Kamala's message is hope - Trump's isn't

I mean, it's always the Dem's fault when a Republican is President. Under Bush, it was Frank. Under Trump, it was the "Dem Governors."

Republicans have terrible economies, recessions & crashes - but it's always some Democrat that is causing that.

Kind of interesting.

Historical fact remains, however. Bush Sr. had a bad economy, and Clinton led us to our greatest prosperity. GW had a major crash, and Obama led us on our longest recovery. Trump lost more jobs than any other President, and close to 15 million have been added under Biden.

The economy does better under Democrats. That's indisputable.
Not the case at all, Bush was a spending fool, and so was Trump. Arguments can be made that this is all the dog chasing its tail.

Until someone, anyone cuts spending and gets rid of a lot of useless redundant government agencies, we are all screwed.

As for the housing crisis, watch the video which is a very accurate documented video.

I will leave you with this shouting match,

Nope. A bio of Trump I read a while back.

Link to that bio halfwit. :palm:

LOLOLOL. Love how you justify giving freebies to "billionaires".

Billionaires don't need freebies. That's why Trump worked as President without his salary. Unlike that corrupt. grifting mentally challenged dunce Biden.

As if YOU have created any value for our economy! LOLOL

I have. Unlike you, who thinks that success comes without failure and bankruptcies. You really are THAT fucking dumb. :laugh:
Hmmmm, she's an accomplished litigator with tons of experience.

How so? Because she incarcerated pot smokers while admitting she smoked pot?

AND she doesn't go around loudly proclaiming how she is going to burn it all down if she doesn't win.

Who is proudly proclaiming that other than mental cases like you?

If she implemented her Soviet style policies and court packing, Comrade Kamala would do just that.

I gotta say, I love this whole "Kamala is dumb" approach you guys take.

I'm amused a dumbass like you thinks she isn't dumb.

I mean given that you all are a bunch of mouthbreathing trailer trash who wouldn't know certiorari from enablement it's HILARIOUS seeing you sit in judgement of someone else's intelligence.

There you go again, projecting like a triggered mental case again.

I mean it's comedy gold!

I wish your ignorance and stupidity were funny. But because you might vote, it's kind of scary.
Not the case at all, Bush was a spending fool, and so was Trump. Arguments can be made that this is all the dog chasing its tail.

Until someone, anyone cuts spending and gets rid of a lot of useless redundant government agencies, we are all screwed.

Wrong. Presidents don't spend. They merely sign the spending Congress passes into law. If they veto it, they sometimes get overruled. Democrats haven't passed a balanced budget for more than 50 years. Republicans have.

As for the housing crisis, watch the video which is a very accurate documented video.
I will leave you with this shouting match,

I believe that is what the court systems were doing right up until one of Trump's political appointees gutted it.

"Unconstitutional"? Trump doesn't know the Constituion so he doesn't give a fuck about it.
so, for the sake of your 'trumped up' argument, say trump executive orders something completely dictatorial and unconstitutional, congress/senate does nothing, and the so called rogue court declares it legal.....................what do you do? what do you think millions of citizens are going to do?

That's all spin. "Slowest recovery" is pretty mild criticism. It's better than a crash, like Bush had.

And I love, love, love how conservatives keep saying that a black man should have solved our race issues.

Racism is targeted at blacks and other minorities, in general. How is a black man supposed to solve that, and "unite" us?
you think white people can't be targets of racism?
so, for the sake of your 'trumped up' argument, say trump executive orders something completely dictatorial and unconstitutional, congress/senate does nothing, and the so called rogue court declares it legal.....................what do you do? what do you think millions of citizens are going to do?

What do I think millions of Americans are going to do? Well I can tell you already there are millions who want this strong-man dictator wanna-be fraudster convicted felon sexual assualter as PRESIDENT. So I'm guessing millions of Americans will be quit happy when Trump signs whatever executive order your fantasy includes.

I honestly would put NOTHING past his followers at this point in time. We've seen the play before.
What do I think millions of Americans are going to do? Well I can tell you already there are millions who want this strong-man dictator wanna-be fraudster convicted felon sexual assualter as PRESIDENT. So I'm guessing millions of Americans will be quit happy when Trump signs whatever executive order your fantasy includes.

I honestly would put NOTHING past his followers at this point in time. We've seen the play before.
what about the millions who will NOT sign on to his bullshit?
what about the millions who will NOT sign on to his bullshit?

Why are you asking this silliness? We already know what will happen. We watched it with Jan 6. In a REAL universe where rules made sense Trump would be sitting in a prison now charged with attempting to overthrow the US Government. Instead we are treated to millions of us having to watch as you lot re-cast and re-configure reality to comport with your stupid lies.

We already know what will happen if Trump is in power.
It's very reminiscent of Obama - and the enthusiasm is, as well. This is obviously a movement.

And it's aspirational. Harris talks about America the way I want to hear America talked about - the vast potential, the call to unity, how much we can achieve if we work together. It's an uplifting message. It appeals to the proverbial better angels of our nature.

Trump? His positivity starts & ends with "Make America Great Again." But his words are dark, and negative. They are all in the vein of his "American Carnage" speech - WWIII, economic Depression, losers & idiots.

It's a pretty clear choice. Hope & positivity vs. division & hate.

I'm a centrist. I was a Kasich guy in 2016, and I haven't voted Democrat since 2008. I haven't been this excited about a candidate in my lifetime.
Hope for what? Positivity about what? Democrats have been whining for years America is a systemically racist country. Obama said president for 8 years and after those 8 years Americans have been at each other's throats. For 11 of the past 15 years Democrats have had the White House in this systemically racist country. Most major urban areas in America have been under democrat control for decades and most of them are shit holes. Hope for and positivity for what?
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What do I think millions of Americans are going to do? Well I can tell you already there are millions who want this strong-man dictator wanna-be fraudster convicted felon sexual assualter as PRESIDENT. So I'm guessing millions of Americans will be quit happy when Trump signs whatever executive order your fantasy includes.

I honestly would put NOTHING past his followers at this point in time. We've seen the play before.
Another massive pile of triggered bile from the mental case.

Why are you asking this silliness? We already know what will happen. We watched it with Jan 6. In a REAL universe where rules made sense Trump would be sitting in a prison now charged with attempting to overthrow the US Government. Instead we are treated to millions of us having to watch as you lot re-cast and re-configure reality to comport with your stupid lies.

We already know what will happen if Trump is in power.
They can be - I never said they couldn't. It's why I added "in general."

And, in general, blacks & minorities are much more negatively impacted by racism.
Wrong again halfwit. They are far more negatively impacted by other young blacks committing crimes in their neighborhoods.

I wish leftists had an IQ above room temperature. But then, the DNC couldn't lie and gaslight them all the time.