I've noticed a new attitude with main stream Republicans

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how are those lies about being kidnapped in your alleged service to this country coming along? worked out all the kinks....

why would you call them lies?

are you suggesting that service in Lebanon during the time frame when I was there was not prone to that sort of hazard?

Oh wait... you wouldn't know. You don't know feces from fat meat about the middle east... you were just a baby when that was going on... but somehow, you feel as if you have the right to accuse someone who spent his adult life serving in harm's way to keep YOUR sorry pathetic ass safe of being a liar. I get it counselor. You toss out cheap shots without basis and think that you are quite the stud. Go chase an ambulance... go get coffee for the real partners at the B&B while you do grunt work...

get back to me when you have done ANYTHING in your pitiful life that is worthy of commendation. loser.:pke:
ah, poor baby, you can dish it out about others professions but when it comes to you, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, he call me a liar daddy, waaaaa

no... that's why I am a navy retiree...because I am concerned about democracy.

and sissies like you were too afraid to serve. I understand.
If you were so concerned you'd still be on board instead of dissing 90% of Americans who never served. *shrug*
If you were so concerned you'd still be on board instead of dissing 90% of Americans who never served. *shrug*

I don't diss 90% of Americans who never served...just those who never served and yet denigrate the service of those who did....

that would be you, by the way.
I don't diss 90% of Americans who never served...just those who never served and yet denigrate the service of those who did....

that would be you, by the way.
I don't diss 10% of Americans who served...just those who served and yet denigrate the service of those who didn't....

That would be you, by the way.

If you were so concerned you'd still be on board instead of dissing 90% of Americans who never served. *shrug*

When you denigrate him for being in the Navy you insist you are only talking about him. But when he talks about your lack of service you try and make it about everyone who didn't serve.

If your comments are only about him then allow that his are only about you. Otherwise you are providing ammunition to prove your own cowardice.
When you denigrate him for being in the Navy you insist you are only talking about him. But when he talks about your lack of service you try and make it about everyone who didn't serve.

If your comments are only about him then allow that his are only about you. Otherwise you are providing ammunition to prove your own cowardice.
Your siding with your fellow comrade doesn't bolster his argument or nip away at mine. *shrug*
Your siding with your fellow comrade doesn't bolster his argument or nip away at mine. *shrug*

I did not side with anyone. I pointed out that your claims and his claims are the same. You both claim that any negative comments you make are aimed only at the individual.

And you want to try and make it so that your negative comments are about only him but his negative comments are about millions of people.

Sorta sad really. *shrug*
I did not side with anyone. I pointed out that your claims and his claims are the same. You both claim that any negative comments you make are aimed only at the individual.

And you want to try and make it so that your negative comments are about only him but his negative comments are about millions of people.

Sorta sad really. *shrug*
Yes I understand your opinion is the same as your comrade's; baseless, but the same. *shrug*
Yes I understand your opinion is the same as your comrade's; baseless, but the same. *shrug*

You are either lying, misunderstanding, or denying the obvious.

First, you cannot actually deny that you claim your comments were aimed at him alone.

Second you cannot deny that he has claimed his comments are about you alone.

And third you cannot deny that the two of you are making basically the same claim.

The "comrade" moniker is funny. I am sure you were big on defending against the "red menace". But its hardly fitting.
When you denigrate him for being in the Navy you insist you are only talking about him. But when he talks about your lack of service you try and make it about everyone who didn't serve.

If your comments are only about him then allow that his are only about you. Otherwise you are providing ammunition to prove your own cowardice.

MM's quote clearly refers to more than SM:

and sissies like you were too afraid to serve

i fail to see why you nearly always take up MM's arguments for him...the guy is more hypocritical than what you think SM is being, yet you only defend or take up MM's pov....only one time have i seen you go against MM, that is when he threatened to take this offline by giving my employer my posts etc...the very thing he complains of.

anyways, as can be seen, MM's quote is not solely speaking about SM, he is basically saying that all those who did not serve were too afraid or sissies. that is complete bullshit, but not unexpected from a liar from maine
This thread has gone in many diff. directions but I gotta take it back to the top.

"Even Dick Morris, a pragmatist and moderate who gives advice to Republicans, is telling them to stick to principles, not simply for principle's sake but to ensure ultimate victory."

LOL Dick Morris! moderate?! LOL!!! The reason the Republicon party is in, and will stay in, the mess they are in is because of neo-con corporatists like Morris! Please Oh Please continue following Morris, the junkie Limbaugh, Cheney and Hannity.
Wow how deep vilifying neocon demons. *shrug*

I'm not vilifying neocons. I'm just saying that the last election was about the majority of voters in this country rejecting 30 years of conservative ideology. They've seen the mess it's gotten us into at home and overseas.

So you just continue to listen to Morris, Krauthammer and Cheney and let their rejected corporatist philosophy run your party. Please.
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