Moral rot of the FBI?

like a secret masonic code?

you're right.

those guys are fags.

It’s a famous line from Breaking Bad

He is explaining to his wife who he is now

She found out he’s dealing drugs he manufactures

She tells him someone will knock at the door and kill them

He explains she doesn’t understand

HE IS the one who knocks
18 Former Trump Officials Say His Claim of a "Standing Order" to Declassify Documents is Ludicrous Horseshit

Washington (CNN) In the days since the FBI seized classified and top secret documents from Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort, the former President and his allies have claimed that Trump had a "standing order" to declassify documents he took from the Oval Office to the White House residence.

But 18 former top Trump administration officials tell CNN they never heard any such order issued during their time working for Trump, and that they believe the claim to be patently false.

Several officials laughed at the notion. One senior administration official called it "bullsh*t." Two of Trump's former chiefs of staff went on the record to knock down the claim.

There was no "standing order". Why do twump fans buy that nonsense?
J Edgar Hoover was more than half a century ago, and to the extent the FBI engaged in legally dubious activities it was almost always directed at the political left - spying on MLK, Malcolm X, anti-war protestors, socialist college professors, etc.

These MAGA fools will not get over their rage their criminal cult leader was caught. ExcessPain's a great example of racist, right wing, ignorant hate.

The guy's such a hate-filled, ignorant idiot, I doubt he ever hits the toilet.

...the comments being made here are all appropriate to this thread. There are no threads on the Internet so thinly defined as to exclude comment of the sort being scorned by you two.

The quality of the American right here in JPP is abysmal. You two seem at least to be a cut above that pond scum.

Live up to that. Do that...for America...for the rest of the International community...

...for yourselves. For your self dignity.

What the right here on JPP has down pat, is how to lie. It's all they do. I've not seen an honest argument yet by any of our trump cult, which is all they all are.
Then can you kindly explain why not one single LWer actually brought up the Michigan boondoggle that was laid out in the INITIAL POST. You are a good guy Frank,....but this time you're excuse doesnt fly. Lets be honest here....they just dont want to talk about Michigan because it derails their talking points.

If you can find a real news source and not just a right wing cult opinion piece that supports any of the shit your OP claims, we'll talk.

Why do you fucks think we're as stupid as you? Here's about your "source":

The American Mind media bias rating is Lean Right.
The American Mind has a Lean Right bias.

The American Mind publishes opinion/op-ed content, not hard news pieces.

An independent review of The American Mind by an AllSides editorial team member in May 2020 found that The American Mind publishes content critical of both Democrats and Republicans, and frequently publishes content exploring ideas of civilization, nation, elite institutional collapse, and more. It has published pieces critical of multiculturalism, porn, online suppression of disfavored speech, and special interests in higher education.

About The American Mind
The American Mind's about page states that it is "an online publication of the Claremont Institute dedicated to the ideas that drive our political life." The Claremont Institute is a conservative think tank based in Upland, California.
The American Mind...and the Claremont Institute are extreme right wing rags, Stone. A person who tends left would trust them about as much as one of you right wingers would trust a piece like that from CNN or MSNBC.

The story has some elements of reporting...and much larger opinion elements that do not add up enough for a comment.

Two of the four were found not guilty (they were not found innocent) and two others were not.


The American right has gone totally insane. Divorce yourself from it, Stone, now...while some semblance of self-respect can be maintained.

And that's another thing. They pull nonsense opinion pieces of these rage-rags and call it, "evidence". These right-wing fucks cannot distinguish "opinion" from "fact".
The American left has gone just as crazy if not more. Unless you forgot the 4 years of rioting, killing, burning, looting that went on while those on the left not attending the flame party sat silent or worse yet encouraged it. If you dont think THAT is crazy Frank,....then yeah,..all hope is lost.

BTW... much of the rioting didnt even involve BLM if you remember. Much of the rioting involved a bunch of crazy people who could not and would not accept the 2016 election results. TRAITORS! ;)

So here's why you're such an ignorant fuck:

The BLM riots were not conducted, by "the left". No Democrat ordered the criminal fucks posting as BLM protestors to riot.

Now.. with 1/6: Donald Trump himself ordered the attack.

See the difference? There is no "left wing cabal" butt face. Try to grab a clue.
The agency are made up of people, like the police force, the CIA, the DOJ, the Congress, the Supreme Court. There are going to be some bad actors, but thankfully, so far, the major are decent people who do their jobs and follow the laws.

A free press is vital as are whistleblowers to bring to light the bad actors.

The FBI dared to conduct themselves professionally and catch their cult leader stealing stuff and the cult can't get over it.
The FBI is arguably the most conservative institution in the US government, and since at least the 1970s every FBI director has been a white Republican male.

That's right. Every FBI director in our entire adult lives has been a Republican white male.

All they did at mara-lardo was execute a lawfully granted warrant. By the right wing pants-shitting you'd think the FBI ran over a herd of babies with a steam roller.

And they call Democrats "crazy". Wow.