Moral rot of the FBI?

You are nuts, Stone. That shit never happened.

Hillary Clinton immediately conceded the loss...and congratulated Trump on his victory. NOTHING anything like what the right has done since Trump got his ass royally kicked in 2020...happened from the left.

NEVER in the history of America has a loser done what Trump and his morons have done.

Get out from that sewer.

Nicely put!
There werent violent protests after the election of 16? Are you o.k?


Name one Democratic president who refused to accept the results of an election, attacked their own country and tried to murder their vice president.

We'll wait.


Just name the Democratic president who ordered these people to protest. We're still waiting. We know who masterminded the 1/6 coup attempt.


Until the left admits and atones for what it HAS DONE there will be no peace. How could there possibly be?

The left has not done anything except win free and fair elections. Something you and your hate-filled MAGA nuts will never accept.
The left seems to think that they can demand the right atone for their mistakes while PRETENDING that they made none. Even though the LW violence lasted for YEARS. In what reality is that o.k? Does anyone in their right fucking mind REALLY believe the right would ever even think about moving forward under those conditions. NOT A FUCKING CHANCE. The right will crush your fucking asses,...whenever they feel like it. In fact,...if this absurd denial bullshit of the left continues on I would fully expect a beatdown delivered to them. If the left does not admit and atone for what they have done they have some very dark days coming their way. NO MORE LIES.

Still waiting for you to tell us which Democratic president ordered anyone to attack anyone in America. So far there's only been one president who's done that.

Why are you such a hate-filled, lying, pile of garbage?
Trump has never been convicted, charged or indicted. The only thing you know how to do is spew mentally ill bullshit. :palm:

The night is young, Princess. Trump has never been in legal/criminal trouble before. The GOP and Bill Barr can't protect him from prosecution any more.

He's done.
Yep. The leadership is rotten to the core. There was a time when we had journalism in this country they would expose it. Today they cheer it. Sad. :palm:

1. It wasn’t a raid
2. It wasn’t Biden
3. Trump isn’t on the ballot
4. It was > 90 days before midterms
5. Judge found probable cause
6. Classified documents were found
7. Trump had no right to docs as ex-POTUS
8. Trump increased the penalties for such crimes
I guess it's encouraged to trash the FBI now. Because Trump says so.

Personally, I thank them as a patriotic American, for all of the hard work they've done protecting me and others.

"What's the FBI?" Is the question our children's children will be asking bootlicker.

It will be top ten right behind: "you did what to babies?" and right ahead of why would you give unnecessary hysterectomies to children?"
Quote Originally Posted by Frank Apisa View Post
You are nuts, Stone. That shit never happened.

Hillary Clinton immediately conceded the loss...and congratulated Trump on his victory. NOTHING anything like what the right has done since Trump got his ass royally kicked in 2020...happened from the left.

NEVER in the history of America has a loser done what Trump and his morons have done.

Get out from that sewer.

LurchAdams : Nicely put!


Um yeah that is total bullshit.

The night is young, Princess. Trump has never been in legal/criminal trouble before. The GOP and Bill Barr can't protect him from prosecution any more.

He's done.

You're never right about anything. In fact, you really are quite stupid and ignorant and seem to enjoy looking like a dumbass and being wrong all the time. :palm:
1. It wasn’t a raid

Yes, it was dumbass. :palm:

2. It wasn’t Biden

Yes, it was dumbass. :palm:

3. Trump isn’t on the ballot

Democrats apparently think he is, dumbass. :palm:

4. It was > 90 days before midterms

Meaning what dumbass? :palm:

5. Judge found probable cause

He wasn't a judge dumbass. :palm:

6. Classified documents were found

Anything the President has in his possession is no longer classified. The President is the final arbiter in what is classified dumbass. :palm:

7. Trump had no right to docs as ex-POTUS

He absolutely does dumbass. :palm:

8. Trump increased the penalties for such crimes[/SIZE][/B]

Bullshit dumbass.

If you think a document dispute is going to put Trump in jail, you're a bigger moron than I already know you to be. :palm: