I've noticed a new attitude with main stream Republicans

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I'm not vilifying neocons. I'm just saying that the last election was about the majority of voters in this country rejecting 30 years of conservative ideology. They've seen the mess it's gotten us into at home and overseas.

So you just continue to listen to Morris, Krauthammer and Cheney and let their rejected corporatist philosophy run your party. Please.
Continue to demonize these folks instead of responding to the issues raised, please. *shrug*
MM's quote clearly refers to more than SM:

and sissies like you were too afraid to serve

i fail to see why you nearly always take up MM's arguments for him...the guy is more hypocritical than what you think SM is being, yet you only defend or take up MM's pov....only one time have i seen you go against MM, that is when he threatened to take this offline by giving my employer my posts etc...the very thing he complains of.

anyways, as can be seen, MM's quote is not solely speaking about SM, he is basically saying that all those who did not serve were too afraid or sissies. that is complete bullshit, but not unexpected from a liar from maine

flawed logic. sissies like SM and YOU are too afraid to serve... that does not mean that all who did not serve are sissies.
i'm really sick of your lies, i was accepted to the airforce, however, due to family circumstances, i did not join....you never served and were never kidnapped, there is no way the US military would take a lying snot nosed whiney bitch like you....what kind of lying wimp joins a board under a new nick, uses the same insults, posts knowledge about other posters that only MFM would know, and then when called on it by numerous people replies, "i am not that person" "i am not MFM"....all the while you were MFM but came back as moderate democrat. you're a proven liar, and as such your stories about even joining the military are suspect.
i'm really sick of your lies, i was accepted to the airforce, however, due to family circumstances, i did not join....you never served and were never kidnapped, there is no way the US military would take a lying snot nosed whiney bitch like you....what kind of lying wimp joins a board under a new nick, uses the same insults, posts knowledge about other posters that only MFM would know, and then when called on it by numerous people replies, "i am not that person" "i am not MFM"....all the while you were MFM but came back as moderate democrat. you're a proven liar, and as such your stories about even joining the military are suspect.

oooh clearly struck a tender nerve, eh sissie?

I am here on this board as maineman and I have been here a long time... a lot longer than you. I was, in fact, one of the originals when damo created this board as an alternative to FP.com.

And you, of course, are completely wrong about my service... I have demostrated my knowledge of military issues for years here and elsewhere on the board. If you doubt it, I could care less. I know what my paycheck says every month from Uncle Sam... I know what my ID card says... I know where I went and what I did... I had a great time and I learned a lot about a lot of places... and you... like Cheney and SM.... had "other priorities". sissie.:pke:
lmao, now you are using that honest deception again, you know i am talking about another board that you lied to everyone on....and you've been caught lying here....

yawn....you really are boring, it never changes with you....mr. i made up my military service so i can rag on those who did not serve. a true member who served to defend our lives would not belittle those who could not serve. your actions clearly indicate you never served.

now go pound some sand :)
lmao, now you are using that honest deception again, you know i am talking about another board that you lied to everyone on....and you've been caught lying here....

yawn....you really are boring, it never changes with you....mr. i made up my military service so i can rag on those who did not serve. a true member who served to defend our lives would not belittle those who could not serve. your actions clearly indicate you never served.

now go pound some sand

I would NEVER belittle those who COULD not serve.... ONLY those who CHOSE not to and then denigrate the service of those who did simply because they disagree with their politics.... like sissies like you and SM.
i've never denigrated your ALLEGED service, because i doubt you served....i have never denigrated anyone's service.....you are a liar. doubting someone is NOT denigrating.....i'm sure you will point to me not believing your service or what happened to you, but you would be a liar to say that is denigrating your service, you would also be convicting yourself of denigrating my service to the community in my profession, thus you would of course prove you are a lying hypocrite. either way, you lose this argument.

you're a waste of time and are simply a spam bot that rehashes the same tired arguments over and over and over...then you lie, and then repeat....

i've never denigrated your ALLEGED service, because i doubt you served....i have never denigrated anyone's service.....you are a liar. doubting someone is NOT denigrating.....i'm sure you will point to me not believing your service or what happened to you, but you would be a liar to say that is denigrating your service, you would also be convicting yourself of denigrating my service to the community in my profession, thus you would of course prove you are a lying hypocrite. either way, you lose this argument.

