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So you think our presence will prolong the violence, yet the article suggests the violence got worse when the troops pulled out of Basra, yet you say it is our responsibility to protect them, yet you say we should pull more troops out?????

Why do you fail to acknowledge that the violence wasn't even there until Bush destabilized the region?
you're link doesn't provide a time of when the murders were committed. As far as I know in 2003, Iraq was stable until the person you voted for twice changed all of that.

It states they were done over two decades. You see, as far as I know, there were no reports given by Saddam as to what the crime rates were. There are no records as far as I know. The reason these atrocities are in our media now is because they CAN be reported.

That is why I asked you to show the number of murders/rapes etc.... prior to 2003. To demonstrate that there is no data. (that I am aware of anyway).
Why do you fail to acknowledge that the violence wasn't even there until Bush destabilized the region?

Why do you fail to acknowledge that violence was there? Just because the Bill Maher didn't care about it at the time doesn't mean it didn't exist.
well see now you are showing your ignorance of the topic.. diehard mormons will usually not marry their spouse before conversation because they want to be married in the temple so that they can be sealed and enter the celestial kingdom. You can't do that after the fact.... so if we are talking about diehard mormon girls, it's conversion first.
They get remarried in Temple after conversion.
Why do you fail to acknowledge that the violence wasn't even there until Bush destabilized the region?

Wasn't it? Then how do you explain the 400k deaths in the mass graves alone? Do you have data that suggests the violence wasn't there or are you just guessing because none of us got those updates from Saddam/Iraq prior to the war?
It states they were done over two decades. You see, as far as I know, there were no reports given by Saddam as to what the crime rates were. There are no records as far as I know. The reason these atrocities are in our media now is because they CAN be reported.

That is why I asked you to show the number of murders/rapes etc.... prior to 2003. To demonstrate that there is no data. (that I am aware of anyway).

The burden of proof is on you. You're the one stating that the country wasn't stable and the invasion was inevitable. From all reports that I've seen in 2003 genocides weren't taking place and there were no WMDs which made Saddam a threat.
it doesn't work that way.
But it does. They can still get sealed later. If a couple converts as they enter the church it can work the same. They have to jump through some hoops, but they can and do get there eventually.
actually it does i was thinking about another ceremony. im an idiot. carry on.

though most diehards want conversation beforehand
Wasn't it? Then how do you explain the 400k deaths in the mass graves alone? Do you have data that suggests the violence wasn't there or are you just guessing because none of us got those updates from Saddam/Iraq prior to the war?

I explain them like this:
The Anfal campaign began in 1986 and lasted until 1989, and was headed by Ali Hassan al-Majid (a cousin of then Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein from the Saddam's hometown of Tikrit). The Anfal campaign included the use of ground offensives, aerial bombing, systematic destruction of settlements, mass deportation, concentration camps, firing squads, and chemical warfare, which earned al-Majid the nickname of "Chemical Ali".

Time for your proof.
The burden of proof is on you. You're the one stating that the country wasn't stable and the invasion was inevitable. From all reports that I've seen in 2003 genocides weren't taking place and there were no WMDs which made Saddam a threat.

Then I am asking YOU to show me the reports that you have seen that say that. I am saying very directly that I have seen no reports either way. So if you have seen reports that contradict me, then provide them.
Then I am asking YOU to show me the reports that you have seen that say that. I am saying very directly that I have seen no reports either way. So if you have seen reports that contradict me, then provide them.

Once again. You're the one CLAIMING Iraq was unstable prior to the invasion. Prior the invasion as far as I know they had a stable secular society that was essentially al queada free. Now they are lucky if htey have electricity.

But don't think too hard about it. I understand. You don't have any because there is none and infact most humanitary agencies conclude that life for most Iraqis was infact better under Saddam than it is now.
well it's semi because we always seem to be getting back together. but im not cheating on her, and yes, she knows Im dating other people.
I explain them like this:
The Anfal campaign began in 1986 and lasted until 1989, and was headed by Ali Hassan al-Majid (a cousin of then Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein from the Saddam's hometown of Tikrit). The Anfal campaign included the use of ground offensives, aerial bombing, systematic destruction of settlements, mass deportation, concentration camps, firing squads, and chemical warfare, which earned al-Majid the nickname of "Chemical Ali".

Time for your proof.

Again, show the evidence that there was not violence or instability. Perhaps you can show a clip from M Moores movie where the Iraqis were simply drinking tea and flying kites.

Side note...

53 confirmed sites.

Yet you expect us to believe that all 400k were prior to even the first gulf war. Yeah, no murders/rapes or anything like the ones in your article since then right?

That is all violent crime data from the United States. I am sure you will show Iraqs at any moment that shows no murders like the ones in your article occured under that benevolent leader Saddam.