied so many times to so many people.....i have all the reason in the world to doubt you lied....and if you challenge me, don't you think it is fair that you allow me to divulge what you told me in privilege? under the law i can rightfully disregard said privilege in order to defend myself against you.

think long and hard before you continue this petty bullshit

petty bullshit? who is questioning WHOSE military service?

who is calling WHOM a liar?

petty bullshit?

look in the mirror counselor.
like I said, the only thing that was from the NT in your post was the listing of two verses that you did not quote and you, yourself, can show no connection between those two unquoted verses and the two OT verses that you DID quote.

so PLEASE ...show me the "reference" to Ecclesiastes in either of those two NT verses.

I'll wait
You apparently need to do some homework. Perhaps you should ask this question of the scholars that I quoted from. *shrug*
You apparently need to do some homework. Perhaps you should ask this question of the scholars that I quoted from. *shrug*

you apparently don't understand your own links and cannot explain them. Please show me in either of those NT passages where war is discussed. And then please tell me why, if war is discussed in THOSE NT passages, you somehow felt the need to quote two OT passages verbatim instead of the words from Mark and Romans that would have made your point.
Where were you stationed?
Ft. George G. Meade. I worked as a Cryptologist at the NSA. We'd go out on board ships and boats (usually boats for me) on occasion, but were never stationed aboard a vessel. I also was never stationed on a Navy base, except in Boot Camp.
you apparently don't understand your own links and cannot explain them. Please show me in either of those NT passages where war is discussed. And then please tell me why, if war is discussed in THOSE NT passages, you somehow felt the need to quote two OT passages verbatim instead of the words from Mark and Romans that would have made your point.
The New and Old Testaments are tied together. Your argument is with the scholars that I quoted, preacher. :pke:
Actually I denigrate maineman: "and now you're gleefully milking the teat of the US government while supporting the dismantling of the Constitution through Obama policies. You're also planning your retirement outside of the US, spending those dollars in Mexico, that is of course until you get sick then you'll be milking the VA system or some bullshit Obama system. *shrug*"

Is this the first time you have made fun of someone's military service because they were in the Navy?
Is this the first time you have made fun of someone's military service because they were in the Navy?
Actually, I make fun of maineman for being a tool for the Democrat party, milking the federal teat while doing his best to tear down the Constitution for his liberal views, along with being a lying bastard, making disgusting sexual insults at my young son, writing lengthy perverted stories about gang-ape of children of other posters, wishing death on fellow posters, claiming to be a preacher while advocating homosexuality and abortion on demand, etc.

I only mention his navy service at all since he tries to denigrate me and 90% of Americans because we didn't serve in the military.

Actually, I make fun of maineman for being a tool for the Democrat party, milking the federal teat while doing his best to tear down the Constitution for his liberal views, along with being a lying bastard, making disgusting sexual insults at my young son, writing lengthy perverted stories about gang-ape of children of other posters, wishing death on fellow posters, claiming to be a preacher while advocating homosexuality and abortion on demand, etc.

I only mention his navy service at all since he tries to denigrate me and 90% of Americans because we didn't serve in the military.


Thats almost like answering my question but not quite.
Thats almost like answering my question but not quite.
You're obviously wishing with all your might that I would state that I had never made fun of someone's naval service so you can call up some old posts where I had said something cute like 'The Navy is a taxi service for the Marines' and then call me a liar. Sorry it didn't work out for you. *shrug*
Let me help remind you. Who said the following things about the service of someone in the U.S. Navy:

“Its pretty easy to avoid combat and icebergs in dry dock.”

“Pretty easy to avoid when you are acting as a taxi service.”

“So its too bad you had to scrub the decks of blood from the guys that actually got off the boat.”

“More guys got killed on highways driving cars than on the decks of Navy ships during the Grenada conflict. So I guess you were in the relatively safe position.”
You're obviously wishing with all your might that I would state that I had never made fun of someone's naval service so you can call up some old posts where I had said something cute like 'The Navy is a taxi service for the Marines' and then call me a liar. Sorry it didn't work out for you. *shrug*

No I am just maiing sure the truth gets out here. You want to claim you were attacking the Maineman and not his service but it wasn't your first rtip down that road.

You just didn't have the cajones to sign up.
No I am just maiing sure the truth gets out here. You want to claim you were attacking the Maineman and not his service but it wasn't your first rtip down that road.

You just didn't have the cajones to sign up.

I'm attacking maineman at multiple angles, just like I've always done when dealing with a shit bag that attacks me or my family. I've always spoke my mind and never backed down from a fight so your "no balls" comment is baseless. *shrug*
Let me help remind you. Who said the following things about the service of someone in the U.S. Navy:

“Its pretty easy to avoid combat and icebergs in dry dock.”

“Pretty easy to avoid when you are acting as a taxi service.”

“So its too bad you had to scrub the decks of blood from the guys that actually got off the boat.”

“More guys got killed on highways driving cars than on the decks of Navy ships during the Grenada conflict. So I guess you were in the relatively safe position.”
Thanks for searching the database and making the prediction of my previous post ring true. :)
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