you're a waste of time and are simply a spam bot that rehashes the same tired arguments over and over and over...then you lie, and then repeat....


yurt. I don't CARE whether YOU believe that I served. My retired paycheck cashes just the same with or without your approval.


and doubting someone's integrity is not denigrating them? did they teach you that at that lawschool on the back of the matchbook that you "graduated" from?
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flawed logic. sissies like SM and YOU are too afraid to serve... that does not mean that all who did not serve are sissies.
Again, the Southern Man has never backed down for a fight in his life. The real definition of a sissie is someone like you, who writes disgusting sexual stories about a poster's children and wishes death on a poster because you lost a debate to them. *shrug*
Again, the Southern Man has never backed down for a fight in his life. The real definition of a sissie is someone like you, who writes disgusting sexual stories about a poster's children and wishes death on a poster because you lost a debate to them. *shrug*

dixie's story about something he claimed I wrote about his child is just that... a story. And I never really wished for RSR to die in so many words... I did say that I certainly hoped that I outlived him. I would guess that most of us have those same sentiments about most people our own age... we hope we outlive them. I know for certain I feel that way about you.

and you had a chance to serve your nation in harm's way and avoided doing so... you can spin that anyway you want. Most American Legion members might tend to "spin" it a different way.
dixie's story about something he claimed I wrote about his child is just that... a story. And I never really wished for RSR to die in so many words... I did say that I certainly hoped that I outlived him. I would guess that most of us have those same sentiments about most people our own age... we hope we outlive them. I know for certain I feel that way about you.

and you had a chance to serve your nation in harm's way and avoided doing so... you can spin that anyway you want. Most American Legion members might tend to "spin" it a different way.

We all know that you're a liar; this serves as more documentation of that fact. *shrug*
We all know that you're a liar; this serves as more documentation of that fact. *shrug*


what do you got, a mouse in your pocket? Who the hell is "we" here at JPP.com? You and dixie and splurt? :lmao:

and you wouldn't know a fact if it climbed up your well travelled ass.

what do you got, a mouse in your pocket? Who the hell is "we" here at JPP.com? You and dixie and splurt? :lmao:

and you wouldn't know a fact if it climbed up your well travelled ass.

Is that what you "preach" from that make believe pulpit of yours.

Just because you put all your stuffed animal toys, in little chairs, and speak to them; doesn't mean they're a congregation.
Main stream republicans are starting to follow the Conservative's lead. They are no longer looking to compromise with Democrats, but instead ignore the left-wing pundits, dig their heels in and pull hard in the opposite direction. Even Dick Morris, a pragmatist and moderate who gives advice to Republicans, is telling them to stick to principles, not simply for principle's sake but to ensure ultimate victory.

No matter what happens with programs that the Democrats push through, if the GOP sounds the warning loud enough and votes a resounding NO, the Democrats may pass their huge spending bills, but will ultimately own the resulting failure completely.

I am starting to see joy from conservative pundits who see this happening, and like Winston Churchill during the Battle of London, realized that although the country is undertaking massive punishment, the enemy can never defeat us, will ultimately be beaten, beaten badly, and good will be triumphant.

Such is the future of the Democrat Party. :cof1:


what do you got, a mouse in your pocket? Who the hell is "we" here at JPP.com? You and dixie and splurt? :lmao:

and you wouldn't know a fact if it climbed up your well travelled ass.
LOL You liberals using something that you claim is normal moral healthy and natural as an insult, and with incredible consistency. How ironic. *shrug*
LOL You liberals using something that you claim is normal moral healthy and natural as an insult, and with incredible consistency. How ironic. *shrug*

why do you think that bolded section was written as an insult?

the sentence had to do with your well documented inablity to distinguish fact from biased opinion.
why do you think that bolded section was written as an insult?

the sentence had to do with your well documented inablity to distinguish fact from biased opinion.
Are you attempting to claim that the bolded section wasn't a homosexual insult?
Are you attempting to claim that the bolded section wasn't a homosexual insult?

prove that it was meant as one, or stfu.

that's pretty simple, ain't it?

I can't be held responsible for your fragile ego and wavering sense of sexual identity. You take everything as a homosexuial insult... you might consider whether that is a symptom of a deeper problem.
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