Kamala's message is hope - Trump's isn't

Excuses, excuses. Every President has a crisis or 2 to deal with. It's part of the job. And 9/11 was in 2001 - the crash was in 2008.

Dems are better than Republicans w/ the economy. That's just historical fact.

Why are white men too stupid to figure out a way to help unite the races? What's the scoop, Lionfish?
Every president has had crisis deal with? I see two crashes here. The 9/11 attack was an attack on US soil that was unprecedented. It led to a lot of spending and printing of money that created a lot of inflation.

You are only looking at the housing crash of 2008. Let's look at one of the leaders of the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae debacle which involved the government telling the banks to loan money to most anybody and worry about their ability to repay their loans later which led to the subprime mortgage disaster because banks did not want to get stuck with loans to people with no credit ratings to warrant home ownership/

Barney Frank was in charge of Fannie and Freddie and he assured Congress that everything was just fine with these shaky loans. This forum format will not permit more than one video per post so I will let you search for Barney Frank housing and if you have problems get back and I will leave you a string of Barney's bullshit on a number of posts.

G.W. Bush started warning about a potential housing crisis in 2001. I am not a defender of Bush as a have a close friend of the family and when GW was nominated, he said, my God, they picked the dumb one in the family.

Watch this short video for a time line.

Every president has had crisis deal with? I see two crashes here. The 9/11 attack was an attack on US soil that was unprecedented. It led to a lot of spending and printing of money that created a lot of inflation.

You are only looking at the housing crash of 2008. Let's look at one of the leaders of the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae debacle which involved the government telling the banks to loan money to most anybody and worry about their ability to repay their loans later which led to the subprime mortgage disaster because banks did not want to get stuck with loans to people with no credit ratings to warrant home ownership/

Barney Frank was in charge of Fannie and Freddie and he assured Congress that everything was just fine with these shaky loans. This forum format will not permit more than one video per post so I will let you search for Barney Frank housing and if you have problems get back and I will leave you a string of Barney's bullshit on a number of posts.

G.W. Bush started warning about a potential housing crisis in 2001. I am not a defender of Bush as a have a close friend of the family and when GW was nominated, he said, my God, they picked the dumb one in the family.

Watch this short video for a time line.

I mean, it's always the Dem's fault when a Republican is President. Under Bush, it was Frank. Under Trump, it was the "Dem Governors."

Republicans have terrible economies, recessions & crashes - but it's always some Democrat that is causing that.

Kind of interesting.

Historical fact remains, however. Bush Sr. had a bad economy, and Clinton led us to our greatest prosperity. GW had a major crash, and Obama led us on our longest recovery. Trump lost more jobs than any other President, and close to 15 million have been added under Biden.

The economy does better under Democrats. That's indisputable.
It's very reminiscent of Obama - and the enthusiasm is, as well. This is obviously a movement.

And it's aspirational. Harris talks about America the way I want to hear America talked about - the vast potential, the call to unity, how much we can achieve if we work together. It's an uplifting message. It appeals to the proverbial better angels of our nature.

Trump? His positivity starts & ends with "Make America Great Again." But his words are dark, and negative. They are all in the vein of his "American Carnage" speech - WWIII, economic Depression, losers & idiots.

It's a pretty clear choice. Hope & positivity vs. division & hate.

I'm a centrist. I was a Kasich guy in 2016, and I haven't voted Democrat since 2008. I haven't been this excited about a candidate in my lifetime.
You think Hope and Joy are campaign platforms?

The truth? You mean the guy that thinks he got more people than MLK? THAT GUY? Woah.

Actually they aren't as dark as Donny needs them to be. This whole myth of the swarms of murdering immigrants coming over the border like some scene in World War Z is just bunk. You are being amped up.

Yeah there's some bad shit going on. There ALWAYS is. The one thing that DOES concern me for the future is that we are seeing the rise of the Far Right Nationalists across the globe. Kind of like what we saw in the 1930's. It's worrisome because when people get into their heads that they need to pull inwards and they start to look around for a group to demonize to account for anything they are unhappy about, usually bad things happen. And we have to go through the whole cycle again.

