Museum of Atheism


Organized religion is

It creates the perfect scaffolding for evil people to climb to power over others

Religion is fine

Organizing it into power structures that can use that power against mankind is evil

I think the Bolsheviks were particularly resentful of religion because they saw the Tsar and the Russian Orthodox church as two sides of the same coin

If the tsarist state and the Church had not been so closely bound together, if there was some separation of church and state, the Soviet's campaign against religion might have been less harsh.
Man is inherently moral

Yes individuals may be immoral

That is because they have malfunctioning brain wiring

They are the exception and not the rule

They are not fully functioning humans
If you can, but since you have habit of evading answering questions, I doubt you are able to do so.

How long have you known you are bipolar, Jack? You're in your late 60s now, aren't you?

See, this is what YOU posted: "Religion was the main proponent of the sciences in the ancient world. Why do you think that was? "
Then, I posted this: "You know that because of this guy, NOT 'Religion'.

"Galileo was once again called before the Inquisition and this time was found guilty of heresy. Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1633. Because of his age and poor health, he was allowed to serve his imprisonment under house arrest. Galileo died on January 8, 1642.
Date of death: January 8, 1642
Born: February 15, 1564, Pisa
Professions: physicist, astronomer

Galileo Galilei - StarChild - NASA"

Proving that you have no idea what you are talking about.
I think the Bolsheviks were particularly resentful of religion because they saw the Tsar and the Russian Orthodox church as two sides of the same coin

If the tsarist state and the Church had not been so closely bound together, if there was some separation of church and state, the Soviet's campaign against religion might have been less harsh.

Not just the Bolsheviks, but all the natives of South and Central American when the Spaniards moved in with the Catholic Church tagging along.

Interestingly, who were the heroes and who were the villains in Alexander Dumas's Musketeer books? LOL
I think the Bolsheviks were particularly resentful of religion because they saw the Tsar and the Russian Orthodox church as two sides of the same coin

If the tsarist state and the Church had not been so closely bound together, if there was some separation of church and state, the Soviet's campaign against religion might have been less harsh.

Because the tsars USED belief to control others

Which is why organized religion is evil

Individuals are forced to tailor their natural beliefs to fit a power structure and not the souls of individual humans

Organized religion can not exist without forcing others to bow to the created power over their own souls inherent knowledge
Disagreed. There are beliefs and there are religions which are simply people with the same beliefs.

A person doesn't need a church to have beliefs, but if they belong to a religion, there are rules for that religion.

For example, how could a Satanic cocksucker like PmP be a Christian based on his total abandonment of Christian values? He can't. Sure, he can say he believes in Jesus, but his actions are totally contrary to the Christian religion therefore, he's not a Christian.

Define Christian values?Outside of Jesus the entire Christian religion organized or not is made up of sinners and fuck ups.
See, this is what YOU posted: "Religion was the main proponent of the sciences in the ancient world. Why do you think that was? "
Then, I posted this: "You know that because of this guy, NOT 'Religion'.

"Galileo was once again called before the Inquisition and this time was found guilty of heresy. Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1633. Because of his age and poor health, he was allowed to serve his imprisonment under house arrest. Galileo died on January 8, 1642.
Date of death: January 8, 1642
Born: February 15, 1564, Pisa
Professions: physicist, astronomer

Galileo Galilei - StarChild - NASA"

Proving that you have no idea what you are talking about.

I figured you'd refuse to answer the bipolar question. Jack, your "proof" about Galileo and the Catholics in 1642 AD negates over 1,600 years of religious history after the Crucifixion.

Why do you think your Galileo and the Catholics is definitive proof of everything you believe?
:) I've given you my 2 cents on the topic. If anybody is 'dodging and tap dancing' it's you.
In your brain, the Asians, the Africans, and everybody else born before the New Testament was stated was immoral and unethical and had no code of honor to live by.

Cypress over thinks everything,but has no beliefs ,classic can't see the forest for the trees.
We are moral because we are human

There are exceptions individually

Broken and malformed people

If you feel compassion is often FAKED

You must face that you are very likely a broken or malformed human


it’s real

Just studying the field of advertising can prove that to you

Kindness sells

Even broken people know that

They think it’s stupid for kindness to sell

That is not true

It’s wonderful that kindness sells

The stupid part comes to in from the evil fuck who uses the fact that kindness sells to harm others

Being evil is being stupid

Caring is not stupid

It’s human and SMART
We are a pack animal at heart

Mutually aided survival

The loner had a very low level of survival and reproduction

We NEED each other

Which creates a moral code based on survival

Those that survived to reproduce and populate were those with a better natural propensity to feel compassion for others

That requires a higher brain function

And ability to over ride fright or flight

To think of others first

The survival of the pack over the individuals survival

To work in tandem with other requires higher brain function also

Hence mankind’s brains grew

Those with better survival and reproduction rates had higher brain function

A genetic preference for individuals with higher brain function was inseparable from compassion for others

We are compassionate because we were smart

To be human is to be compassionate

Those with aberrations of the brain that make them in compassionate are flawed humans

It may seem harsh but it is just true

We are born with morals as a species

Most people are mostly good

A few are like saints

And a few are complete rat bastards

Humanity explained

I'm thinking Trump is one of those "rat bastards"