But really, yeah things are expensive now. They were at other times in my life. But it passes. What DOESN'T help is painting the picture blacker than it is just to scare people into voting for you.
Nothing reeks of irony more than a dumb, low IQ, lying leftist hack whining about liars while supporting serial liars and grifters.
While Kamala may not be the absolute top shelf candidate she is still good.

Really? Discuss what is "good" about Comrade Kamala.

And she is a MUCH needed breath of fresh air, more youthful exuberance, and that positivity vibe.

Wrong. She's much the same stale stench of Biden only dumber. ;)

It could be that we are being sold a bill o goods but if I'm being sold a bill of goods as to whether America is worth saving or if it is a horrid hellhole I think I will prefer the version where America is worth saving.

You are being sold a false bill of goods. You seem to enjoy being a gullible dumb lemming who enjoys being lied to and gaslighted.
Explain to me how a man who has been a millionaire since age 8,

Lie, lame and stupid.

who flies around in a private 737 jet (not a small private jet mind you),

It's not a 737 dipshit. You brain dead leftist lemmings can't even get the most obvious things right.

who proclaims to all who will listen that he is amazingly wealthy, how THAT person "gets" it?

Trump doesn't need to proclaim his wealth to anyone. It's obvious as he owns a Boeing 757 to fly himself around in.

You should stop watching MSNBC. It's making you dumber and more ignorant.

I have a bridge you may be interested in purchasing.

Lame. :palm:
Lie, lame and stupid.

Truth. His dad made him a millionaire for tax purposes at age 8.

it's not a 737 dipshit. You brain dead leftist lemmings can't even get the most obvious things right.

You're right. It's a 757. My bad.

Trump doesn't need to proclaim his wealth to anyone. It's obvious as he owns a Boeing 757 to fly himself around in.

Thank GOD for liberal bankruptcy laws that allowed him to stiff his creditors on SIX SEPARATE OCCASIONS so he could reserve enough money for himself.


I do. I feel that there is such a fatigue out there - not just at Trump's negative rhetoric, but at all of the division, hate, casual references to civil war....all of it.

People WANT to hope. They want to feel good about their future - and our future. They want to feel like we're all Americans, even though we disagree.

Hope always wins. I feel that strongly. I love the Harris campaign.
Ironic from a Comrade Kamala supporter who defends the hate filled moronic claims from the DNC. Calling your opponent's existential threats is about the most divisive stupid thing Democrats have ever bloviated.
Get out of your house sometime and tell me if you feel nothing but doom and gloom. I go out and I see people wanting to live and love how they please. Hard workers just trying to carve that slice of the American dream.

The way Trump talks, there's people around every corner waiting to kill you, take your job, invade your country, and turn your kids gay or trans. Being that paranoid is WEIRD.
Bullshit peddler says what?

I mean, it's always the Dem's fault when a Republican is President. Under Bush, it was Frank. Under Trump, it was the "Dem Governors."

Republicans have terrible economies, recessions & crashes - but it's always some Democrat that is causing that.

Kind of interesting.

Historical fact remains, however. Bush Sr. had a bad economy, and Clinton led us to our greatest prosperity. GW had a major crash, and Obama led us on our longest recovery. Trump lost more jobs than any other President, and close to 15 million have been added under Biden.

The economy does better under Democrats. That's indisputable.
Were going to need hip waders when lie peddlers like you erupt halfwit.

Truth. His dad made him a millionaire for tax purposes at age 8.

You got this bullshit from Business Insider didn't you dipshit. :laugh:

You're right. It's a 757. My bad.

I'm always right. You're always wrong.

Thank GOD for liberal bankruptcy laws that allowed him to stiff his creditors on SIX SEPARATE OCCASIONS so he could reserve enough money for himself.


It's obvious you've never owned anything or created a job. Only useless twits on the internet believe that success comes without failures.
Really? Discuss what is "good" about Comrade Kamala.

Hmmmm, she's an accomplished litigator with tons of experience. AND she doesn't go around loudly proclaiming how she is going to burn it all down if she doesn't win.

Wrong. She's much the same stale stench of Biden only dumber. ;)

I gotta say, I love this whole "Kamala is dumb" approach you guys take. I mean given that you all are a bunch of mouthbreathing trailer trash who wouldn't know certiorari from enablement it's HILARIOUS seeing you sit in judgement of someone else's intelligence.

I mean it's comedy gold!